>there is people dont get this is a satyr
There is people dont get this is a satyr
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The chick was a babe
>there is people dont get this is a satyr
She was in her prime
well you dun goofed!
because the world building is actually pretty crazy, but everyone in the film acts like they "REALLY BUY IN TO IT"
and it sells the idea
I don't understand. Which Sartre piece is this referring too?
>Implying any sane person wouldn't prefer to live in that society over what we have now
Nice satyr
These are Argentinian 18 year olds
i though op meant satire
that is what my "chinese commi roommate always talks about"
like "i know comminist is shit and killed a lot of people, but i still wish china can be more commi than what it is like right now"
>the only sane people are those who agree with me
because verhoven is a cuck who wanted to relive his robocop days of sartur
Are we witnessing the birth of a new meme?
It's not satire it's a propaganda film for the universe in the movie.
The idea of limited democracy doesn't sound too bad (people who serve can vote, everyone has the equal opportunity to serve)
>fascist world government
>everything looks better and everbody is happy
>but its le bad in reality
What did Verhoven mean with this?
Watched it for the first time a year ago, and it was amazing. The society portraied, through the characters and news / media, is a unique.
don't put words in my mouth!
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch
>forced to serve in military to be a citizen
>All adults either dead or horribly scarred
>24/7 propaganda films
I don't have a clue
>What did Verhoven mean with this?
That the society portrayed in the movie has never, does not, and will never exist - authoritarianism is a one way fast lane to ruin.
The book was amazing, and the society it describes would be literal perfection.
>"Ah yes, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... Life? What 'right' to life has a man who is drowning in the Pacific? The ocean will not hearken to his cries. What 'right' to life has a man who must die to save his children? If he chooses to save his own life, does he do so as a matter of 'right'? If two men are starving and cannibalism is the only alternative to death, which man's right is 'unalienable'? And is it 'right'? As to liberty, the heroes who signed the great document pledged themselves to buy liberty with their lives. Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes. Of all the so-called natural human rights that have ever been invented, liberty is least likely to be cheap and is never free of cost. The third 'right'?—the 'pursuit of happiness'? It is indeed unalienable but it is not a right; it is simply a universal condition which tyrants cannot take away nor patriots restore. Cast me into a dungeon, burn me at the stake, crown me king of kings, I can 'pursue happiness' as long as my brain lives—but neither gods nor saints, wise men nor subtle drugs, can ensure that I will catch it
Is that a heinlien quote?
The point of it was to make you sacrifice for society. Civilians could do literally anything except vote or hold office. Most of the rich people were civilians.
>"But if you want to serve and I can't talk you out of it, then we have to take you, because that's your constitutional right. It says that everybody, male or female, should have his born right to pay his service and assume full citizenship— but the facts are that we are getting hard pushed to find things for all the volunteers to do that aren't just glorified KP. You can't all be real military men; we don't need that many and most of the volunteers aren't number-one soldier material anyhow...We've had to think up a whole list of dirty, nasty, dangerous jobs that will...at the very least make them remember for the rest of their lives that their citizenship is valuable to them because they've paid a high price for it...A term of service is...either real military service, rough and dangerous even in peacetime...or a most unreasonable facsimile thereof
Yup, from the book. It's Dubois during his civic virtues lesson.
Honestly I don't care its a fun movie.
we should legitimately base political parties off of that book. The mockers and fags can go to hell.
>>at the very least make them remember for the rest of their lives that their citizenship is valuable to them because they've paid a high price for it
This. People are getting more politically active because the cost of political activity is less and less all the time, especially with the advent of social media. It's never been easier nor less meaningful to express a strong political opinion.
no this is a satyr
Based Pan poster.
They shouldn’t have made it awesome then
fascism bad..
but at the same time, fuck the bugs and check out my sharp looking uniform!
