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On it!!

Interesting. Although it probably gave me more Hillary because of that gender question disguised as equal pay for equal work.

Also, why does Trump have brown eyes in this?

What an absolutely trash poll.
>Should the Government raise the minimum wage
No way to just say "No."
>Should women get equal pay for equal work.
Ticked yes and it probably gave me points for Hillary.


You all know the "don't know/no opinion" option is there for a reason right?

My results. Probably due to be pro-choice...
38.6 Hillary 61.4 Trump

>Do you think the U.S. should raise the federal minimum wage?

The only options are

>No matter what, minimum wage should be adjusted for based on age groups
...what? Why isn't it yes or no?

I don't want a minimum wage at ALL.

Yes, but I didn't realize it was a Hillary response until after. "Equal pay for equal work" is what people say when they argue against the gender wage gap's existence.

there is an "other" on every question you fucking autistic tard

71 and some decimal for donald
yeah some of these questions are dumb

No shit asshole, but that doesn't answer why isn't there a YES or a NO. This quiz is clearly poorly made, just look at the "Do you support getting paid the same salary for the same work (in terms of gender)?" question.

I'd be perfectly fine with a yes or no answer and then other, that's what I usually get, but that question is leading to the idea that minimum wage should ever be raised.

questions are loaded as fuck.


Who the fuck drew that? Hillary looks like fucking Oberstein and Trump looks like Kahn from King of the Hill bleached his skin and hair.


Literally no candidate disagrees with this, this question should not have any sway on the results.
So why is it here?

Not to mention, is anyone going to note that they made it so hillary is smiling and Trump is frowning with a scowl?

This is such a shitty questionnaire.


75.4 trump

a few of the questions are rigged, and the phrasing seems to have a heavy liberal bias - it's all 'do you support liberal cause x', you have to at least try to come from the opposite angle sometimes.

>55.8% Hilary
>44.2% Trump
What the hell man? I planned on voting for Trump.

Just because I lean left on some things doesn't mean I support Hilary. I wasn't for Bernie either.


>only 58%

I selected "don't know" for all questions and got 50.6% Hillary 49.4% Trump. Hillary voters confirmed low info.

>So why is it here?

Why is Clinton smiling, while Trump frowning?

I mean, this is the questionnaire that thinks "do you support equal pay for equal work" is a hillary belief.

If it has a liberal bias, then why isn't trying to tell everyone that Hillary is their true candidate?

Why, Texas, why?
Also, fug.

>Not to mention, is anyone going to note that they made it so hillary is smiling and Trump is frowning with a scowl?

Probably because Trump is the voice of the disenfranchised and Hillary is a robot controlled by the elite.

I'm 100% Trump.

Don't need a fucking bot to tell me not to vote for pedo scum.


How come trump looks angry and hillary looks happy? Seems a bit tacky.


Pick one.


Why is she all happy while Trump looks like a gloomy asshole, He has smiled before.

>Trump blue
>Hilldawg red

I got 75% and I'm a hardcore libertarian. Get in my level conservative cucks.


Poll is complete trash

This was my result only selecting

"I don't know / don't have an opinion"

Vote Hillary then

This was the result if your answers were

Skewed bs

tbf Trump represents the anger of working class America, while hillary represents the happily ignorant and the happy elite

I thought it was an "equal output for equal input" sort of deal.

I guess I got Hilary because I don't care about the gays and don't think we should raise sales tax.

Guys. Why are the party colors flipped in this?

I noticed that too. They're intentionally making Hillary look happy and Trump looks like an angry asshole. Fucking mind games.

A higher percentage should be Hillary in this case, actually.

Think about the kind of voters who would select "don't know" on every tangible policy issue.

Good to finally know I was not wrong.

That was my exact reaction.

How absurd.

That is exactly what the phrase means, it's just that the argument against the gender pay gap isn't that women aren't being paid fairly, it's that women aren't doing as much work.

Because it makes you vote for hilary
Try answering neutral to everything except that one and this is what you get

I got Hillary Clinton but I voted for Trump. I know I agree with her platform more but I like Trump more.

