Does Hollywood discriminate against women with larger breasts?

Does Hollywood discriminate against women with larger breasts?

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no, just women with no discernable acting talent and the inability to smile without it seeming like she'll consume your first born


Hollywood discriminated against women with roast flaps


Holy shit, is that Jennifer Carpenter? Nice.

>discriminate against women with larger breasts?

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i think it's the baewatch girl

It's Daddario, you oaf

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Large breasts are distracting on screen so most directors prefer to avoid them.

Pit Whore

Yes, and the shit needs to stop.

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Name one woman with any acting talent.

The sweat under their boobs smell horrible

because women hate nothing more than other women (especially prettier ones) and hollywood panders to these idiots

>these will never be in your face

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reddit/facebook/tumblr gif

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Who are these milkers?

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ryan newman and jenna coleman

>tfw big breasted women will never walk towrds me
At least I can see their asses as they run away, I guess... brap...

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Pro tip: if you have a big dick, wear athletic type shorts. They'll ogle you the way you want to ogle them... well, as long as you wear boxers underneath.

>if you have a big dick

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>if you have a big dick

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Just be urself, user.

user, please. You're not rocking anything under 7 are you?

large breast women can't act and even if they could I wouldn't notice

>first born
guess I'm safe then

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look at those fat arms ryry is gonna BALLOON

And that's a good thing.

Why isn't Abigail Shapiro famous yet?

>talented in both singing and acting
>ties in media

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Post more webms.

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tits like that get too much attention. Unless the plot revolves around tits specifically, they won't suite any other role.

>Unless the plot revolves around tits
sounds like kino

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how to raise serial killers

Hollywood needs to cast full figure women. We must stand against this blatant sexism.

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ten times hotter than prime katty perry

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what does this mean???

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>those 5's and boobs

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Those are B cup tits faggot this is a cowtit thread

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>this is a cowtit thread

We're just talking about television and film along with feminism here, friend.

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I'm glad she didn't smile in this one. That lighting and her makeup would have been horrifying

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>Yeah, sorry, we need to shoot this again.

This looks pretty stupid but I need to watch it

kinos with STRONG and POWERFUL yet feminine leads?

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has science gone too far?

It has this scene in it
>Based Judy Henderson

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I guess this is as good a tread to ask this as it is titties related

I'm trying to find a movie I watched like 15years ago but it was already pretty old by then, it was about a noble young woman getting kidnapped by some bandits, deserters or something and she ends up whoring herself to the bandit leader.
I think their base was on a st george sanctuary or something because they kept mentioning a saint all throught the movie
The movie had copious amounts of nudity and the protagonist was a top qt314

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More milky mommies

Flesh and Blood, from the master Verhoeven

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thank you kind user


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Thanks, Judy

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dat Liz

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ruins your thread

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ruins your thread 2

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My girlfriend when we are making love

>jew goblin

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*revives it *

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well at a certain point if your tits are giant titcow mode, it's hard to take you seriously. maybe it will be fine for some roles but any situation where the character is supposed to have a serious moment is dampened by their hilarious mammaries. there are way more famous chestlets than titcows because of the fashion industry skeltal meme

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I don't know who this is and have only seen her in Sup Forums webms but she looks kinda like an upgraded kstew, hoo dis

I actually don't know, either.

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I can never get over that fucking troll with the retarded face those comes and speaker to her like 2 seconds in

Yes. Jews who run Hollywood prefer woman who have bodies of little boys because that’s who they like to fuck.

sex tits of sexy Sex Cocks, cock


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Olivia Taylor Dudley

Olivia Dudley. Shes on The Magicians.

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>I can't get over the fact that some people look wonky and it greatly disturbs me when I'm reminded that some people have suboptimal faces

behold, the power of the information age's media saturation where neckbeards are disgusted when they see an ugly person because their brain is forcefed a constant stream of people more attractive than they (or even most humans) will ever be.

who the fuck is this qt


I have been wondering is it common to go to bed with full make-up in USA?

>you have a big dick

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I'm drunk but vaguely remember she was one of those famous "kids react" youtubers from 5+ years ago and was a meme waifu of ephebsters, she went full thot after that. just look at google kids react blond girl and you'll probably find her or Sup Forums will tell you. she used to be popular here too

10/10 tits
8/10 ass

pretty face

if we were in 2010 she would be chosen to play Captain Marvel

wait lol I don't even think that's the same girl, doesn't the youtube one have a mole. you guys know which one I'm talking about