Attached: Star.Wars.The.Last.Jedi.2017.iNTERNAL.720p.BluRay.x264-SPRiNTER.mkv_snapshot_01.15.00_[2018.03.15_22 (640x268, 16K)
Nathan Allen
Lucas Stewart
I boipahsst da charactah divelopmunnt
Aaron Walker
whenever I snap my fingers, I always use my index finger. It pushes the middle finger down onto your thumb while simultaniously pushing it alongside it. Effectively allowing for a harsher and more abrupt sound. Too put it short: it makes your snaps sound more snappy!
Jonathan Wright
I don't snap, I think it's lame, especially after seeing Daisy Sue doing it
Austin Hall
What was the point of this scene again?
Nicholas Young
Apparently it was Rey communicating with the dark side of the force because she is Jedi Jesus or something.
The weird mirror effect is different dimensions or some other spooky witchcraft bullshit that only Disney could cook up along with the children they eat.
Jaxson Wright
Ethan James
The dark side reflects all your emotions, wants and desires back at you. If you're angry, it'll show you anger and empower you, same for any emotion.
Isaac Reyes
>A mirror cave is another thing that...I didn't even know what it meant when I first had the visual idea. And then, as I developed the story, I realized, "oh! This is its place in all this,and this is what it means to Rey."
Even Rian admitted it in the documentary
Lincoln Sanchez
So it's nothing but a showcase of some visual effects?
Aiden Gomez
Why do normies act like they love Rian and that he's a genius but also shit on how "HURR LOOPER WAS BORING" and that he unnecessarily CGId JGL's face? Oh and that he can't write for his fucking life
Lincoln James
He had the idea because they made him read the EU to steal ideas and he had just found out about Triclops and Luuuke.
Michael Lopez
*wastes the viewers time*
Ian Roberts
I liked this scene in the same way that I enjoy Mulholland Drive. It didn't make a whole lot of narrative sense, but it didn't have to, I just enjoyed it as an audio/visual experience.
Camden Myers
Xavier Cook
When will reddit stop whining about TLJ and Rian get fucking over it.
Adam Rogers
I saw TLJ i for free because Allstate(tm) was fine enough to give me a ticket for the premier.
during this scene a uppity teenage wigger kid stood up and said WHAT THE FUCK?'
Daniel Kelly
Pleb filter
Jace Bell
This moment was an awesome depiction of the flow of time and fate, and people's place in it. Reminded me a lot of Kurt Vonnegut's description of morta life via the Tralflagmadorians in Slaughterhouse Five. Anti-Disney picketers won't understand this though because they were too busy telling themselves nothing in the movie was good, lest they accidentally enjoy a part of it.
Aaron White
>I didn't even know what it meant when I first had the visual idea.
John Clark
The few good scenes in this movie really stood out from the rest of the mediocrity
Parker Sanchez
>Oh and that he can't write for his fucking life
None of today's supposed Auteurs can write, so that's par for the course.
Jordan Perez
Is this like when people only care about graphics in video games?
Joseph Martin
To show that all actions are both predicated and have an effect, the universe has flow.
Jason Barnes
Feels weird, user.
Xavier Hill
wrong but whatever
Jackson Green
This part and some other visuals were legit as fuck.
Still doesn't make up for the rest of the movie.
Dylan Morales
kind of like art
Hunter Reed
Then why bother with a script at all?
Just give me pretty pictures to look at
Tyler Barnes
Nothing, someone thought it looked pretty and people who wanted a good movie could be dismissed as alt-right trolls. Tl;dr you got S U B V E R T E D
Connor Edwards
>shills HAVE to defend this
Kayden Butler
Is this what it's like for an user to slowly realize what a movie is?
Anthony Gutierrez
Adam Gutierrez
As long as he figured out what it could represent before filming it's fine. Most artists do the same thing when hammering out the ideas and concepts in their art. If he had said all this after filming then there would be some problems because it would be him trying to explain away something that comes off as pointless.
James Gray
>Implying TLJ will have that kind of a revelation on anyone at all
Blake Ross
Blake Rivera
You spent Tralfamadorian wrong you utter plebian
Henry Cox
Ironically this scene explains the entire movie
>journeys into the ominous abyss, seeking something meaningful to give answers
>ends up being nothing but a mirror
Camden Phillips
Sorry I just went from memory but I'm glad you understand what I'm talking about
Noah Martinez
Early morning Sup Forums is the worst.
You east coasters need to deepthroat a 12 gauge.
Fucking faggots.
Mason Allen
Since we cant trust your memory I'd vote to just disregard you entire post. Thanks for confirming.
Bentley Davis
She was tapping in to her ugandan skills.
John Morales
Why is her face more bloated than in TFA?
Joshua Howard
too much nigger cum up her ass makes you fat
Hunter Williams
I also do this.
Elijah Butler
And that's a good thing.
Lincoln Butler
Andrew Collins
More the australian subhumans, every fucking day for 3 months
Hunter Reed
Eli Thomas
Hank Hill called, he wants his ass back
Liam Hall
it was supposed to be Rey's version of Luke unmasking Vader to see himself- Jedi hallucination scene, but they forgot to put any meaning into it
Lincoln Williams
>couldn't stand rey in tfa
>hated seeing her face everywhere
>watched this
>actually started finding her really cute
Nicholas Reyes
This scene was so shit and made so little sense that for the first time in any Star Wars movie audible narration had to be added to describe what the character was feeling.
Jeremiah Lopez