>This guy is running for president of the USA
How did this happen?
>This guy is running for president of the USA
How did this happen?
Other urls found in this thread:
hard work.
Meme magic
>How did this happen?
people got tired of all the faggotry
I'm still not sure
Pretty much sums up the primary.
He won the nomination in an elimination match
praying to an eldrich god of chaos, "anything other than hillary" gives you weird results
Will be president
Meme magic
its what plants crave
ok lovecraft
We made it happen.
All a snowball needs is a small push to roll into an unstoppable force.
Sup Forums's initially ironic support turned him into the real deal
Meme magic is real
People are sick of the shit. Listen to the Michael Moore thing about trump being elected as a huge fuck you to the media and the gov establishment
>This guy was president of the USA
How did this happen?
Weapons grade autism
now post the webm
>this guy saved western civilization
How did this happen?
tell me you wouldn't want to snuggle up with nyarlathotep for a good bed time story?
I mean, Ronald Reagan was in a show with a fucking monkey and he was alright. Why are you getting on Trump for being in one with a roided up monkey?
Who else /feelsgoodman/ knowing that Trump won't become president?
Kek wills it user.
There's more bombshells yet to come
dubs of danger btfo cucks
This is how it happened
To think that Bernie would have actually beaten Trump.
Greedy DNC.
Greedy greedy
Because he's bigly smart.
As a trump fan, it is because of two things.
>Obama never being able to live up to the "first African American president" title
>8 years of basically the same style of governing as Bush
>Republican party dieing when Ted 'lets shut down the government and then not repeal Obamacare' cruz killed it, and all the jokers besides Trump showed that they were uncreative hacks
>Hillary Clinton getting greedy as fuck and forcing the entire DNC to her will.
Trump needed a new contract for his show, so ran for POTUS as a way to boost his popularity for network negotiations. He never expected to survive the first couple of weeks and turned out he was the only candidate who wasn't bought and paid for so grew in popularity.
Then Hillary had her media friends pump up Trump in the press, because she knew he would be the easiest to beat out of all the Republican candidates.
Turns out she made a grave mistake and now Trump might actually win since he crosses party lines with support, and she got FBI'd
>Stone Cold Steve Austin won't give Hillary a Stunner when Trump wins
Feels bad man
Greed never works.
But hey it worked out for bernie with all of those donations
Reality is stranger than fiction and represents things that the Americans can't say but deep down wish. And the madman actually do those things
Hopefully every President from now on is in the wwf hall of fame
Think of all the shit Sup Forums violently rages about. Normies rage about that stuff too but quietly because they have social lives. They also hate "transgender non cis normative race is a social construct socialism for all" bullshit but they have a lot more to lose.
This is how:
Read attachment, see "Pied Piper" strategy
Drew Carey 2024
It still amazes me how he knows so many stars and they love him back, Ali, Michael Jackson and so on, but all of a sudden they all turn away when he runs as a Republican
the true american president
Pretty sure Mj and Ali both died before Trumps campaign
idiots beget idiots
he's watters, and this was his world
Dunno, but atleast he will be out of office soon.
That's not how the meme goes nigger
It all makes sense now.
>be in Pittsburg suburbs
>whoever wins doesn't really affect us since we don't care about guns and this place is 99% white
>just mailed in my ballot for Hillary just to see Sup Forums butthurt come Nov. 8
So how was your day today?
>Congress and Senate are cast for Whose Line if they ever fail they can not present a bill
PRAISE HIM!!!!!!!!
>Then Hillary had her media friends pump up Trump in the press, because she knew he would be the easiest to beat out of all the Republican candidates.
Not quite. They wanted to elevate him so that he would draw in a large crowd, and then when he loses to Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio, they are forced to adopt Trump's policies or lose significant Republican support. Either they lose tons of independents or tons of Republicans.
Trump winning the nomination was never part of the plan.
A response to progressive policy and people.
>We hold these truths to be self evident.
That or you can keep calling us Nazis because that's been working lol.
I woke up my wife
Well it was not easy. Multiple DNC people were promised favors in a HRC administration in turn for their rigging the primary against Bernie.
>Buying the liberal media lie that Republicans shut down the government when they passed a budget in the house.
Never gonna make it, user.
>Vince McMahon is voting Trump
>Stephanie McMahon is voting Trump
>Trips is voting Trump
>Chris Jericho is supporting Trump
>Dolph Ziggler is voting Trump
>Zack Ryder is voting Trump
>Stone Cold Steve Austin is voting Trump
>Shawn Micheals is voting Trump
>The Undertaker is voting Trump
>Big Poppa Pump is voting Trump
>Hulk Hogan is voting Trump
Meme magic.
Mike Tyson still supports him.
No, you don't get it at all.
People initially voted for Trump because they were rebelling against the media lies.
Nice dubs, Lithuania
Fucking being able to say anything doesn't mean you have to be racist.
>Voting for a candidate because it's contrary to popular opinion
Just how triggered are you?
>>>mother jones comment section
Is Jerishill even a US citizen?
>This woman is running for president of the USA
How did this happen?
Nepotism and Cuck Guilt
>contrary to popular opinion
He have dual citizenship.
if you ask me it's a lot more interesting what conversation he had with Vince McMahon that convinced him to be on WWF
The Republican party forgot that they needed the people's vote
well fuck a duck
Didn't he publicly tease vince that he would start his own wrestling organization and antagonize vince for not being a billionaire anymore after WWF went public?
yeah, but I think it was just part of the whole set up
Just went on and watched this whole thing on Youtube; some fun showmanship. Do have to wonder if there was any chance of Trump winning, or if it's 100% scripted. I'd assume it's fully scripted, but ah, you never know.
>This guy was our president
Hardest kek i've had all week
next 4 years going to be maga as FUCK
>this guy used to be my governor
How did this happen?
>Trump loves rasslin'
>two great American icons that make America great, together!
And Hillary loves to do the jig!
>only career politicians and lawyers can run the country
this meme needs to die
Meme magic. Praise kek
Because the fat autistic idiots of this board think life is a joke. Mainly due to them being poor and uneducated.
Give it a rest. Reaganomics doesn't work and the lies of libertarianism will never bear any resemblance to reality. Most wealth is inherited and the rich are lazy as fuck.
I'm 14: the post
My eyes still go to that shit that falls out of her pants every time I see this.