What's your favorite episode of DBZ?

What's your favorite episode of DBZ?

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1.gohan turns ss2 after 16’s death
2.goku turns ss fighting freeza first time
3.vegeta’s final flash against cell
4.tien facing off with cell’s second form

Those are moments, not episodes

The episode where Goku has to solve a puzzle to get a dragon ball from a gangster midget.

>i can shoot bigger fireballs out my ass than you because I'm the best haha
>haha you think you're the best but you see i'm actually the best and can shoot level 7 fireballs because I have the demon sword of Fukumushu
>adult men watch hundreds of hours of this infantile asinine dreck

you want me to look up names of the exact episodes?

the one where he runs along snake road or whatever it's called
and the one where he charges the spirit bomb at frieza

No, but the episodes are a lot more than those moments; how do you know that aside from those moments those episodes aren't filled with a shitload of boring filler?

As far as I'm concerned it ended with the Frieza saga. Cell Saga had some kino camera angles though. Favorite episode: the one where Frieza eats a crab and pummels Vegeta in his back as the others watch in horror. Saw it as a kid during morning cartoons. The excessive level of violence left a big impression on me.

Cell Saga was the best retard

Piccolo vs 17 was the peak of DBZ.

I can’t recall the names of any episodes, only the moments, But If I were to pick a favorite dbz film, I’d say lord slug or the first broly film. also, cell saga was best saga.

The emotional investment during the Frieza saga was a lot higher.

>emotional investment

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>liking any particular episode of DBZ

Most episodes were 90% filler trash and 10% actual action.

>Gohan, let it go.. It is not a sin to fight for the right cause.. there is those who words alone will not reach.Cell is such a being..
I know how you feel Gohan, you are gentle.. you dont not like to hurt. I know because I too have learnt these feelings..
but it because your cherish life that you must protect it. Please.. drop your restraints. Protect the life I once loved..
you have the strength, my scanners sensed it..

best episode

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Not technically an episode but it's still the correct answer

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I watched it as a kid you idiot. Anyways watching Vegeta getting pummeled by an endless barrage of fists to his back as he hung there, defenseless in the air, by the guy who humiliated and killed his father. All of the good guys are seeing this happen and they want to help him ( even Piccolo, considering where he came from) but they're too afraid to do anything. And then Goku comes, after spending time in recovery, knowing his son is in danger but he can't leave before recovering fully. Vegeta, a dying prince on the battlefield, having been destroyed on all planes, has to witness this third class warrior, who he's gotten his ass kicked by a season earlier, come to the rescue.

As a kid, this show was pretty goddamn kino. It brought me up to speed on the moral ambiguity in a way adults in my real life environment could or would not do at that time

The driving episode.

hell yeah

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Depends, is Imperfect Cell Cell Saga, or is he Android Saga?

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Buu saga was the patrician saga

It's all Cell

The one where Raditz blows off Picollos arm and the one where Vegeta turns into the weremonkey in the Saipan sagas

Save the world

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All the Great Saiyaman episodes. That was DBZ at its peak.

Sup Forums

DBZ episodes are 1 moment stretched to 20 minutes

not Z but it's the episode where El Hermano and Jiren finally clashed, hype as fuck. also Gohan Blanco Méjico Capitan cameo.

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>infantile asinine dreck
What a shallow and pedantic post

Dragon Ball was so much better than DBZ. I don't get why so many people prefer DBZ over Dragon Ball.
