let me know if i miss any thing. this is crazy guys
RISK cont
Blitz Novogrod by aiding Sweden
Also, Moors gave me Gibraltar territory.
Conquer Navarro!
Commence killing the Gaels and repel any further attacks
Attack and fill Sweden block them off from he north if possible
Are we allowed to add our rolls to our allies rather than attack for ourselves?
You have to wait 2 turns faggot
To the West!
You're INVADING him! Yet you claim to care for him? You're starting a war against Christians who wanted to negotiate a peace in Spain! I proposed a Peace settlement that even the pope said was resonable! You started the war when you attacked Navarra over a joke I made to Novgorod! No Matter for we will destroy you and your pathetic treacherous alliance for we have The Lord on our side while you have nothing but Mohammedans and traitors. Goodbye Eric, Whoever wins this war will control the world! So are you ready for this gamble? For i know that The Third Rome IS!
Italia > Moors
>King Ash of Italia
Full attack on Novgorod
Dubs. Make an even push all along the front (incl. Leon), don't want to end up with pockets in the south and stuff.
All my forces march on the Seljuks.
God is with us!
Cede 1T to Gaeilgoir [Éire] that annexes him with Navarre in the South East.
Drive off Navarre.
for that distance its wait 1 turn
I'll cede you land to help fight Sweden and Norway if that Pussy Sweden won't fight me 1 v 1
My nigga those trips just DEVASTATED Navarre.
moors dont have gibralter
>following dubs
Truly God is on our side.
Cumans and Novgorod Deal with Sweden. Me and Jerusalem will deal with the Muslims and we will group up later.
Why are you attacking me, if you don't support the Byzantian Empire then?
Fucking hell ash I'm on nofap
I'm gonna pull a Bush and invade Iraq. Ishm'allah
You know which one I meant, the one right beside it.
do you mean leon?
Attack Tripoli! Send all Spillage into Seljuk lands!
You can
get Pomeria as a base of attack. France, Ireland take spain. POLAND get revenge and kill some Slavs.
Help the Byzantine Empire with Tripoli. We need to conquer Africa before Western Europe gets a foothold there.
Bullshit man help its 3 on 2 ATM
Leon works lol.
Psssht, Hey Kid wanna join The Third Rome?
Cede curman 7 tiles in my northern lands bordering Sweden and Poland
Please support me in attacking the Moors and I will endeavor to ensure your lands and families survival. Even if it means crossing blows with Eastern Rome
Emperor Manuel Kommnenos, The Emir of Tripoli has learned his lesson and heads west. Please stop attacking, he only attacked before you could, as you did when you asked us in the first crusade.
>King Ash of Italia
Psssht, Hey Kid wanna get Popebanged?
Continue defending for now
I can't attack anybody from there. Also we need annex Denmark, as he left.
I ceded you 7 tiles bordering Sweden will you attack them or Poland next round?
Are you against me then?
Help Novgorod
God loves us.
I care about him. If you hadn't started the war (You declared it, not me. Stop blaming me man) I wouldn't be forced to do his. I love him still, I will help him rebuild and restore his nation.
I mean East!
Attack Sweden through Novgorod.
This got way out of hand real fast. It's great. Full invasion of Novorgord.
I come to your aid brother.
OP, cede that irishman one of the Ts marked in the map, that border Navarro.
pls respond
I ceded you tiles attack Sweden or Poland directly next round ok?
I implore you to join us. He who possesses the holy lands has God's favor. Its only a matter of time before the great Roman Empire is reunited. I would see you among it as an ally, not a corpse.
You still didn't answer. What is your cause, young bunch of sticks?
Eric, you attacked a nation who's independence I guaranteed and are acting surprised that I kept my word. You're clinging to straws here.
We do that later. Take Estonia, or Lithuania. Tell OP. I want that stuff back eventually though.
we take Denmark later. For now we fight.
Continue to attack and fill Sweden, op I cedes Currman tiles bordering Sweden, cede 7 tiles to Furman bordering Sweden
Shut the fuck up you dirty kike cunt, God is an Irishman and we don't take kindly to you fucking sand niggers.
They were a fleeding bunch of refugees that you took when Franco-Irish troops backdoored them. You knew this was a slap on the face, and ignored it.
Fine, If you want peace then you can have peace. I MAKE PEACE WITH TRIPOLI, CANCEL MY ATTACK ON THEM, Send half my role to the seljuqs and the rest on Sweden.
I don't read your nations gutter language faggot
That nation attacked a nation we protected. You then supported that genocide. Also our superior rolls prove God doesn't love you as much.
Keep thinking it was a mupdate lol
I am no jew, but a European Crusader King who rules over the holy lands. (seriously. Up until the fall of Jerusalem and the 3rd crusade, the Kingdom of Jerusalem was ruled by french descended crusaders)
Will do.
Will I cede you lands to help destroy sweden, and get curman to respomg I cedes him lands to fight Sweden without 1 turn wait he better use them
guys unless the land being ceded is adjacent to land owned by the receiving party im not doing that.
blah blah blah you fucking dumbass kike fuck you we're making spain gaelic again and then im going to shove my cock up your hyperextended nostrils.
Actually take Kalingrad.
I'll help you as much as I can while attacking these Seljuq upstarts.
you can now pass through sweden or any ally in the north and attack
So I can't cede him any lands down here? How come niqqa
I can't give Norway kalingrad? Can I give him the stuff east of Finland and northern Siberia until he does border Novorgord?
Fend off Leon!
Attack and fill Sweden, I ceded curman lands reeeeee
Kill French, Gaels and moors
Finish off Navarre.
Italia > Moors
>King Ash of Italia
Attack Leon, support the French Pope.
We will win this war.
All points go to attacking the Seljuk menace.
i think you can
nice rool
Op that's bullshit Norway can attack me but my allies can't attack them
Fill Middle East
We shall settle new lands for the Turkish People. Allahu akbar.
Wat? Me and Tripoli and are at peace.
Attack Seljuqs and send Spill against Sweden Through Novgorod.
>Double Trips
>trips again
This has to be illegal.
If you could gibs your land in spain that would be nice.
You're about to lose all your territories in North Africa?
Nvm then.Friendly reminder that Byzantium forced you with threat of invasion to stay Orthodox. Friendly reminder he's the only reason you aren't part of our empire. Friendly reminder you once said he was corrupt, too powerful, scaring you, and he no longer cared about you. All things you said. Did he change? Or did he change you?
Attack yellowish faction to my east
received them... those 7 tiles that he was adjacent to
Italy only get's 3 Ts from me.
Can I have that territory separating me from the Turks so I can fight them?
Based, you avenged me.
Nah, he should have 5Ts left from his trips minimum, and now France and Ireland will be able to support him against the Italian menace.
I did. You will be remembered in history, brother.
Give georgia that tile he asked for. pls.
No the thing that changed me was you attacking me for no reason you cowardly bitch, I was about to stay out of the war and then you invaded my homeland
Not so fast Seljuk scum. God was with me this day. my 95996660 is proof of God's favor.
Is this a mupdate? I use my turn to invade Novorgord.