Just finished this, what were my thoughts on it?
Just finished this, what were my thoughts on it?
Other urls found in this thread:
You're a faggot so you loved it.
It's not sci-fi so it sucks.
That Sufjan is a great musician that is now tainted by fag shit.
Kill yourself faggot.
Kill faggots
Italy is nice
Sufjan is a fag, nothing new
>Sufjan is a great musician
ur a fag dude
CMBYN isn't even that faggy, there's a qt girl being deflowered, breasts, a top tier apricot milf, and the homosexual men aren't even gross fags they're cute boys.
I just saw it as well and I liked it a lot.
I’m a huge Sufjan fan but come on the guy has always been gay. I saw him on the C&L tour in Detroit, incredible show
gay movie for faggots
Amazing movie. Really hit me in the heart, I had similar feelings when I was young.
My favourite movie last year.
Nah, it's a fucking beautiful film. Only literal repressed faggots and/or tasteless plebs don't like it.
The best adaptation of Super Lovers that we will never get again
Kill yourself queer
>if you don't like this faggot oscar bait, you're a faggot!
>he’s never experienced deep love with another man
>he’s never experienced deep love with anyone at all
>he’s never experienced deep love with anyone at all
wrong, I love my waifu
Have you even seen it tho?
There's fucking quaint little town squares and classic alfa romeo in the back of every shot, orchards and qt euro girls, it's shot on film, it's a e s t h e t i c as fuck
Really nice film. Best parts were the soundtrack and aesthetics, feeling of lazy summer days came across well. Also the bits with AESTHETIC Roman statues were cool, and I liked the scene with armie hammer dancing, that was memorable. Lost interest a bit once it was just all gay sex desu though.
Movie reminds me of Roman/Greek takes on sexuality a lot, doesn't pander to the
>I was born 100% gay I hate women!!
Crowd, which I like
Timmy a cute
imagine a typical Sup Forums poster comes out of his basement for a placement with them in italy for a summer. would it be kino?
My absolute favorite musician but the dude is pretty gay
I'm not gay but Armie is fucking hot
What does my brain mean by this?
Any great non-compressed 1080p release yet? The one I got is grainy even at 5gb
>he will never cuddle you
I thought the compression was bad on the rip i watched as well, but it shouldn't be. It is shot on film, it is always going to look grainy though.
Funfact; they only used one lense
Thirsty gays are idiot. This scene alone is far better than any explicit gay sex. The attention on both intimacy and lust is spot on.
He's easily the worst part of the film. Memelet's performance makes him look like an amateur.
I know it'll be grainy, but the 1080p clip on youtube is a lot better then the one I got
thirsty everyone are idiot user
Wait for the bluray release i guess.
What the fuck was his parents' problem?
Stuhlbarg was best, Armie second, Timothee third
They were all great tho
Just watch the mom on anatomy of hell. You'll know why
yeah like ok, that's a fine, 'who is my waifu' type list, but in reality, arnie is a shit actor and his preformance dragged the film down. That's just a fact and anyone who knew a fucking thing about it would agree. Memelet and arnie aren't even fucking close as actors. But cool if he's your lieutenant waifu or whatever.
hnnngggg i'd drink her apricota juice
Literally every straight male I've spoken to about this film has made a joke about wanting to fuck Timothée Chalamet. It's so interesting, he inspires twinklust in even the most bloodless heterosexuals but they won't acknowledge it, distance themselves from it with a joke.
Is this movie supposed to be vaguely sinister or was that just me projecting my values onto it?
>Elio's Dad telling him that he's jealous he never got his boipucci pounded when he was a kid
What did he mean by this?
The flies buzzing around the fruit all the time reminding us that it'll all rot one day were a bit sinister
he's a qt twink not a gross fag, nothing gay about that
>a guy fucks a peach
>his sister fucks a fish
It's like deep and philosophical and shit
Yeah that speech really threw me for a loop. It's one thing for him to simply accept that his son was gay, but to glorify it like that was just strange even if you don't take the age difference into account
Had no reason to be over 2 hours long. No way.
Well it's a kind of religious allegory. The setting is 'too' beautiful. It's an Eden. It's an Eden, and they're tempted by Sin. There's the fruit tree, and you know how the story goes, that they will be cast out of the garden to suffer on earth in shame of their nakedness.
Watching gays make me uncomfortable. Guess I’m a repressed homo, right Sup Forums?
