if i take that off will you die?
If i take that off will you die?
Other urls found in this thread:
It wouldn't be extremely painful because my head would explode in a nice splatter.
better put a tarp behind him before you do
I can’t even imagine the pain his family is going through
televising your own suicide is a new low imo
Shut up reddit
Probably more painful than getting your head blown off, desu.
Your opinion is gay.
So who is this guy besides a video of his suicide?
Nobody cared who I was until I blew out my brains.
>televising your own suicide is a new low
>new low
Get out newfag.
Was pretty hard seeing his mother's reaction. He could have chosen a cleaner way or chose to do it anywhere but at home.
easy there satan
what do you do to an heros who arrive in a splatter of brain matter down there anyway?
>Was pretty hard seeing his mother's reaction
Yeah, so was I.
can i get a quick rundown
you have not been on the internet for long. even normiebook has had people An Hero live multiple times.
Read the thread, faggot, and put the pieces together.
I blame girls for being sluts and only dating chads even when they’re 6/10s
how old was his sister?
r9k guy an hero'd and livestreamed it
used a shotgun and blew his head off, his mom and sister saw it and showed up on the livestream
Given how explosive that shotgun blast was, how did it not shatter the window behind him?
dios mio
>hur dur im so Sup Forums
>hur dur i dont belong here
>angel beats poster
good taste hope he joins up with them
Holy wow!
*gives you ALL teh gold*
>hur dur im trying too hard to fit in
>robot took Sup Forums memes too serious
>live streamed himself doing the Cobain on youtube live
>he personally linked the stream on Sup Forums.
>Sup Forums goes down for 16 hours soon after
>sword art online poster
He had it coming.
Akshyually it wasn't televised. It was streamed on YouTube.
If by “that” you mean his head, then yes
el atrocidad...
>la luz extinguido
I'm not trying hard at all. It's very easy.
i liked the first half of the show but not the elf faggotry. First half should have been the entire show
dunno about the stuff that came later on
It did. His whining cunt mom mentioned there was a bullethole in the window.
look up the etymology of television and you will see why you are wrong
>huh dur every board is like r9k
not even your mother will show up in your an hero livestream you fucking faggot
Was it just me, or did neither the mother nor the little siblings seem particularly distraught at his death? sure the mom cried a bit but I've seen way worse shows of grief on other liveleak videos. I think he was already estranged from his family so deep down they didn't care much when he died.
Suicide is a thing but splattering your brain on the walls of your room to be found by your parents AND filming it is pretty edgy
should have left a note saying "clean it up"
Wow, you’re so funny. NOT
>every board is like r9k
That was mostly true before reddit moved in.
chan goes down for 16 hours soon after
No it didnt
He put up a tarp, he clearly tried not to spray it on the walls. He happened to miss entirely.
No, they were clearly grief-stricken. She was hardly coherent and seemed genuinely distraught. The kid was young and I doubt was able to comprehend what had happened. She literally said "It's disgusting in there" as if she didn't fully understand what had happened.
heh he was 18 sure but its always funny when they say man
Whatever, Satan. Save your crocodile tears.
>muh reddit invasion
just start the livestream nigger
It wasn't my reddit invasion. I pretty much just told you that.
>I had to look up what board r9k was, oi. What I discovered was not good. Such a shame, his poor mother...
el goblino
Probably less pain than walking into his room and seeing those dumb anime posters every day. At least they can take them down now.
>how to spot someone who has lived a soft life and only knows hardships from media portrayals the post.
not everyone screams out in pain and flail about at that moment. some people dont feel anything for a while. some people dont show their pain to their full extent til they are alone
>Angel Beats
Deserved to die
>n no it dident!
right. it is a bit too soon to be re-envisioning history. normies remember that alot off the boards were frozen for most o the day.
>He left a note saying “I killed myself. Please don’t let the kids see my body, goodbye.”
>Sup Forums is a English speaking forum modeled after some Japanese image boards. It has subboards to discuss things like movies, cars, and Japanese animation and many more. One of those subboards is called Robot 9000, or R9K. The original purpose of the relatively new board is to implement a thought experiment from the online comic series XKCD, which posited a forum where no two comments could be identical.
>On R9K, someone, presumably a long time ago, has posted the phrase "lol". As soon as that message was posted, that post was added to a list and if anyone tried to post exactly the same thing, they would be muted. However you can still post "lol." as it is a different phrase.
>After a short time, through no outside prodding or push, R9k has been known to house a culture of secluded and isolated minds, mostly young men, who are bad at relationships and lament their place in society. The reason for this is unclear, but probably due to the fact that Sup Forums doesn't have boards specifically for types of people, only hobbies or topics. So this group of misfits took over the board and made it their own.
>The board was on the news recently as a young mixed-race man posted a threat to the board before committing an armed assault on students at Umpqua community college.
His dad splattered his brains! ALL OVER THE WALL!
man this guy ruined the ideal of suicide for me
he totally jumped the shark
Reddit can be funny sometimes
How bad must a board be to be an embarrassment to Sup Forums
fuck r9k
>porn propaganda
its not the first time.
wont be the last time.
get a dog.
>tfw you will never watch were once warriors with alice
>tfw she will never stare at you with her halfbreed eyes
>tfw ywn have quadroon maori babies with her
says who?
she's already quadroon, they'd be octaroons
You should thank them for the memes, brainlet
more like octoroon probably
fuck off normscum