>Inb4 muh roman empire
>inb4 spaghetti nigger
no memes, Sup Forums only facts

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>random self made paint picture

Shameless self bump

Italians are non-white, but they aren't niggers. It must be something in their genes.

are Italians white?


heres sauce your dirty mongolian

now that i think about it, almost every italian ive ever met is pretty bright ( i havent been to italy tho) and no im not talking jersey italian, immigrants since Im around a lot of European immigrants because of church school

lmao italians are white

I have a theory that it's because their education even in college is very well rounded.

>Hurr Italians aren't white thus retards
>What is the Renaissance

nigger education has almost 0 effect on pure IQ test intelligence.

Plus I know italians they sya its not that great either


Muh Roman Empire

nah you are probably from a shit tier immigrant family

East Asians confirmed for ubermensch.

>strong cultural heritage
>sense of identity
>roman catholic, best catholic
>da vinci
>best IQ of all white countries

eat shit mongrel

Rome is the light

Overall italian education ain't that bad, but I suppose we're on par with the rest of EU.
It's just that americans are retarded and waste money on courses like social studies and shit like that, they have feminists and niggers, those drag your average down.
We don't have any of those, even the niggers aren't as bad as american ones.

I'm nordic aryan you stupid nigger rape baby.

No. Especially not american """""italians"""""

>Thinking 104 is a high IQ score


Hey, you know what?

finland confirmed as nation of mongrels with aspergers

columbus was italian and fucked your queen

Not even memeing, Italy as a country has a noticeably higher genetic mixture with Ashkenazi Jews than other European nations.Also, Italian regions have very affluent and long-lasting histories.

I would imagine both are among the factors.

Hong Kong stronk. Very smart, very future.

Actually autism/asperger's =/= introverted

I know a real asperger from school and he's always trying to be social even though he's socially retarded.

lmao most immigrants who came from italy were shitty families stfu
you do realize italians dont emigrate a lot right?
because of their culture

italians invading israel for rightful clay when?

I like Italians since they drove that stupid dick sucking whore to suicide.

Italy didnt exist by the time Columbus was around

>Ameriturd education

Italy being 5th just renders that list invalid. Obviously their method was flawed.

>tfw when columbus might have been mad at the unification of the kingdoms

By definition it is, do you not understand how IQ works?

cucked by the EU
this is the future in a globalist world
even countries with smart people will be fucked

mediterranean Master race. Le nords are filthy pigs

Columbus was a Portuguese Jew not Italian. This is the worst meme in history. The Colon family was kicked out of Barcelona for Jewish BS a couple generations before and he ended up on Madeira, married the governor's daughter and the rest is history.

Catholics cannot be American

i suppose amerigo vespucci was a jew as well? he wasn't italian either??

>pic related

>libertarian urban planning

Columbus want really Italian. There is no record of that surname ever coming from Italy.

He was most likely some sort of pirate that crafted a fake identity so he could work for the king of spain

>Not being able to tell that this list is bullshit specifically because Italy is high.

>China too.

they use it all to get corruption money

Yes Goy, all the accomplishments are from good Jews!

The best part is, Columbus had ancient maps, maybe egyptian or phoenician that clearly marked the position of the new continent.

He tried to jew the portugese royalty but they wouldnt have it and kicked him the fuck out

Then he returned to Castille&Aragon and succesfully jewed the catholicuck kings, that greenlit the project with just three miserable ships

Well he did have personal writings in Hebrew. I'm not sure why you would learn it if you weren't a Jew.

Italy has produced more people of genius level intelligence than any other nation on earth in all of recorded history.

Let that sink in for a moment.

are canadians yellow?

In one word: heritage

recently Italy has become the destination of a lot of mongoloid students from all of the world

so I think in 10 years IQ will drop

Why are you so mad about being hispanic ? because you are lumped in with wetback mexicans?
>tfw some greasy spaniard spreads disinfo about God tier italian genetics

If you take a closer look its all from specific regions such as Florence. Other areas don't produce any more then the rest of europe

Everytime a story from Italy is posted here it just shows how based they are as a country. History shows this as well wth their defence of Europe from Islamic invasion. Hitler also praised the Italians and looked up to Mussolini as a role model.