>Hillary drawn to look more positive
>no "No" answer for Raise Min Wage
>Yes No answers jump around on certain questions


Questions had a liberal bias in their phrasing.

57% Trump for me.


Does anyone notice how they make Trump angry?



I'm ashamed to see so many other Sup Forumsacks with anything less than 100% support for the future president of the united states.

>Clinton smiling
>Trump frowning
>"Equal pay for equal work" probably gives you Clinton points
I wonder who's behind this test.

75% for the Don. Fuck the poorly disguised questions.

Dropped after no "No" option.

because you can still answer 'no' to questions like 'should people be paid equally' when you realise that that isn't what the question is asking (it's about the gender pay-gap for some reason).

The results aren't rigged, but the questions themselves are written so anyone who didn't go in knowing full well they were going to pick the furthest-right answer every time might be fooled into clicking the pro-hillary answer occasionally, to then be told they should vote for her.

Trump usually does look displeased.

Hillary makes a point to often smile for the camera because people are more likely to perceive a woman who doesn't smile as a bitch.

I'm sorry bro, I just don't really care about abortion

>Trump literally said these words
>Counts for Hillary
Jesus do people think Trump wants the "wage gap"

The Morlocks and the Eloi

>pro abortion



Why does TRUMP look mean at the end? This is some subtle persuasion there.

I got 50/50

Thought the same thing.
Holy fucking (((shit)))

Whoa, I didn't say Pro abortion, I just don't give a shit

One of the absolute worst polls I've taken ever. Every thing is yes/no/maybe except for min wage which is yes/sortayes/maybe

The answer system sucks on mobile

same here.

Suck it up, I support gay marriage.

Some of the question are deliciously loaded.

Ornstein smiled at least twice. One was around ep 50 when suggesting pragmatic shit, the other when he died, I'm sure there were more.

Because you have to at least pretend you aren't biased or else it becomes obvious and everyone who doesn't share your bias ignores you.

>Donald is angry
>Hilary is smiling
i smell a subtle bias

Why does Donald look so pissed

Alright, this may sound ridiculous. But do we need to use a #2 pencil if we're voting by mail and filling it out on paper, or can I use a sharpie? I just don't want to take the chance of my vote being changed, even if it's a slim chance.

>Do you support equal pay for equal work (regarding gender)
Yes, but fuck the "wage gap"
Fuck this survey.

terrible quiz with shit options

>What is your view on abortion?
no option for seeing it and women who get them as evil but being against the government stopping because of 4th amendment

apsolute garbage

Same numbers as you. I got really annoyed at the loaded question about equal pay. The way it's phrased almost no one would disagree with it, but it's undoubtedly points for Hillary if you said yes. The whole questionnaire seemed really unprofessional too with the random switching of yes/no and the sometimes overly-specific choices.

>suck it up, I'm a degenerate
burn heretic.

61.7% Trump.


some of the question is stupid as fuck

>Also, why does Trump have brown eyes in this?

Who the fuck cares, are you autistic?

Surprised trump wasn't higher.

Because he is a big meany poopy pants

I like how Trump's drawing has a scowl.

> They switch up the yes / no buttons after a certain amount of question

> Should the fed be audited?

> Think I'm clicking yes

> Actually click no

So uh, why does Trump have a frowny face?

They probably run it through a scantron, so yeah you would need it. If they were going to the trouble of altering your vote, though, they'd most likely just do it from the machine instead of having a guy with a pink eraser changing everyone's choices.

He's serious about leading us to a brighter future. Not like vapid, whimsical Hillary only thinking about the here and now.

Hillary Clinton disagrees with it. She thinks women should be paid more for less through the redistribution of male wealth.


Because he is nothing more than an angry, racist demagogue.

I love the subtle difference in the way the candidates are drawn.

Hillary has bright happy eyes, smiling face, straight jaw and straight shoulders.

Trump has angry dark menacing eyes, frowning, slumped shoulders and a double chin.

I wonder who the author likes more?

It's fucking rigged just like the voting machines. I voted I don't know on every one and somehow the bitch came out on top. WTF