>With national governments in collapse at the end of the XXth century, something had to fill the vacuum, and in many cases it was the returned veterans. They had lost a war, most of them had no jobs, many were sore as could be over the terms of the Treaty of New Delhi, especially the P.O.W. foul-up — and they knew how to fight. But it wasn't revolution; it was more like what happened in Russia in 1917 — the system collapsed; somebody else moved in. The first known case, in Aberdeen, Scotland, was typical. Some veterans got together as vigilantes to stop rioting and looting, hanged a few people (including two veterans) and decided not to let anyone but veterans on their committee. Just arbitrary at first — they trusted each other a bit, they didn't trust anyone else. What started as an emergency measure became constitutional practice in a generation or two
I'll be honest, when I went to a viewing of Rifftrax Live to Starship Troopers, I didn't get it was satire. Probably because when you go to Rifftrax you think "Oh it's a bad movie no question about it".
>ywn gun down bugs with your highschool mates
>came here to post this
Well done
I liked the movie, but it shouldn't be called Starship Troopers, because it's nothing like the book. Verhoeven called the book "fascist, racist", all kinds of shit, but he never actually read it. Then all the "intellectuals" joined the party, and called the book fascist, which clearly shows they never actually read it either.
Hope the reboot will be based on the book. I want to see power armor, skinnies, and dog handlers going mad.
>humans are comically inept
>film end as it started
>very good chance you'll be cannon fodder in this or the next alien war
wow truly a paradise
There was other ways to gain citizenship I'm pretty sure. Military was just guaranteed. And citizenship wasn't even that huge of a deal according to Ricos parents (but that might just be because they were rich)
Based Based poster
Carmen was worst girl
>doesn't want to put out because 'le you're not a citizen"
>fucks Zander as soon as she thinks Rico is dead
Ok, so I think we can all agree:
Dizzy > Carmen
Both are QT girls of course. However, where does the girl with short red hair place in the ranking? Certainly below Dizzy, but should she be above or below Carmen? Kindly reply with your thoughts on this matter, I would this to be resolved as soon as possible.
P.S. the wiki says her name is Katrina McIntire.
>ITT: People who misunderstand Starship Troopers because Verhoeven misunderstands Starship Troopers
The brilliant thing about this movie is that you can enjoy it with or without considering it as a satire. Or both at the same time!
why not?
its not like they would always be at war with space bugs, the regular society seemed fine. Rico's parents aren't even citizens but they had a nice house
Holy shit those are satyrs? Are there harpies too? And other mythical creatures?
>It's never been easier nor less meaningful to express a strong political opinion.
I dunno, it's certainly gotten more frivolous. The vast majority of people don't even know what they're talking about, parroting political opinions for likes and a false sense of bravado. Hell, I'm sure the same can even be said about me and I accept that.
Honestly, letting the average civilians have a say in government never ends well, be it in the riots of of the plebians or Le Terreur or Cromwell's reign or the ascension of the NAzi Party and so on. Franchise for all ensures a decline into frivolity that means the end for the political discourse that begat it in the first place.
We're already seeing the gears of democracy worn away in the US. I give the country until 2052 before secessionist movements lead to violence. Screencap this.
Hypergammy, and any non degenerate whore tries to fuck above her station.
the idea is that kind of society only works if it is constantly at war with space bugs
Nice trips but sooner the better. I don't want the party to start when I'm too old to fight.
The biggest problem with Fascism is that it works too well! Whereas all other forms of government either fail or degenerate.
You do realize it's all just rhetoric? Most of Dubios high minded lectures is based off a slight but important misinterpretation of whatever modern ideology he's trying to attack. Please, it's retarded. Fielding a large military with no opponent is a waste of resources.
The girl was a playmate
>>there is people dont get this is a satyr
God damnit I laughed and work up my gf
Denise Richards was so incredibly hot. Her Wild Things scene were even better.
It really was, Verhoeven even said so in an interview. A meteor traveling from Klendaatu to Earth would have had taken forever. The bugs would have had to shoot it long before humanity even existed.
Normally, I would not think that a movie director would think of things like that and would have had assumed that he just didn't know, but he said it himself.
Yeah, they HAD a nice house, before the government that they have no say in used it as a false flag target. What a great life.
so glad someone posted it
>wanting to fight a civil war
No you don't. Grow up.
Way hotter as a milf on Blue Mountain State.
Reminder that Dina Meyer is STILL beautiful after all these years.
>implying the US doesn't have a whole generation of alienated, nihilistic, rage filled young men who would thrive given the chance to unleash violence on the world