Are we going to go full circle? Will the next generation rebel against their degenerate leftist parents?
Are we going to go full circle? Will the next generation rebel against their degenerate leftist parents?
that's essentially what we're doing
yes, Trump is the signal of a strong, new era of Americans.
numales are sadists, they want others to remain miserable just like them.
The globalists played their hand too soon. The far right is already being reborn across the Western world
>Boomers fuck over millenials
>as a result millenial spawns are also fucked
>they raise their kids off of principles of hard work (the ones that actually have kids and stick atound to raise them) and understanding that this isn't old America
>kids carry the fire
Children love memes.
Which explains /pol.
Gen Z has almost been proven to be the next GI gen.
They're not even speeding up the process anymore than they have before, it's just that (((they))) forgot that the Internet makes all the bullshit they pull easily accessible
So they had a mock election and hoped everyone would vote for their candidate? Why have a mock election at all?
Gen Z will be just like Gen X, so unimportant no one even bothered to give it a real name.
It may be too late by then
>liberal teachers stopping kids from expressing political views they don't like
There's a national mock vote for all schools in the US that historically has predicted the election accurately. Has that been done yet?
>Why have a mock election at all?
First you try to convince kids that voting for anyone but Clinton is bad and wrong. Then you say hey look at these results, 90% of kids voted Clinton. This does three things.
1) You can now say these kids voted for Clinton because that's who their parents must support.
2) Look at the future generation. They're all going to vote Blue for the next 160 years. Not even death will stop them.
3) Some of the kids will be successfully pressured to accept liberalism without ever thinking about it.
When they failed they just cancelled it and hoped no one would notice.
actually if you follow generational theory they will be like the Silent Generation
>raised during tough economic times and wars
>became adults in the 50's and 60's
>middle aged to grumble at the hippies
We are the equivalent of GI's. Myth and legend leads you to believe the GI's were like some kind of ubermench (the nazi's were) but many GI's were socialist faggots voting for FDR 4 times and passing all the social programs crippling us today.
GI's were seen as lazy, entitled and frivolous until the war, where they were sanctified.
nazi's wern't ubermench. just drugged up and strung out on amphetamines. they won against weak foes, and lost against those on equal footing with them.
Children are sociopaths until about their early to mid twenties, so support for Trump is right in line with their development. They'll grow out of it. Or become /pol users.
Doesn't anyone else think it's funny that in the 60's the counter culture was liberal hippies against conservatives and now it's conservatives against liberals?
>not even children like Hillary
Conservatives thinking they are counter culture. That's hilarious.
Well, Nazi ideals won out at the end of the day. The so-called Bilderberg group (not official name, just based off of the name of the first hotel in which the secret group met) was founded by a Nazi. The EU is based on Nazi plans for a unified Europe. So-called liberals unknowingly support eugenics (pro-choice/birth control).
Well it's true. It's against the norm to not be liberal.
Never seen a gayer post.
>you kids can vote for whoever you want, it's a free country!
It'd be glorious. God, why do I have to share a generation with a bunch of cucks?
Are you 12? Did I hurt your feelz?
38% of American's identify as conservative. 34% as moderates, 24% liberals. I know conservatives often construct their own alternative reality to escape from the real world repudiation of Republican politics (which is not conservative), but this is a little ridiculous.
>Thinking in terms of left vs right
This is why nobody likes liberals. It's not about whether conservatism or liberalism are/aren't counterculture, it's about what's the flavor-of-the-month political belief that people hold. People will always do things out of spite because that's how people are.
and 100% of mainstream culture is liberal
which is what counter culture is defined by, going against mainstream culture
And yet the media is 98% liberal. The propaganda is 92% liberal. Source: My remote!
I don't think in terms of left and right. I don't identify as "liberal". Conservatives label themselves as conservative (as the guy I was responding to did), and then label themselves as counterculture, despite polls showing that self-identifying conservatives hold a plurality in America.
