>Putin Appreciation Thread - Saving The White Race Edition
Putin Appreciation Thread - Saving The White Race Edition
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I know that there are a lot of uninformed Americans and other Putinfans here that think Putin is the savior of the white race because he is not liberal. This couldn't be farther from the truth. He is basically Russian George Bush: a neocon who tries to keep his popularity up by invading countries like Georgia and Ukraine (like Bush did with Iraqi war) People in Russia live in poverty and Putin has made it even worse for them. Here are few things this (((nationalist))) jew puppet Putin has done:
1)he made revision of Holohoax a crime punishable by prison sentence
2)advocating anti-communist cause in WWII will land you in prison
3)pointing out crimes of Red Army will lend you in prison
4)inflammation of ethnic and religious hatred will lend you in jail. Hate speech laws essentially. Countless nationalists are doing time for it
5)let construction of huge fucking mosques and ordered to give mosque in Chechen Republic #2 in government sponsored "National Symbols of Russia" election
6)keeps open border policy with Central Asia, Russian citizenship can be bought for 30,000-50,000 rubles. 9 million of fucking illegals in Russia
7)Called the real nationalists "morons or provocateurs"
8)everything is corrupt beyond belief In a any state related project, at least 80% of budget would be stolen
1),2),3) - Federal Law 80
4) - paragraph 282 of the Criminal Law
Maksim Marcinkiewicz(jailed twice for "hate speech" alone) and Movement Against Illegal Immigration activists are good example
5) 10russia.ru
6) nationalinterest.org
7) Direct Line with President on "Channel 1" 18 Dec 2003
8) countless exposed info by various people (Google RosPil)
knock knock bang! Here comes OMOH
feels blyat man
cheeki breeki
>I'm not shilling, I swear
Russia is fucking retarded sometimes.
Keep the faith brother, better days are on the horizon.
>Saving the white race
The guy allows negros to become citizens and breed with Russian women. His own daughter is married to a South korean admiral and his other daughter who studies in Europe is said to be dating a mixed race European-Arab man.
>frequency of information posted influences the accuracy of the information
Kys traitor.
>what is shilling?
>His own daughter is married to a South korean admiral and his other daughter who studies in Europe is said to be dating a mixed race European-Arab man.
Neither are true.
One is married to white Dutch guy and the other is married to Tatar Russian politician. Also both are ugly.
haha. yup same guy every time.he does that on other websites aswell....or she. even denying speeches that putin made.
You tell me?
ATTENTION DEAR Sup Forumsers Most of Russians you see on Sup Forums are fucking shills from Olgino and Savushkino. It's them and American useful idiots who spread the false message of Russia being pro-White and anti-degenerate, when the opposite is true.
>ul. Savushkina, 55, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia 197183
Google Maps link:
Video inside the building:
>LLC “Internet Research” (TIN 7813585038) was founded in March 2014. The company acts as the successor of “Internet Research Agency” (TIN 7805627478), which was based in Holguín. Legal address “Internet Research”, according to the commercial registry – Bolshaya Raznochinnaya, 17, room 1-H. Founder and CEO – Michael Bystrov, born in 1958, retired police colonel, former head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow district of St. Petersburg.
Guardian article:
Meme archive used by Russian trolls
Daily assignment for Russian trolls:
Interview with Russian troll:
Russian information war:
Pic related, Russian scum trying to subvert and shill within the UK education forum
O иди нaхyй cyкa блять пидopoшкa
Another copypasta m8, do something original at least.
>it's just one person
people are tired of putinbots here. Putin a cuck and you can't refute anything
>plast of info
Mнe дo пизды, oпyщeнный.
Don't pretend you are not alone, you are butthurted russian libtard who blames putin himself for your own fails.
Putin the Russian James Bond
So basically
>don't be an autist?
I support this policy, you think it's redpilled to fuck with culture?
Here's an American who tried to illegally enter Russia "for a better life" siberiantimes.com
Can anyone give me red-pilled classic or contemporary Russian literature to read?
You act like an average internet shillbot t.bh, cause you are. Do something original ffs.
Can we have one fucking Russian thread without the self hating cucks?
Are your libtards as retarded as ours I wonder. Is it mental illness or what?
>hate your government
>self hate
Nice try Savushkino.+15
Nah, yours are worse, niave millennials who haven't lived through the shit and think they're being la ironic.
Ours are terrible but at least they have containment zones.
Russians are the most self hating people out there, i've never met a russian who doesn't hate other russians
let's work together when the time comes to get rid of these fuckers
When is Adam Driver goong to play him in the inevitable biopic
>oppose Chinese takeover or mudlsim infestation
kys cuck
Don't forget about the chinks, Russia is becoming very multicultural, and it must because otherwise it will not survive.
>The Chinese are invading Russia — not with tanks, but with suitcases.
>Alexander Shaikin, in charge of controlling the Russian-Chinese border, said on June 29 that 1.5 million people from China have illegally entered the Russian Far East over the past 18 months.
>It’s impossible(!!!) to know the exact level of Chinese migration into the Russian Far East; Russia has not run a census in over a decade. But by all indications, a significant river of people is surging across the border.
>The Moscow Carnegie Center, the only organization to launch an independent study, claimed that there were about 250,000 Chinese in Russia in 1997. The Interior Ministry has claimed that there are 2 million. Other estimates place the Chinese population at 5 million.
>Regardless, the Federal Migration Service fears a flood. The service has repeatedly warned that the Chinese could become the DOMINANT ETHNIC group in the Russian Far East in 20 to 30 years. Such an occurrence would require an annual influx of about 250,000 to 300,000 Chinese, LESS than one-third the rate that Shaikin currently claims
>Mooooom, I don't like him, he's russian proxy.
