Any Sup Forums anons who like Mystery Science Theater 3000?
Who is your favorite host?
Who is your favorite bot?
What did you think of the remake?
Who are the best villains?
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Mike, Servo, it sucked, and the mads.
Is it weird that i find Gypsy cute?
depends, ceiling-mounted or floor-mounted?
I like both Mike and Joel. Fight me.
No. Both versions are great.
Mike. Joel's got this smug tone I hate. And Mike has some (not all) decent skit sessions as opposed to Joel's non-stop cringy ones
Servo, but I really don't have a preference. Nu-Servo sucks complete ass tho.
Made for an ADD audience. They cram so many jokes into a single movie line. New Tom Servo sounds like the host and you can't tell them apart. I think the only good episode was the 2nd one with bigfoot. All the other ones are very below average
>You know what my kids say?
>You're not our real father!
The real remake is RiffTrax, which was gold for its first few years.
Joel and mike are both good hosts, fight me.
Crow is my personal favorite bot.
The best villain is dr forester. pearl is cringe worthy and the skits take a nosedive with her and her comrades in cringe.
The secret government Eggo project
Rifftrax started good, but got cringe when they started discovering ten year old stale memes.
What memes?
I never kept up with Rifftrax, I just thought the idea of them doing Sharknado or old MST3K movies was gay.
show was at its best when the original cast was intact. mike was okay as long as he had frank and forrester to play off of . once those two guys left, it was total shit.
Are you me? Except I don't hate Joel, I just find the pacing on his episodes a little too slow.
I like rifftrax and I've spent tons of money supporting them, but for me, the magic of MST3K wasn't just in the movie riffing but the characters and host segments. Rifftrax loses something without those.
>Joel smug
If anything, he always sounds sleepy or depressed
>he likes J Elvis Servo over Kevin Murphy Servo
The show survived Joel leaving, but really suffered when Trace left. Some of the Sci-Fi era shows are GOAT but the seasons aren’t as consistent as Comedy Central seasons 3-6
The original, original servo was complete trash and was glad they replaced his ass
FPBP as fuck
True, but Larry was a better mad than Frank.
Are you fucking kidding me? TV’s Frank was the only funny thing about the sketches
They got really good movies but something felt off the entire time. Lots of bad timing and everything seemed mechanically put in place instead of organic. New guy and the bots didn't have distinct personalities or even voices. Plus the host segments just sucked.
Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank
I've got an encyclopedia of MST3K episodes in my head.
Best host was Joel.
Tie between Crow and Tom Servo for best bot.
Season 11 is terrible, but I still love Joel.
Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank will always be best villains. The rest suck.
Mike & Joel are both great hosts for different reasons but Mike irl is just a better person than Joel. Joel seems like a bitter old man who is pissed off he never accomplished anything after leaving MST and resents that Mike is seen as the main creative force behind the show due to being the lead writer and his later success with Rifftrax.
Always liked Tom, Forrester & Frank and I wouldn't watch the reboot if you paid me