Will we have any official content in 2018/19? >New Forces of Destiny episode featuring Reylo, voiced by Daisy and Adam (march) >TLJ Blu ray with ~20 minutes of deleted scenes (March 13/27th) >TLJ Novelization (ITS OUT) >The Last Jedi Graphic Novel Adaptation Coming in May >Expected days left for reconciliation ~ 644
What happened with this threads? It's like bunch of reddit newfags arrived. archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/91633028/ Just look how it was discussed before.
Thread discussing Kylo =/= general "discussing" shitty shipping cancer. If people really wanted Reylo threads they could have gotten away with it of they were more subtle, but we all know the people creating these threads are just shitposters.
Isaiah Martinez
Well, it was discussion about Kylo and reylo was touched upon too.
Nathaniel Reyes
grug think large-tooth gruggette in cavepainting look cute with mutt grug!
The romance between Rey and Kylo was handled like shit. It didn't even exist before TLJ. And don't create any fucking generals, just make a thread talking about Kylo and Rey's relationship without wording it like a retarded shipper from tumblr.
Gavin Walker
There are few holes and homos that want to ship this garbage on here even though they hate everything else about stae wars.
Samuel Smith
Thomas Jackson
This was before Sup Forums migrated to Sup Forums because >of muh my star bors muh Blach Panther
Reylos expose themselves as the newfags they are yet again
Jeremiah Rogers
all shippers should hang
Thomas Richardson
Lurk more
Easton James
We had good discussion with old Sup Forumsfags after the TLJ release (reylo is a straight white pairing). Now we have a screeching nu-Sup Forums group and their leader is a underaged /who/ tripfag, just sad.
I honestly feel bad for Boyega. Daisy might not be a 10/10 but imagine thinking your character will have a relationship with her character only to end up being forced to kiss RA KUREATURA
StarWars was the catalyst for nu-Sup Forumstards for migrating to Sup Forums (Thanks to several Sup Forums threads with a Sup Forums link) otherwhise they would stay in their contaminant area.
Post times you acted like the Ruin Johnstener! >my mum tells me to get a job >tell her I will >watch porn all day instead Hahah that bitch got SUBVERTED hard
You know, I'd be ok if it was /swTLJg/ were you discuss about the movie and SOMETIMES talk about your fucking made up couple. But right now this thread shouldn't be allowed here, maybe in Sup Forumsmblr but not here.
Generals should not be allowed period. Also, these deluded fucking hambeasts are too extreme and disgusting even for Sup Forums who have never allowed them purchase in the Star Wars general there. That says a lot.
Luke Anderson
Frenchie the third world hole came from tumblr, went to Sup Forums and now spams Sup Forums
Nolan Fisher
>mods shut down entire site for almost an entire day yesterday for reasons >but can't be bothered to take a minute to purge this festering AIDS that has been here for four fucking months Really makes me think.
Now that someone else is creating these again, can you explain why you disappeared for a few days? I tried to create a few threads of my own to find out why the generals abruptly stopped but I got literally no posts outside of the shitposters. Could not figure out where everyone went, and now for some reason you all seem to be back again? I don't understand.
Josiah Gutierrez
I hope you get cancer you barren cunt
Nathan Stewart
I don't think about you at all.
Jonathan Nelson
>Sup Forums migrated to Sup Forums because of muh my star bors muh Blach Panther
what an embarrassing post
Joseph Cooper
Paid shills, possibly even bot posts. You've been duped into basically doing their work for them and shilling for Disney by posting in these threads. Sad considering this ship is never happening and you get nothing in the end.
Juan Scott
Thread OP should look legit otherwise there is suspicion of falseflagging.
Kek you think about me enough to visit me every day
Jonathan Wright
This. Reylos are getting played just like niggers were with finn.
Adam Wright
>Sad considering this ship is never happening and you get nothing in the end. Sad that your dream storyline got dumpstered, but I'm sure you have big insight in all of this.
I get that, but the thing is I did not see ANY Reylo generals for at least a couple days. Was the usual creator just taking a short break from the site?
Jaxson Cooper
Why dont you take a break from this site slag?
Carson Brown
Sorry (not sorry) but you're not going to make me leave. It's impossible to scare me away. People think posting gore will scare me away but I literally don't care. I will stay here forever.
Cooper Hall
Seeing as you cant have kids what else are you going to do with your time?