>When an alien takes the form of an adult film star, both must learn to cope with the complexities of being human in this mesmerizing film festival favorite. Lauren Ashley Carter plays the dual role of Julianna and the alien.
No HD version yet! ITT we wait for the HD version.
Yes but it hasn't been uploaded yet. Somebody is holding it back.
Daniel White
Liam Morris
This is like an even more Indie version of Under The Skin but without all the feminism.
Josiah Johnson
Carter Gutierrez
>7.0 from only 25 imdb users no thanks.
Wyatt Lee
>imdb has an influence on me :D Remove yourself now
James Hernandez
find a better way to promote your shit movie, moron.
Jordan Campbell
This. What the fuck are you doing? Have you seen the imdb top films? Full of trash.
Juan Richardson
This. I haven't seen either of these films but came in this thread to say it looks the same as under the skin.
Joshua Smith
>promote >hey guys this torrent it out wow just kys your self
Justin Reed
this movie is absolute shit. couldn't believe how bad it was.
Logan Morris
it seems people on the crew or related to people on the crew gave it a 10. everyone else gave a 2 or lower.
Liam White
>he doesn’t know torrents are literally free advertisements Stop drinking that mpaa koolaid, user.
Sebastian Bennett
>here’s our product free forever please buy it too how do they make money buttmunch?
Carter Green
Not only do people do that, you’d be surprised at how rare piracy is, particularly in the first world. I know several people with PhDs that don’t torrent. Obviously not for lack of intellect, but just because it’s never been done.
Jacob Price
>you’d be surprised at how rare piracy is, particularly in the first world.
lol no. I see people pirating all the time. my old apartment building used to have game of thrones parties using pirated mkvs that were downloaded before the show was aired here on the west coast.
James Long
Jace Price
Wyatt Butler
Looks like the actual feminist version of Under the Skin, which just used feminism as a tool to make a good movie.
Camden Rodriguez
How does having a torrent out financially benefit a film? Everyone who would otherwise not know about it besides the torrent will just torrent it anyway
Andrew Moore
What feminism was there in Under The Skin?
Logan Morris
>i'm blind
Colton Sanders
a woman was in it
Jose Rivera
it's a pathetic attempt at word-of-mouth advertising. they're hoping people who download the film will tell their friends about it, not all of whom torrent movies too. some of them might be dumb enough to buy it.
Brandon Morales
>it's a pathetic attempt at word-of-mouth advertising
except this is done for pretty much every movie with tits or an attractive actress in it.