This is the definitive electoral college map.
Calling it now
This is the definitive electoral college map
Other urls found in this thread:
>Turning PA before VA
This. Swap PA and VA and this is pretty accurate.
>PA before VA
>PA before CO
hue indeed
you're mad if you don't think so
ive said it so many times now and u faggots dont listen. 300 EV min Trump landslide
screencap it if u want
it would be kinda funny is PA went hillary and Trump won by 2 electorals
I have reservations about this map
>no trips
He's getting 333 electoral votes.
trumps not going to win
>not an absolutely abhorrent post
Be realistic, he can win without PA, don't overinflate his chances. Philly and Pitt are huge liberal zones, it's really hard for the rural communities to beat them. Our only hope is that the Amish vote really pushes trump over the edge.
You seem to have reached the Bargaining Stage of Grief, OP.
When will the election results be out?
My maps.
capped for the compilation
keep contributing, guys!
screencap this
The hell is the matter with you
Nothing man, I just want more material for the screencap compilation. Like the Romney one where people posted maps where he won in a landslide. Stuff like that we can look back on and laugh at.
Trump is doing better in PA than VA
He forgot he's not on reddit
Go to a psych and get diagnosed
>gets 420
>doesn't get WA
WI belongs in realistic win tbqh
They aren't entirely wrong. Sup Forums was a huge fan of gun grabber Romney for some reason
True, check em
>my face when trump doesn't even need PA he just needs NH
top lel
By god, I sure fucking hope so.
Yeah you don't know Arizona
Sup Forums liked Ron Paul. You are a newfaggot
I would think that Colorado would turn red before Pennsylvanian
Why come "CO" and "NM" aren't red like everywhere else in the middle part?
What provinces are those?
NM is full of Mexicans.
CO is full of dudeweeds.
Also'd like to hear about this.
Specially Colorado, they don't seem very liberal to me.
water you doing fishcat.
Ever since Colorado legalized dudeweed, liberals have been flocking to it.
drumpf btfo
How awful
Colorado Person here. This is exactly right. We have families coming to live in fucking tents to get high and their kids seem so sad.
This looks like something the mainstream media would put out
P.S. If we get our election results from the mainstream media, how do we know they aren't just lying about it?
I love this threat
>hehehe you fucking fool, im screenshoting this and putting it into a collage so that one day your comment will be proven wrong.
>bet you are rethinking your decisions now
like, nigger what? If I support Trump and he loses why would I care that you collaged my comment?
>oh no some user people in the future might read my user comment about an election I predicted incorrectly
Its so cringey and gay. Typical liberal threat.
FOIA info:
michigan fag here, trump flags and signs are all over. Even a bunch of home made trump signs. I saw my first hillary sign yesterday when i had to go drive by some nigger neighborhoods in muskegon.
Anybody have the Trump Internal Poll Map that was going around earlier? It was in some kind of newsletter
One of the most fucked maps I've seen, got a good laff outta me
water you doing fishcat.
I actually just took it as, "hehehe, let's see who guessed right" *jew hand clasp*
ha. pun intended?
You mean the one that said it was a Trump landslide?
That was attached to a bunch of ayy lmao shit and was probably just purposely 'leaked' as a red herring for us.
I could actually believe it.
Consider the following:
What if the DNC can't rig every state, so they only rig the major republican strongholds, but Trump's landslide is so great that he flips a bunch of democrat states and wins anyways.
Thanks for the kek Brazil!
internal exit polling from Trump campaign and independent groups from different organizations, especially those in stocks or any kind of money riding on the outcome, any of them could challenge results
water you doing fishcat.
How many could the clintons buy off?
They've bought off all the media
Why not all the "independents"?
Russians offered to have some people watch the elections and got denied.
I don't frankly trust any western countries not to be corrupt as shit about it and in the tank for hillary.
Need more watchdogs tbqfh lad
>If we get our election results from the mainstream media, how do we know they aren't just lying about it?
The election results are easily obtainable by anyone, they usually have analysts on the ground in each state to find out the results the quickest.
