Real men also don't grab women by the pussy either

Real men also don't grab women by the pussy either.

Unless they want you to because you're rich and famous. In such cases it would be impolite not to really.

Real men dont touch children CTR

says the faggot

>he has never been with a girl that gets off on abuse

i know people say to never stick their dicks into crazy

but holy fuck it is so much fun

Real men also don't rape interns

Real men don't fuck kids CTR pedo-enablers

Yeah I hear you, it's always a crash and burn situation but if you like a thrill there's not much better than fucking a crazy chick that likes to get the shit beaten out of her and rides that roller coaster of chaos

Real men dont look like faggots either

You're not a real man if you've never grabbed a pussy, cuck.

why do his hands look so creepy?

>Real men also don't grab women by the pussy either.
Correct. A real man slams 2 in the pink, 1 in the stink and picks his bitch up like a bowling ball.

So does nobody talk about the part where he said "they let you do it" immediately before and after that anymore? We've just decided to not talk about it?

Of course not, that would go against their narrative.

Im pretty sure that if they leave bruises, they are real

Does a dick slap count?

Every woman dreams of a rich, famous, handsome, successful man grabbing her by the pussy.

Every. Single. One.

They don't rape either.

What you hear is all hearsay.

Wish someone would tell me what is right.


Real men aren't blood magic practicing pedos

What is she was physically and not figuratively asking for it?

real men beat the shit out women
in self defense of course



if a man hits a man, the man can hit back.

if a woman hits a man, the man can hit back too right?

i mean it IS the current year and the genders are equal? RIGHT?

Pick a man to make that argument.
I mean, I agree with the message, but your messenger is worse than a Mormon carrying the torch for True Conservatism.


Well if you dont even touch her puss you'll stay a virgin forever, fag
>real men grab them by their penis

Real women have diks

trips \m/ (also, hail satan our dark lord)

I love how everyone pretends to care that DJ said "I don't even ask."

The guys in chick flicks don't ask either, for fuck's sake...

Also real men fuck exclusively each other in the ass and suck dogs dicks.



Real men don't give a shit about what women and numales say what a real man is