If Italians aren't white then I consider them honorary aryans.

check these dubs, must be true

>they fell for the IQ meme
>they fell for the college meme

>Tfw low-iq collegeless roach from shithole muslim country wants to comment on italian greatness

>implying implications

Despite what we look like, what we can do well we do.

Frank Capra looks barely white but he produced and directed It's a Wonderful Life, produced Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and directed the Why We Fight film series during WWII.

These films are considered today to be quintessential Americana.


Don't give then an inch. Being Italian is great. If anyone should get hate it's the Irish, but unfortunately you can't tell if someone is Irish just by looking at them.

Columbus was an idiot. The Portuguese discovered Newfoundland in 1473 (the name comes from Terra Nova in Portuguese). And I'm not even going to talk about how vikings got to America first.

The Portuguese knew that it was very probable that Columbus' plan to reach India by going west was going to fail. That's why they snubbed him, even though he was trying to convince our king since the 1470s. First, they had already been to Canada, and they knew there was more to the South. Second, Columbus thought the Earth had a 2000km radius. Third, when we signed the Treaty of Tordesillas with Spain in 1494, our king specifically demand the Western limit to be extended to the West, which coincidently covered the Eastern region of Brazil. Fourth, when Vasco da Gama went to India, he changed his course towards Brazil to then change back towards the Cape in Africa to take advantage of favorable winds. He did it without fail and with remarkable precision, suggesting the Portuguese knew what they were doing, even though there are no recorded instances of we ever doing similar in the past. Most likely our king had been sending tons of secrets exploration missions towards Southern Africa and likely Brazil.

They already had been to Canada, Columbus thought the Earth had a 2000km radius and in the treaty of Tordesil

Not true. Immigrants have always been of demographically higher status.

portugal is a boil on spain and the one country that speaks your language in south america is full of HUE HUE HUE monkeys
>pic related

Why are you shitting on Columbus?, he was a pious person who just wanted gold to finance a new Crusade to Jerusalem.
God bless his soul

The genetic overlap between Southern Italy, Greece and Ashkenazi Jews might be explained historically.

During the Roman Republic questionable monetary practices like tax farming were developed.

>During the late Republican era, the collection of most taxes was contracted out to private individuals or companies by competitive tender, with the contract for each province awarded to the publicanus who bid the highest advance to the state treasury on the estimated tax-take of the province. The publicanus would then attempt to recoup his advance, with the right to retain any surplus collected as his profit. This system frequently resulted in extortion from the common people of the provinces, as unscrupulous publicani often sought to maximise their profit by demanding a much higher rates of tax than originally set by the government. The provincial governors whose duty it was to curb illegal demands were often bribed into acquiescence by the publicani.

The Jews learned the arts of finance from the Romans. One of Jesus' activities in the Bible was dining with Jewish tax farmers.

Due to the freedom of travel within the Roman state some Jews established themselves in Sicily. Before the Romans, the cities of Sicily and southern Italy had been built by Greek settlers. Those Greeks were clever and enterprising, as exemplified by the inventor Archimedes.

The Jews there likely mixed with the Sicilians. This would be particularly true after rebellions and the ban on returning to Jerusalem.

The Jews would go on to become a rootless people dependent on usury, while the Sicilians would found numerous criminal syndicates.

Even in the United States, Al Capone operated right next door to the Jewish Purple Gang.

These aren't the same peoples but there is likely some connection.

It's an average over the whole country.

so if im half italian half greek, im basically a jew? no wonder im so stingey

Stop bumping this thread

Bankers are basically jews.

it's the opposite, ashkenazi jews are mainly descendents of italian converts during roman empire


We are not white. We get suntanned. Our ancestors were literally criminals who escaped from all over Europe and went to Rome and since there were no women they had to snatch them from nearby tribes. We were in the most hostile environment and came out on top.

That IQ number for Italians is ridiculous

Nah, they are descendants of Ancient Greek converts from Hellenistic Judea.

All of those are within half of a standard deviation of the average IQ, which is 100. All of those are within the 'average' IQ range and are statistically don't have a significant difference from one another.

There's your facts.

But Jews can.

>unfortunately you can't tell if someone is Irish just by looking at them
lolwut? those skinny fat, pale fuckers that burn from the sunrise? even if they're not a firecrotch, i can still pick 'em out pretty easily