There's literally no reason for the media to lie about election results, it's so easy to find out if they were lying. Some paranoia is justified, but that's taking it a little too far.
Fucking garuntee that the individuals that are selected for the electoral college will be be bribed by Hillary.
>WI lean GOP
>NC likely GOP
What? What would indicate that WI is going to go red
My thoughts echo your digits, but another day or two of harsh revelations, even maybe an arrest or major leak tomorrow through Monday....Pennsylvania might join in.
Mindblowing thing I just heard on TV a moment ago--apparently Michigan is too close to call now.
MICHIGAN! Come on, Michigan, join us!
What was the electoral map for the greatest land slide victory?
he won every electoral vote
Besides that, I think Regan only lost 13 electoral votes
Am I the only one who thinks Trump is going to win New Jersey?
why the fuck do all these maps have vermont blue for clinton?
I've saved it to the growing list of wrong predictions. Thanks user!
Mate, I hate to tell you this, but before Bill, Vermont had only ever voted Democrat once. They didn't even vote Democrat, when there was no republican party. Since Bill, they've voted democrat every time
Give me one good reason Trump will flip PA
user, you know what a joke is? Did you not notice the 420 electoral votes above?
Oklahoma is the ultimate Bait detector. It's the one state that will NEVER, EVER go Blue, at least not in this day and age. If you say Oklahoma is voting for Hillary, you have to be baiting, or EXTREMELY ignorant in the Election process.
water you doing fishcat.
lol no
Washington ran without opposition. Also Calvin Coolidge has the biggest landslide in the elections technically speaking.
Whoops meant warren Harding, they're easily confusible
Nah bro he doesn't kid around. THE PREDICTION WAS WRONG AND WHAT'S A 420
NCfag reporting: The state is super red this year. I go to UNC and that area is hyper-socialist --- I've seen two Clinton signs. I've seen dozens of Stein signs and she isn't even on our fucking ballot. In the populated areas that carry the state, HRC is loathed.
water you doing fishcat.
She's going to Make America Great Again
>TX blue and NY red
This keks the sides.
The one time the FUCKING LEAF got it right.
I would bet on this map.
Clueless fuck. Texas is red.
Then you'd be stupid, because she's absolutely winning NV and PA, and should be considered a slight favorite in NC and FL
>Clueless fuck. Texas is red.
Fuck it. Too many beers for me...gnite.
You are going to make my dick smell like doritos again.
Congratulations that's the most sideways prediction I've seen thus far
you're delusional
Daily reminder that Colorado is in play for Trump
holy shit, wow
>Whoops meant warren Harding, they're easily confusible
looking at the maps again, its actually FDR in 36. 523 to 8. Reagan had 525-13 in 84, Nixon 520-17 in 72. Warren had 404 to 127, so I dont know why you say that, I could be missing something.
>Washington ran without opposition
TECHNICALLY (as much as I hate the word), Washington wasn't even running. He was kind of just picked, despite his reluctance. But none the less, he won every single electoral vote in the most massive landslide in American history, 69 to 0
This one is very plausible. Polls say you are right about IA and OH, but I think she's going to pull it off in the end.
That poll had 9% of the electorate being Hispanic. Very unlikely. I grant that the polls have shown CO to be tight, but as a lifelong Coloradan who knows the political geography of this state very well, I really don't think he can win here. Whoever wins the Denver suburbs tends to win the state, and despite Romney being the perfect type of R for CO, he couldn't do it. HRC by 5-7.
The polls are rigged m8
Blacks stay home. More turn out for republicans. The mythical monster vote. Clinton is the hated.
No, they really aren't. They are conducted by unrelated private firms who have financial incentives to get it right. They differ between pollsters and methodologies, they are inexact, and they can be wrong, but they aren't rigged. That's why polling averages make more sense than obsessing over any 1 individual poll.
>financial incentives to get it right
Or maybe financial incentives to show a Hillary lead because she's the one doing the paying.
Or maybe not, you never know. Guess we just have to wait for the results