Finally watched this. What was so social justicey about this? What was everyone moaning about...

Finally watched this. What was so social justicey about this? What was everyone moaning about? Was pretty average but not bad.

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Dont mind the constant crying, it was not oscar worhty but pretty good for a SW movie.(much better than TFA)

Welcome to Sup Forums. Here, everything is black and white. A movie is either full SJW trash or a horrible movie with no redeeming qualities where every aspect is nitpicked to oblivion (this is 95% of movies/tv discussed here) or a perfect 10/10 movie to be maaturbated over for all time


That's the recent situation here, the crying tourist population fucked up the entire board.

You forgot that as soon as a movie is liked/hated for 6 months or less on Sup Forums or by normies, Sup Forums wil change it's mind.

Abandoning everything that was set up in the previous film.
Made Luke into a grumpy cuck

These and also the fact that it is a shit film

Luke was the only good character that was reflective of the previous characters.

I dunno about SJW, and it's a fantastic movie, but it seemed kind of disrespectful about the whole "let the past die, burn it if you have to", and the Leia flying back into the ship because " the force lol" only to have her do basically nothing for the whole movie (which is especially terrible given that she died IRL and now they have to write her out of the next one in some anticlimactic way). Also the pink haired lady could have completely made half the movie not happen by just taking 10 seconds to explain the plan instead of being a stubborn cunt. Also there's the forced romance with Finn and Rose and her subsequent really stupid death with no emotional impact. Also there's that part where it basically turns into an anime with Luke having "force projection" powers and then just randomly dying, simultaneously taking away any heroic consequences from him and giving him the most anticlimactic death scene possible.


I had a lot of issues with it but it definitely isn't the "worst film of all time"

It was an awful movie. Actually maybe worse than TFA, because even shit like that comes as less offensive when compared to garbage-fire of TLJ.
It's alright in the visual department though. And if the story and characters weren't THIS bad, I would agree with
But as it is, it's easily the worst SW movie so far. Probably not for long.

Nothing. Pissbabies just wanna cry.

I liked Luke, his character was clearly influenced by both Yoda and Obi Wan which made sense given his age.

Most normies were annoyed that Rey wasn't a Skywalker. That's their own fault for believing a fan theory

You can say it's shit but you don't seem to be able to say why it's shit.

Hello shilling, how's work?

I liked the chewbacka guy. He was like, Grrrrr! lol

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yeah it was completely average. Id prefer it if it was bad though, at least that way it could be included in sheevposting threads, but its too boring for that. The only thing it gave us is reylo.

*saves your franchise with true star kino*

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>everyone with a different opinion to me is a shill
Kill yourself.

R2D2 was like, beep beeeep beep. love that guy.

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Literally opens with a prank call and a yo momma joke

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So did your life but that doesn't effect the movie in any way.

The movie itself wasn't social justicey. But it was a bad movie that made an active and explicit effort to feature a black guy, an Asian woman, a woman in command with non-traditional hair, a hispanic man, a female protagonist, and straight white males either dying or as antagonists. So the casting and production had a social justice bent to it, so criticism of the film was interpreted as a criticism of social justice rather than of the film.

But a white man sacrificed himself and saved everyone.

I really liked it. I got a C3PO tat about a month ago. I love it.

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>beady souless eyes
You're one of those Reylo fucks, arn't you.

The entire resistance represents diversity (pay attention to the all female chain of command and number of token black characters in every shot) and the first order represents the angry old white patriarchy. Poe's character is criticized and made fun of for his display of masculinity (flyboy) and is told to blindly follow orders from his female leaders. Finn's shining moment is taken away from him only to be lectured by Rose. Rey is still the mary sue character, only now it's officially canon, and she spends a chunk of the movie lecturing Luke instead of being the naive student under training. The somewhat anti capitalist themes in the casino city. also how everything reverted back to the reistance being the underdog rebel group taking on the bourgeoisie first order.

Fuck off alt right shill. There was nothing wrong with the movie. It wasn't perfect but it wasn't crap. You just can't handle female characters like leia and Holdor

>Was pretty average but not bad.
Lmao you shills are finally giving in, by the time Ep9 comes out everybody will agree this movie was worse than the prequels

Just finished it as well actually. Shouldn't have even bothered.

