Wait, so I'm confused
Were Deckard and Rachael designed to be fertile, or was it genetic divergence that let them have babbies?
Wait, so I'm confused
Were Deckard and Rachael designed to be fertile, or was it genetic divergence that let them have babbies?
They were designed to think this was possible so that they would have hope and live on, all while the man is secretly keeping them down.
It is not confirmed whether they were designed this way to intentionally be able to have offspring or if it was some kind of mutation type of deal.
I'm more interested in if Jared Leto was a replicant or not
But it was possible, they literally had a babbie
...it was a miracle
Did you see the baby?
life finds a way.
They used frog DNA
show me a pic then
vague assumptions
Deckard is not a replicant you silly faggot.
Didn't Leto say Rachel getting pregnant was Tyrell's last gift? As in it was his greatest achievement
It's what you want it to be. It's either you choose to side with Ridley Scott's autism (Deckard is a Replicant) or the original screenwriter and most of the production crew (Deckard is a human). Denis made it vague on purpose.
What was Leto's character trying to accomplish? Why was he willing to torture Deckard to find the child? Doesn't he see the child as the miracle and wants it to survive? He doesn't want to destroy it like the police did to stop a replicant uprising, he blatantly wants all of his replicants to reproduce, so why did he become le crazy murderous psychopathic bad guy?
Also what was the point of transporting Deckard somewhere else for "interrogation"? I was confused and couldn't tell what the fuck was going on throughout the entire scene. One scene he's in Leto's tower, the next for some reason they never fucking explain Deckard is in a car being transported somewhere else. Wikipedia says Leto was moving him somewhere else to be tortured, why not just torture him in the fucking tower? Seemed like absolutely bottom of the barrel lowest common denominator piss poor writing, an paper thin excuse to get him in a car so it can be shot down and land in the sea.
They mention that they're taking him to their Off-World facilities to torture him
Deckard isn’t a replicant.
He wants the child to study it hoping to create more fertile replicants. Your pic truly is related.
Reminder That Gosling ran through a wall in this movie. I wonder what the point of this was. Replicants are stronger than humans? That was already established. It detracted from the movie's own internal logic.
Why isn't he
I'm kinda pulling this out of my ass but I think it was just a reference to both the established superhuman strength of replicants and the paper walls from the original.
It is piss poor writing considering anyone as rich as Wallace would have the means to get away with torturing Deckard anywhere.
Probably something to do with K not being able to travel to the other planet because otherwise it would've seemed too contrived. Also, Deckard had to be near Ana.
>Replicants are stronger than humans?
Its a genuinely funny moment too
He stated that his interrogation facilities were off-world.
Deckerd is human seeing as he's still alive all those years.
Rachael was the 'experimental' shit which Tyrell gifted the ability to breed.
shit movie honestly
You'll have to wait for BLADE RUNN3R: UPRISING to find out.
Because he's actually old retard
Not necessarily. Only the nexus models from the first movie had expiration dates. Assuming Deckard is a replicant his lifespan doesn't factor in because he could simply be a different model.
Too bad we never got season 2 of Tron: Uprising desu...
He literally fucking explains that he wants Deckard's child to find the key to fertile replicants and that he is taking him off-world because he has the proper tools to torture him there.
Was your mom screaming at you while you were watching the movie?
they're actually going to do it, right?
They left that question intentionally open.
Maybe Deckard was a replicant created to fall in love and reproduce with Rachael or maybe he was a human who did it out of his own volition. Wallace says that those are equal possibilities and that only Tyrell knew the truth.
Considering the sequel wasn't called "Blade Runner 2", I doubt that very much
Would you a Joi?
That's not even possible without using some whore's pussy as a proxy.
Who wouldn't?
Frankly I'm surprised interlinkedposting and cellsposting never took off.
it just can't be shoved into context easily enough compared to say baneposting
That's because people didn't spam it hard enough.
Sneedposting is proof that any meme can "take off" as long as you have at least one autist willing to spam it endlessly.
that's because that scene was kino
Hard to make an effective meme out of an actually good scene
Deckard was such a chad that even his sperm became blade runner. While looking for some replicant eggs to retire they realized the never seen replicant eggs before, became confused and ironically impregnated Rachel (the sperm's confusion is symbolized by the audience who is confused by the unicorn scene).
it was 2nxtlvl4/tv/
His sperm became an autist trapped inside a holodeck, though.
We were a fly on the wall when the police investigation found out Rachael had been pregnant. So even if we never saw the actual kid, we know there was one.
the new replicants have normal lifespans retard.
just take a room, some knifes and a few needles. That shit isn't exactly rocket science.
'interrogation facilities" my ass.
are you actually retarded?
Replicants are stronger than humans, its why he got shot and still managed to kill Luv, its pretty well established
Wallace should’ve been against robot bebbies
The chief shliyfve berg pro roblogr
you know this because?
>tfw someone on your normiebook makes sweaping statements about BL after watching it for the first time, berrates BL 2049 and praises TLJ all in the span of a few days
>Blade Runner
>Blade Runner 2049
These are all confirmed.
>she will suffocate you to death with her ass
will never**
>tfw meet friend of mine who is now a film studies teacher
>tfw cant wait to FINALLY talk about 2049 with someone irl
>tfw he hated it and thought nothing happened in it
I was actually speechless and very angry
No don't you get it?
Tyrell's master plan was it to construct a replicant with normal lifespan and then create a replicant with fertile womb. To bring them together in a true plot of love and romance, he staged it that some Nexus-6 assholes escaped and fled to earth. Now Deckard-replicant would be assigned to the case through Bryant (Holden was just an idiot) - and then he would met up with Fertile-Womb-Rachel to then fall in love and make dem sweet, sweet robot-babies for Tyrell. He made Deckard extra durable so that he did not die from Leons ultra-punches or other shit.
Tyrell had it all planned out, even his own death!
>not getting the joke
newfags please go
yeah this is some fan fiction bullshit, its never explained regardless however, the story when originally written did not intend for Deckard to be a replicant, therefore that is the true canon
Retcon faggots need to be purged
I was really surprised when i saw replies on tweet saying BR2049 won Oscar for visual effects, majority was saying that Last Jedi shoud win it. I thought even normies hated it.
Oh wow, same here, apparently you could cut the movie down to 10 minutes because thats how little happened in it.
Sounds like the first movie tbqh
deckard isn't a replicant
he's not new?
but rachael is...
Deckard is human and that entire scene was Tyrell fucking with him to try and get him to give up the location of the "boy"
>Niander Wallace
It is literally stated in the film that the Nexus 8 models have lengthened life spans.