Unironically, it does
Kill yourself faggot filth
I'm sorry Armie cucked you with Tim, user
Nah dude that's cool, me too, but if watching these gays make you uncomfortable then yes. There is a tonne of hetero content and the film is all round just so artistic and aesthetically gorgeous that it gets away with all the faggotry.
It's cool to be unsettled by gays but if these gays unsettle you then you are literally a repressed faggot.
Disgusting shit. Cant faggots stay on their faggot board.
There was a fly on Chalamet during the final shot of him staring into the fire too, I guess to illustrate that he had been used up and discarded in the same way?
They let a pedophile rape their son.
>Sup Forums?
Sup Forums hates queers.
I don't have a problem with gays in theory but the sight of male physical intimacy still repulses me
>you'll never roofie a cute legal twink
Aesthetically pleasing film that doesn't do anything new. 3/10.
As a side note, just imagine how much this would be lambasted if it was the story of a dude in his mid 30s fucking a 17yo girl.
Kill yourself poofer.
I wish it had been about the MILF seducing her own son
fuck off you dumb nigger when you were 17 don't tell me you wouldn't fuck a gorgeous 24 year old.
>lmao brah its ok to hate gays but if you hate these gays that makes you gay
Kill yourself faggot
It's either 17 & 24 (character's ages)
or 21 & 30 (actor's ages)
Take your fucking puritanical garbage off this website filled with pornography and depravity you hypocrite cunts.
These threads are made by that pedo frogfag poster.
this but unironically
Hi pedo
>17 and 24
Is it cringy and depressing like most gay movies ? I'm a fag and would probably go watch it with my bf but i need to know first
I think he's just a bad father. He ships these two guys together in some creepy way of vicariously living his own teen jail bait fantasy he never had, and then just assumes that their relationship was whimsical and romantic. He just *assumes* that's what it was like, and never even asks Elio how he felt about it.
>nah senpai, I'm gonna dig up some more A E S T E T I C statues and let my emotional, hormonal son fend for himself
>24 year old
Where does this come from? The dude looks clearly like someone in his mid 30s, maybe even older.
Not sure if I want to watch an explicitly gay film, but I’m a big fan of the director’s previous work I Am Love; it’s a gorgeous film.
Pedofags should be executed
>He ships these two
Holes and homos were a mistake
Oliver was 24
That's the age of the character in the book, and that's how old the character is written in the film. He's WAY too insecure & cocky to be a 30yo. Films often cast actors older than the character, for example with highschoolers, and if the performance is good enough, you judge the character age off that rather than how the actor looks in a photo.
When I was 17, I would have fucked anything.
Conversely, now that i'm 24, the idea of a summer at that villa in italy, broing out with rothstein, drinking fresh-milf squeezed apricot juice and fucking girl-version of memelet sounds like absolute paradise.
all this crying is just you faggot homophobes looking for an angle to hate a film you haven't seen.
It's a bunch of Sup Forumstards. What do you expect?
hearts and minds
>if you hate the cunnyposter its cause you're a repressed pedo
>if you hate Sup Forums its cause you're secretly a white male
(((pol))) is jewish and homosexual so thats not it
>tfw grad student had and intense flash burn romance with a cute engineer sophmore
>went to shit because of research related travels
if you hate the cunnyposter it's because you're a newfag that doesn't realise they're doing god's work keeping you and your like out
If you hate Sup Forums you might be a white male but if you're on Sup Forums you certainly aren't
Are you guys retarded? The father isn't talking specifically about fucking some guy's ass, he's talking more abstractly about an intense, young summer love.
How can Sufjan be gay when he is a devout Christian?
Kill yourself faggot scum
Born to get aids
closet cases are just sad
>seapea keeps me out
The young dude is pretty qt familie
Fuck off faggot.
>A man
>Never in a relationship with a woman
>Only recorded intimacy is a kiss from another man
Saw the shitty rip of the screener but I finally was able to watch it on the theater.
I may suck dick and swallow but the queermo here is (You)
the only thing that bothered me was the armie hammer casting, he's so much bigger than that little faggot chalamat that their relationship seems like a nambla setup. also how pissy and passive aggressive he is. nice looking film though, shame about the pedophile.
Pedo faggot filth
No, nu-Sup Forums. Sup Forums has mislead you. Real Sup Forums is far too cultured from a lifetime of good film to think of sexual orientation as anything important.
Ive been on here 11 years faggot.