What about the movie a piece of shit, does that influence any opinions or just youe pathetic excuses?

Just a reminder, you will never get your shekels back from Disney.

>implying i pay for media

>alt right for having different opinions
I'm center left my man, but thanks for playing

If you liked this trash you need a new brain.

Merch sales don't go down 56% because of alt right on the internet.

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This, someone post the pasta so shills can kill themselves once and for all

Can you guys fuck off already, when you hate that flick move on and stop flooding the board with your salty tears, embrassing.

I agree, I’ve seen way worse and I think people are building up the problems in their mind. The stuff with rose sucked but beyond that it was alright

I'm so glad I'm not paying for Disney films anymore. I pirated TLJ and I still felt ripped off.

- most of the rebel leaders are females that talks down on their male counterparts or subordinates
- heroic suicides are not a males quip anymore and it already did one at the first part
- the rich are bastards coz whatever
- think about the space horses!
- orphans being abused cliche
- everybody can be special, no need for special lineage. the force can be used by anyone regardless of space microbes
- i wont tell you our secret plan if youre a hotshot ace pilot of our team coz ur a man!

those are only on top of my head. im still angry on what star wars has become

>that's right white go-uh guys, you can help everyone by killing yourselves

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Center left in name only. There was nothing wrong with leai doing that superman tging. Jedi surviving in space is an old EU ability and her reaching out for the ship was like luke reaching out for his sabre in the wampa cave

And holdo acted rationally. A superior officer has no need ro explain themselves to an underling. If a man had been in holdos role you fags would have been talking how based he was for flying himself into the enemy ship. But no juat bexause she's a women you make fun of her hair and her bitchyness.

This is why this film is important it has to show young girls that women in power should stand proud, tall and undaunted against scrutiny of men

tou che, Capn Morgan.

The whole film is a jumbled mess. It doesn't know what it wants to do. Half the time it acts like it wants to do something different, but because it's corporate blockbuster it's constantly getting reigned in. What a mess.

Not happening shill, we're going to make fun of that dumpster fire of a movie forever. It's not going away, a movie this fucking terrible happens once in a lifetime, it would be like not making fun of Waterworld or Battleground Earth in the 90s

Holes that have been here 4 months should shut the fuck up.

>If you want to get the girl, kill your white fathers (Han/Snoke).

>be part of the group think or fuck off
Double-plus ungood, user.

>his character was clearly influenced by
Rian and kathy

Who portrayed him with aspects of Yoda and Obi Wan. His mentors.

Kill yourself hole


>group think
Lmao this shit has a 48% audience score, it's just a shit movie everybody hates

Should have stayed on tumblr whale

>be Rey
>Never felt the force
>Fly spaceship out of nowhere
>Fix spaceship like it's non of your business
>Withstand Kylo's mind control
>A Jedi trained since childhood VS a fucking nobody
>Go toe to toe with Kylo in lightsaber fight because why not
>Actually hurt the fucker
>Find Luke out in fucking nowhere because muh The force
>Impress Luke enough to have him train you with some flashy cliff sabre swinging dance
>Also fuck the writers for killing of the supreme leader like that
>Lifting TONS of rock without any sort of training lifting anything
>Basically any rebel support ship could have sliced the advancing enemy ships, but no. Let's casually stroll upfront of them for no apparent reason.
This is lazy writing if I've ever seen one. Rey is basically overpowering everything without any setback or hardship to warrant all of those great 'acting' tears. Its not so much the movie I dislike, it was decent despite its mayor flaws. Its the pandering and constant "MUH girlpower". Basically the same with Black panther. I bet the movie is decent, but fuck off with all the 'Its Shakespearean', Its 9/10, it's about time muh black hero.

>none of the politics is interesting
>anything to do with the jedi/force isn't interesting
>barely any of the characters are interesting



>That scene where Holdo pushes all the white men into space

Talking about the Sup Forums group think. Looking at the user reviews on RT most of them boil down to "SJW trash". I didn't get that from the movie. Is it because there's a black guy and a fat Asian?

Whales think calling the rest of Sup Forums new will work. Kek.


