I hate her fucking face so much

I hate her fucking face so much.
Shit character.
Shit face.
Shit movie.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my god that's fucking bad. Avoided this movie and everything about it like the plague so this is fucking hilarious to me.

It's fucking pain to watch this shit.
I'm trying to finish this shit the 3rd day already.

but she's so attainable

Kek they’re putting fat Asians in films now?

would rather die a virgin, user

In the documentary, Rian Johnson describes her to the costume designer and he says we will dress her in ugly worker outfit, the designer ask if that will be a tall person, he says no she will be short and I want people to be surprised by how she looks. The designer was baffled. Hilarious

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Some user posted a link to a stream version of the movie. I randomly clicked in the timeline to see if it was legit. I landed in the scene where this abomination meets Finn and I had enough after 3 seconds.

She is in awe after meeting her hero. 30 seconds later, she's tazering him and dragging him back to his stable.

Enjoying your BEC?


She looks like Kim Yong Un with a prince ironheart haircut.


This is shopped right, I don't think she was that fat in the film, right?

They deliberately made her look like shit to subvert your expectations of beautiful characters. It worked pretty well on the chinese audience.


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>I hate this movie so much!
>Best to keep making threads about how MUCH I hate it

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Nigger is crying hehehe
Based Rian

You don't get it. We enjoy hating stuff here.

>That's how we win. Not by killing what we hate, but saving what we love.
>1 second later in the same camera shot
>giant laser destroys door to rebel base, all but guaranteeing their doom

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>hating on based Sammo
shit taste, and probably an underage

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Oh no no no

Why is she wearing a poncho?

>red planet, standing by

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One of the very few funny things of this garbage

If I didn't know already, I wouldn't be able to tell if this is a man or a woman.

I thought she was ok. No worse than any of the other main cast.
Wouldn't want to fuck her, but I don't require that from every woman character because i'm not a pathetic virgin that exclusively objectifies women.

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Was the most retarded shit I've ever seen.

i'm still not watching that shit, not even for free

Shouldnt they instantly die when they crashed their ships? They were right in front of the the enemy?

Now that the dust has settled...Was she a terrorist or a hero?

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>then she kisses finn

legit dumber than anything in the prequels

kek I still don't understand why that fucking close up, rian is a fucking with us right?

There were other abominations straight from circus, like that purple haired and jew-nose.

10/10 movie, would watch

An onahole and a hard drive full of furry porn is more attainable and a better option.

I'm so glad they dropped tons of content featuring Luke Skywalker to focus on a entirely bland character, who was perfectly capable in every way, and whose only personality trait was "is better better than Man at everything".

Thanks, feminism!

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why does she look so hateful? she was saving her friend

You can tell they tried so hard to have a bunch of strong female characters in this movie and only succeeded in making them collosal retards.

I am genuinely baffled by this scene because everything about it reads like a direct critique of Rose as a short-sighted naive woman-child and yet I am 99% sure it's meant to be plaid straight.

Shit post. You're objectively wrong, OP.

Because that's a productive and meaningful way to spend your time!

She doesn't look terrible in real life. They really went ouf of their way to look like some mannish frumpy dumper though.

I didn't hate her.
There have always her type of characters from the very start of the series with Lucas.
It's just that out of no where they made her really prominent and central to the storyline without properly justifying why she was there.

How is autism treating you


Same i can't make it past 30 mins. Star Wars is dead.

She does

Even the caked on pictures are ugly with her massive moon face

>They deliberately made her look like shit to subvert your expectations of beautiful characters. It worked pretty well on the chinese audience.

This subvert meme alienates the viewers and doesn't subvert shit.

They are doing it wrong.

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Am I the only one that loves her?

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>follow your heart, Prince Zukk

Holy shit, couldn't watch it in one sitting either. This is by far the worst Star Wars movie yet.


Why didn't they let Princess Leia die when she got sucked into outer space, she's dead anyway.

And what about those stupid birds, that really pissed me off.

She stopped him from sacrificing himself because it would be "ineffective," and yet two other people sacrificed themselves for their cause in that 20 minute time-span. Rian Johnson is retarded.

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What was the point of making her as unattractive as possible? Don't tell me this was another dumb subversion meme.

>rose kamikazes into finn to stop his kamikaze into the cannon
>purple hair kamikazes into the first order fleet
>rose's sister effectively kamikazes the dreadnought

The fuck is with this? How lazy can one script be, honestly. It's just character after character saying "fuck it, I'll just kill myself in order to mildly inconvenience my enemy" and sometimes just to self-sabotage.

I mean, fuck, Rey just shows up somewhere to die. She has no plan for action whatsoever. Luke wanted to turn his father back, but he didn't walk in like a bitch, he fought for it.

How did they get Kim Jong Un to play in a SW movie?


Its “realistic”

Lots of juicy American dollars.

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there are prettier asian girls who are just as attainable as her

if you are on Sup Forums then you are not being productive and meaningful with your time to begin with

white women get really, really insecure when they see a hot asian chick

looks like a fucking austin powers character

That's because you are either a racist or a misogynist that hate women. She is fat and ugly but she was not intended to be a beatiful women in the movie, he is a nerd and shy girl that fall in love with a hero of the resistance. And she fit perfectly that role. She was adorable.

What exactly was nerdy and shy about her? She was some glorified security guard or some shit without any technical skill at all. The most she did was ride some fucking ugly horse rat things and free them instead of the enslaved kids.

i believe by "attainable" he meant that her character exemplifies an attainable standard of beauty for the average person. the body positivity sense

>soy face
>”like omg Star Wars amirite ladies? I’m such a nerddddd XD”
Yeah you’re the only one.

I interpret it as more of a
>holy shit I can't believe I'm in STAR WARS
kind of thing. Which makes it kinda sad that she's in the worst one.

Literal anti-Disney shills. Just admit that you're on the payroll of Marvel and get on with your lives. Seriously, shit's fucking annoying and you're junking up the board with this constant sameness.

>I interpret it as more of a
She’s literally posing for a camera. It’s just an act.

Yeah that doesn't change what I said. It's a fucking photo of course it's an act you dolt.


Chuckled while taking a shit at uni

holy shit

you cant have soy face if you are female.

soy face meme only works because "soy is making the male effeminate". It wouldnt make sense on a female.

wtf I'd actually bang this version of her

Then it doesn't matter how you interpret it does it? It’s fake either way.

Fat China man pig, pay 10 dorras for stahwoz!



The movie is great, get over it basement dweller viring

She can still scrape a 4 (just) though and has some tits (for an Asian). They basically made her look like a man in the movie (even down to the way her outfits were fitted).

Disgusting bug people

Where the fuck do you think we are

>waaa, why is everyone being so mean to me, user?

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She’s cute, but the way they made her look like a little boy made the kiss with Finn seem really forced and out of place. It would have been better to play her off as a childish person using Finn as a surrogate big brother in place of her dead sister.

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Come on now user, you don't want to be a racist sexist bigot do you?

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She’s average at best. Someone like this has no business in Hollywood unless she’s a background extra.