>record scratch
>freeze frame
>You're probably wondering how I got here
Name one movie that uses this trope
>record scratch
>freeze frame
>You're probably wondering how I got here
Name one movie that uses this trope
Other urls found in this thread:
>definitely remember this trope
>cant name even one movie that does this
Emperors new groove
Beat me to it
You are both youngfags and retards.
Emperor's New Groove.
Didn't that shit happen in the Thor movie
Deadpool kind of did it.
>not remembering a specific movie means your mentally impaired and young
Mega Mind
The character saying those exact words? I'm sure it exists but with my brain being bombarded by worthless information through games, bait articles and dumb comments or posts for the last 10 years I can't for the life of me recall a specific example. As for the character reconsidering his options in slow-mo/time freeze while the movie starts with some future event that the story leads to - For example War Dogs and Pain and Gain.
No Country For Old Men
american ultra
>yup that's me
> Baba O'Riley starts playing
Get the Gringo.
Good Fellas.
I remember it happening in trailers.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang did that
Fight Club
>Sup Forums writes a script
only in the trailer
Limitless is the only one I can think of that does that word for word.
I don't know about any others like Emperor's New Groove, but I know my record scratches, bb.
Citizen Kane