Do a thing

>do a thing
>a character from a popular movie or TV show does the same thing
>suddenly, people think you only do that thing because you're trying to copy the character

Does this ever happen to you?

Here are mine:

>enjoy wearing a suit ever since the tenth grade (autistic, sure, but I don't mind)
>How I Met Your Mother becomes popular
>"Haha, user, now I know why you're wearing a suit, it's like Barney from HIMYM. Haha, SUIT UP!"

>be anti-big government and often criticize it
>Parks and Rec becomes popular
>"Haha, you're JUST LIKE Ron Swanson, you even sound the same!"

>like to put a toothpick in my mouth when I'm done eating or drinking
>while Drive never was THAT popular, a lot of my friends saw it on my recommendation
>"user, put that thing away, you can't pull it as well as Ryan Gosling did."

>local theater shows The Big Lebowski on the occasion of the movie's 20th anniversary
>next day, go to a bar and order a White Russian, my personal favorite
>bartender asks me if I saw the Big Lebowski at the theater the day before

I can't fucking stand it.

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>be me
>do a thing or say a thing from a movie
>nobody gets it because they never saw the movie and they think I'm original and quirky
Every. Fucking. Time.

>hanging around other people
Who even does this!?

What movies/things are you attempting to imitate?

>Parks and Rec becomes popular
What the fuck is that

>like to put a toothpick in my mouth when I'm done eating or drinking
What a fucking faggot.

Most of those were from people in my school/uni classes.
Apart from that, I do have a close circle of friends. We play D&D and not do much else, honestly. We sometimes meet up at bars for a drink or two.


>be a pet rat enthusiast
>Ron fucking Weasly

I wonder how many rat normies killed because of that retarted cunt

>like to put a toothpick in my mouth when I'm done eating or drinking

Are you ~80? My grandfather used to do that.

Nice blog, fren.