The discussion started here.
Sup Forums has never rallied together to get anything done. Today that changes.
>Go to IMDb
>Sign up for an account
>Give Bumfights: A Cause For Concern a 10
>Get it in the top 250
The discussion started here.
Sup Forums has never rallied together to get anything done. Today that changes.
>Go to IMDb
>Sign up for an account
>Give Bumfights: A Cause For Concern a 10
>Get it in the top 250
Other urls found in this thread:
kill yourself
Genuine pre-social media internet KINO
Very honest film. 10/10
gonna email this thread to the mods, brigading is not allowed
God I hate viral marketing
For what? Bumfights? They haven't made that shit for 15 years also I'm pretty sure the makers are all in jail.
Are you too young to remember it? There was a minor moral panic about it when it was first released.
This shit isn't even for sale anymore probably. Even when it was out the only copies I ever saw were bootlegs on p2p clients
go away shill
I know but this is clearly a coordinated campaign, it's the same dude that keeps posting these threads
Its not viral marketing, theres big revenue to be made on this, the fame it got made the creator lose all the money he made.
Its not for sale anymore, theres no remake plans since it could NOT be made today.
This is the kind of faggotry that prevents Sup Forums from ever accomplishing anything, when theres clearly no profit behind it yet it got mislabeled by fresh off the boats coz they can't tell whats a shill.
>coordinated campaign
>it's the same dude
Well then I guess all those jonah hill threads are a coordinated campaign. I guess sneed is a coordinated campaign. I guess Brendan Fraser threads are a coordinated campaign. etc.
>coordinated campaign
>that involves bumfights
sounds kinda fun.
>a viral campaign to reboot bumfights with digital economy dropouts
Fuck yeah, I'm in.
Okay. Then please pitch a stunt Sup Forums can do instead.
>he doesn't know
how new?
totally different things, these threads started appearing out of the blue only a while ago and they keep being posted with regularity
bumfight guys are still active
they are doing left leaning shit on their indecline channel
Yeah sure Ill do it
Almost like this board is filled with autistic NEETS with plenty of time on their hands and a penchant for focusing in on specific things that hold their attention or something.
can't we do this for like a Neil Breen movie or something? really anything that's not as fucked as bumfights
I doubt it's them , they sold their rights after the first film. It's probably the guys that bought the rights and produced the 2nd and 3rd films
Its because it reminded us from a simpler time where you could sit with your school mates and play a dvd you paid actual money for featuring a black drug addict shitting in public and raw footage of civilians straight out fist fighting each other.
Good times.
Tramp Kino is coming back in a big way in 2018
Also this is depressing as fuck
>they did not buy Bumfights on VHS from the back of horror magazines
See this ?
This is the exact kind of anti-edgy faggotry i was talking about in the previous thread, this kind of retard prevents ANY real fun from being had coz he is allergic to edginess, i fucking hate this kind of retard, of all places on this rotting internet this fagmo had to come hang out here? we cannot have fun while idiots like this roam the site.
You can't be teacher's golden star boy and a cool kid at the same time, you either one or the other.
No, it is them. The real bumfights guys are the INDECLINE shitbags who are slimy antifa/arnachist creeps. The guys who bought bumfights (the guy who appeared on dr phil) have dropped off the face of the earth
>The guys who bought bumfights (the guy who appeared on dr phil) have dropped off the face of the earth
this is why he's trying to sell his shit here
I'm pretty sure Bumfights is no longer for sale. The courts stopped it or something.
just you wait for the inevitable "from the producers of Bumfights.."
But its no longer for sale and if they are really leftists they would love bumfight erased from the earth, it shames them since paying bums to hurt themselves is not very pc.
What are they gonna do? An all women woke reboot?
do it for rufus
and the blacks
ask them not me
Bumfights and Indecline Films in general is extremely cringeworthy.
They had their 5 minutes of fame by exploiting deranged and mentally ill people and used that the start a "movement" of edgelord 'anarachist' leftists that advocated for Hillary and have since vandalized ghettos by spray painting anti-Trump murals. They're reddit except irrelevant, out of touch and much more retarded.
Literally end your lives.
Oh cmon now, its not personal army shit, theres nothing at stake here, besides its proven again and again that imdb is shit, its meaningless, get out on the top 5 best movies of all time? and you don't feel like vandalizing that garbage site by sending bumfight up there?
I thought they stop letting people rate sometime last yeah
because i dont give a fuck about IMDB. whatever they have on their list has no effect on me at all.
I did it, have a bump.
It's not going to get in the top 250 with like a few hundred votes, but still.
I wish these "ironic" too-good-for-memes newfags like would kill themselves