Movie when?

Movie when?

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When/if there is a resolution.

When they admit they did it

margot Robbie as the mum
Jason issacs as the dad

eddy redmayne as maddy

Just watch The Missing with James Nesbit, it's practically the same thing

>eddy redmayne as maddy


Is he looking at her in fear or smugness?

who are these people?

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a case study on how rich white people can get away with anything

maybe they just lost her and shes dead somewhere now? Its not really that interesting to be a movie

>foreign boogeyman kidnapping a white British kid form a rich family in a safe tourist resort

how did anyone believe this shit

you do know that theres not magical force fields that prevent crime from happening occasionally in nice places right?

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The thing is it was so long ago but they never stop making the news even today, while so many other missing kids are ignored. And really its their fault either way, they went out to party and left their kid in the hotel alone.

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I cant remember every single parent that had a kid disappear. that happens every fucking week

user you should be a casting director, you have nailed both parents, get margot and Jason on the phone.

so we all agree that it was an accident and she's buried under that highway that got asphalted the next day, right?

>nice place

If they got rid of her, she's probably out at sea.

Documentary kino

>police sniffer dog detects cadaver smell in McCann room
>lol it's probably nothing