The biggest "news" channel is conservative. The biggest radio programs are conservative. The most popular reality tv shows are about conservatives. Just because Hollywood has outspoken liberals and you've been brainwashed to believe that they control the thoughts of Americans doesn't mean liberalism is the "mainstream culture".
nazi methods, perhaps, not nazi ideals.
or at least the same ideals but applied to a different group.
teenagers dont read/watch kikemedia, so they are less brainwashed, they read everything online on social media, unless they are in leftists circlejerks they know the truth
also trying to smear Pepe was a mistake
No one actually likes shillary. Kids are more honest about things like that and haven't had time to be influenced by the media yet.
dubs said so
kek is real too
Anyone have the pic where "when choosing a weak camel and a strong camel a child will instinctively choose the strong camel?"
how about this
This might help you understand why you see bias everywhere.
Dude where did all the 60s/70s hip and edgy leftists go? They got McJobs and voted for Romney in 2012. Where are all the hip and edgy rightists going? Wait 20 years and they'll get McJobs and vote for Chelsea Clinton or some shit. Face it man, generational politics is a fucking meme that will die faster than the SDS.
Digits can confirm the truth in this statement
Ah the left. They can literally hold all the power, be sending you to a re-education camp after shutting you down for thought crimes and taking your children away to better influences and they will STILL be the powerless victims.
based yuri, mandatory reading/viewing
Yes. They are getting red-pilled early.
The left-wing millennials are beyond saving, and they will be swept away in the coming flood.
>tfw we will have the honor of leading the next generation to glory
There will always be a counter culture proportional to the way the country is leaning. Right now we've drifted way the fuck to the left so all you alt-right faggots on Sup Forums are taking over. It will swing back eventually and you'll all take left-of-center viewpoints again.
10 year olds, im disapoint
Still living in an alternative reality? I never claimed that liberals had no power, just that the estimation of their power by the people here is hilariously disproportionate to reality.
of course liberals hold the majority of social influence ,
compare Sup Forums fox vs tumblr instagram
I'm sure you're oh so much smarter than the researchers.
>>Points out websites used by teenagers and people trying to appeal to teenagers.
>>Neglects nearly everyone over 35.
>>Proof you are likely 15.
Dont worry, once they reach college they will be back on the track of their parents again.
We control the schools
We control their future
>Children are sociopaths until about their early to mid twenties
I'm sorry you were bullied in school
the people over 35 were once young they were influenced by the majority liberal cuture
job completed
next generation same liberal influence plan
repeat cycle
The kids know. Shut it down.
t. alex jones
Brilliant liberal mind trick.
"Trump is racist"
"Mentioning Trump is racist aggression"
"Racist aggression is a hate crime"
"Mentioning Trump is a hate crime"
"Mentioning the PRESIDENT is a hate crime"
You REALLY want to be a victim don't you?
says the person arguing that conservatives are the majority,
i just like to see why people have weird opinions about things,
and were not the victims being a conservative in life you end up being a property owner with income ; D
>Social media and kike media aren't the same thing.
Trump is a hate crime
A new hope
I'm not sure but Minnesota had its first mock high school election and trump won ~34% to %32
you're really fucking ignorant, man.
Very convincing.
>Will the next generation rebel against their degenerate leftist parents?
The pendulum swings, brother
Plurality. Majority implies greater than 50%
>heh we're just """comedy""" goy!
>we can cover the election every night and slant hard left
>if you try to address our bullshit you look dumb because WE IZ JUST COMEDIANS
>“Teachers have said they’ve heard some kids in the cafeteria chanting ‘Trump! Trump! Trump!’ or saying they don’t want Muslims here,” Mr. Rogers told ABC News.
being liberal is the default of everyone who dosent study politics,economics, etc
the average person would say they lean liberal
you have to proactively become a conservative
so yes you are the majority
Left and right is actually correct, conservative and liberal are the retarded terms.