Listen faggot, I hate my government, you have some other country talking about it I don't go oh ho ho let me tell you why I disagree with the government and think it's shit. It's a cuck thing to do, you defend yours and shit all over theirs.
Fucking subhuman mongoloid.
Sadly a good third of Russians are fucking stupid bydlo you see on the meme pics.without sterilising that shit Duterte style Russia won't progress
That's like making an America is great thread and expecting every burger not to criticize their nation.
Fuck off you retard. You want to do some Russian circlejerking go to Sup Forums
>you defend yours
Otta good slave. Probably negro genes you got thanks to your whore of greatmother show up
Ah yes, the blue pilled wake up sheeple argument.
Almost all of them lived in 90s in Russia, the most shitty time in the modern history of Russia. Basically, they want to do it again with their plans of reforming this country. And once they turn this country into even shittier state, they will immigrate to Israel.
Like Putin?
>le grand realpolitik
>Israel agents everywhere, right?
And liberals won't rule Russian Federation as you know it. It's given. It either will be a continuous corrupt open border regime with slow selling out to China or Nationalist takeover. Hello from Kvachkov
>Guys, guys, Here are 3 pics from my shilling folder. But I'm not shilling, I swear.
shilling for...? You don't call a person who spreads holohaux obvious falsehood a shill. It's called redpilling like this funny thing
Hello, CIA-contracted grunt.
my personality is not relevant. accuracy of information provided is.
Do you research and try to refute a single piece of information. Pro-tip: you can't
Let me tell you about the average mindset of an average selfhating russian libtard you often see on Sup Forums.
He doesn't have a girlfriend because of the evil Putin, not because he's fat and ugly.
He's fat and ugly cause it's evil Putin force feeding him and hides his gym pass.
He doesn't have a good job, Putin once again forbids him to get one, not because he's autistic beta faggot who choosed to study in the university of something very irrelevant and now his skills of being a faggot are relevant only on Sup Forums.
But it's not his fault. It's Putin's fault. He doesn't let him to achieve something in life, to lose some weight and get a decent job.
Russians hate everybody who won't threat them on sight. That's why chechens raping us with bottles on daily basis right now.
>I'm still not shilling, no one pays me.
So what should the new Russo-American alliance be called when we finally leave the cuck group known as NATO?
Israel is a UN pariah state much like Russia so naturally whenever Obongo cuts off their weapons supply to punish Israel for blowing up derkas they go to Russia and buy them with no strings attached.
People oppose Putin because they have values
(((No strings attached)))
See? Everytime anyone says something they don't like they immideatly "+15"
It's their only "argument". I didn't say any word in support of current Russian government. But this retard accuses me of being Russian Internet troll.
You are retarded, my libtard friend. Try something new please.
Have you seen liberals in Russia that have problems with jews and asians? Calling anyone a "libtard", "liberashka", using ad hominems is right there in Kremlin shill manual.So, yeah. +15
It's in your copypastas, retard.
No strings attached for Israel, Obongo makes them give concessions and shit. That's just Russia protecting his customer.
In other news Steven Seagal is now a Russian
>washed up actor naturalising in banana oil republic somehow compensates massive corruption and open borders
Here no string attached too or just cuckolding?
либepacт или cкинхpeнь?
so many faggots suck Russians cocks on here it funny ... I respect putin and like Russia. but /pol is like a rt comment section the amount of shilling
>All my problems are because of someone else!
Just shut the fuck up and get on with your life already, you lowly piece of shit
>ad hominem again just like in instructions
Apparently I'm working right now
Lol you can complain all you want, it won't make anything better, maybe you should man up and be the best person you can be instead of posting on Taiwanese tapestry board about how everything sucks
That's how average libtard works, he's not the problem, everyone else is.
What does +15 mean?
It means "I suck at life and blame it on everybody else"
Third generation Russian here, can confirm.
I can't follow this russian argument or even who's side any particular post is on.
what is +15
Putinbots are paid 15 rubles for each reply they get
It's interesting how they call anyone who opposes Putin a liberal, especially when opposition is based on corruption and mudification of Russian race
When those retards don't have anyting to say they just write +15, they accuse you of being russian CTR.
Putin's cleaning up Russia, they're ahead of the curve.
I'm interested in this, too. But I'm not sure who among these Russians to trust. Unlike American social/political issues and the multi-layered shillery, I have absolutely no instinct for this stuff.
Fuck off you dirty Kremlinbot shill
I love putin meme's, ill dump
t.guy that is shorter than Kim Jong Un.
and im out
The problem with benevolent dictators is that when they die nobody is able to replace them.
When Putin dies (of old age i asume) who will be able to replace him? It's an honest question, are there any young political figures in Russia that could countinue his work?
His work? Somebody from Merkel staff can, but they ARE for a big one to learn
Who can change him? Leonid Parfenov is the best choice for classic liberals, Alexey Navalny for liberal nationalists, Demushkin for ethnic nationalists with socialistish financial program. Judging by effectiveness Colonel Vladimir Kvachkov is the best choice for Russia
Lol you are the one not procreating, and are too much of a loser to get a gf, and then you complain that others are more competent than you? Get over yourself.
((())) projecting hard
Sup Forums is a place to exchange info. some spread holohaux debunction, some spread putin cuckery, some expose CTR. Mission is similar: reaction to the anti-White establshement. Putin is part of that
(((Just have more white babies, goy! Don't mind me putting 2 millions ahmed)))