> be kid, born in 2014
> mom is gender-binary
> dad is fur-kin
> raise me to be what it want to be
> dont use pronouns, give me a blank name, simply cough when they are talking to me
> decide i want to be called princess
> i am a gender binary pony birthed in the 8th dimension from the sunflower galaxy
> my peers (best friends) are a chinese emperor for the Qi dynasty who is male, a gay gas salesman, a female general from the napoleonic war and bill
>bill was raised by old-world parents who don't understand the vitriol we ponies from the 8th dimension experience
>i try to blue pill bill
>he comes around and calls ximself gill
>we are all best buddies and we are totally fit for the real world!
this is the world in 2034
That's hilarious. You really think people who disagree with you don't know anything?
>Trevor Noah still exists
Fucking Youtube trending is one of the most regularly depressing things I look at and nearly every time there's something by Oliver, Colbert, Meyers, and even the occassional Samantha Bee. But maybe once or twice in this year I've seen a modern Daily Show clip end up trending.
His show has to be horrendous that it doesn't carry any popularity online where people can view it for free.
Gen Z (also known as the homeland generation) are already breaking trends that the millenials set.
They have half the teen pregnancies, substance abuse, obesity, and criminal offence rates that the millinials did at their age.
The millenials were raised by the care-free gen X's and carried the selfishness into thier generation's culture salted heavily by the PC method of parenting that relied heavily upon over use of positive re-enforcement and utter lack of criticism or accountability.
The Gen Z's came of age in a post 9/11 america and hit their formative years during the tightest squeeze of the recession. They have never known a homeland that was not at war, they have never lived in a booming economy, their expieriences have been sobered by hardship and uncertainty.
Instead of "oh little jimmy you can be an astronaught, a pilot, or a doctor, follow your dreeeeaaaaams!" They have grown up to their dad wondering how they could afford college while their mom wept about how the family cant even afford their own house.
The gen Z's are already showing trends towards being quiet, contemplative, reserved, and thrifty.
In other words, its very possible that Gen Z's rebel against the very liberal and flamboyant millinial generation by becoming conservative.
yeah thats entire basis of the philosophy
thats why liberals and communist put so much money into influence programs and propaganda
you have to unteach natural instincts
trump is literally a meme
like 2 kids actually legitimately supported him at my HS before i left
(((Alex Jones)))
It's really puzzling to me how you can be such a typical teenager and still have so much cold war propaganda seared into your head. The cold war ended 30 years ago. Communism is dead.
>I was naturally more conservative than my peers because of my parents redpilling me at a very young age and growing up poor with no friends.
>Dad taught me when I was a kid that jews own the media and will try to shove some propoganda in there.
>Mom told me the importance of religion and that being gay is a choice and a sinful one at that.
>Both parents told me once women got the right to vote, it's been a decline ever since.
>my mom was a ex-body builder and my dad was an ex-body gaurd.
My dad is a white nationalist (the respectable non-skinhead type, he just wants a good future for the white race) , he warned me about skinheads and taking white nationalism too far. He also warned me about the dangers of racemixing.
DESU I never was bluepilled. Even when I had a liberal phase, I knew I was lying to myself and was doing it just to not get my shit pushed in.
>mfw I was the only millenial that grew up redpilled
They should have chanted, Lock her up instead.
Stop it, you're triggering me.
>The biggest "news" channel is conservative. The biggest radio programs are conservative.
Because it is the only news channel that is not decidely left-wing. All other major networks are in the tank for the DNC.
Boomers can't complain. They were incredibly rude and hostile to their parents. They deserve to see their last years slowly watching the younger generation become like their parents, realising that their whole movement was for nothing. I'm convinced Gen Z will be more bigoted and chauvinistic than the boomers parents. I can't wait.
Communism is dead. The kikes are still very much alive.
> We can't have that independent thought here. Time to enforce the thought police