I never got the social justice angle from it either, it was just a bad movie

For a standalone film, yeah sure. 6.5/10

For a Star Wars film,... uh... at least it looked ok

>Looking at the user reviews on RT most of them boil down to "SJW trash".
It's because you made this shit up, way more SJW movies have great audienca scores like Black Panther or Wonder Woman and none of those movies had a franchise ruining career ending $150M (one hundred and fifty million united states dollars) second weekend drop

If I apply any of the SW lore to this film it continues to get worse. It's like eating something that went rancid. Even though you spit it out, the rainbow of terrible tastes just get worse. It had eye-candy, I will give it that, but sense of scale, coherent story, ill-timed jokes, hamfisted preaching, illogical rube-goldberg machine of stupidity for planning to get to not-hoth, BIGGERERER ships/vehicles, The First Orders apparent mass-production capabilities and lack of impact losing a planet-sized base like .. a week ago? a month? 3 days? Failure to convey timelapse and tying themselves to a sudden need for fuel(I guess Fusion reactors or other endless energy supplies are beyond em but harvesting stars is in the cards.)
user, what I'm saying is that if I think about what was in Star Wars, and then ask 'why did/n't they x' a new plothole can emerge with ease.

Lets try one "The New Republic did a mass reduction to thier space fleet, cool. So what prevented the Hutts or other equivalent cartels from resorting to piracy which is half the reason for any planet to maintain a fleet when you consider the influence of criminal organizations in the SW universe. There is no adequate answer to meet this simple question other than 'Because the Empire, maaaaan."

This is a 5.5/10 movie

It felt like a sci fi original. The flippant killing of snope and Luuke were as sloppy as watching sharknado.

The casino C plot was entirely useless. There was no sense of scale stakes or urgency. It fails on all levels

>What was so social justicey about this?
Nothing. Hating on it is a meme.

Black Panther was a movie about the alt right and Wonder Woman was OK.

Contrarian brainlets will never understand this.

HOLY shit, take my upvote


Holdo acted rationally. A superior officer has no need ro explain themselves to an underling. If a man had been in holdos role you fags would have been talking how based he was for flying himself into the enemy ship. But no just because she's a women they make fun of her hair and her bitchyness.

This film is important it has to show young girls that women in power should stand proud, tall and undaunted against scrutiny of men

A meme shared by everybody except the housewives shilling for disney

I feel like the casino plot will have roll on for the next movie and the most important thing about it was showing the kids that the rebels are fighting and inspiring them. If they ignore this then fuck it all.

>UR MUM joke not even 5 minutes in
Ok this is trash, I can't do it

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Nothing. Here is A list of awesome things about The Last Jedi part1:
>After waking up from his injuries (nearly getting killed by Kylo Ren), Finn is still very much afraid of The First Order and his actions are wonderfully human. He wants to escape the Resistance not only to protect himself, but to save Rey from her returning to the danger of the fleet under siege. He's still very protective of her, a great holdover from TFA.
>Kylo Ren's complete arc in the film, up to, including and after his betrayal of Snoke.
>All the Force users only ever have a piece of the larger puzzle, knowledge of the way the Force is drawing them together. Snoke sees Kylo's decisiveness, but not that it's directed at him. Kylo sees Rey will fight along side him, but not that she would never join him. Rey sees Kylo's last glimmers of humanity and thinks he can be redeemed. Luke sees Rey drawn to the Dark Side in need of answers, but not her lack of (or sheer resistance to) temptation to fall (her moral compass hardly wavers). As a result, they each underestimate each other. It's bold and unpredictable storytelling, yet completely natural. - Luke's return to faith. After his own perceived failure and that of the Jedi teachings, he withdrew, cut himself off from the Force and his loved ones and awaited death. His entire belief system was shattered, not to mention the emotional trauma of Ben falling to the Dark Side. Everything about that was true to human nature. He had to learn who he was after that. Some post-traumatic stress sufferers never reach that point, never recover. It took him 6 years and the arrival of a new student and his old master to bring him to place of peace.
>Luke's confrontation with Kylo. Everything about that sequence. Everything! Pure emotionally charged and powerful storytelling. A master utterly schooling his former apprentice. "Amazing. Everything you just said was completely wrong." Speechless. Great callback line.

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Well Captain redditspacing, I can tell you right now that in a dire situation where clear command are a necessity and morale/cohesion of the unit are at risk 'Loss of confidence' in a commander can be justification leading to a combat relief of command. Given that it was the remnant of the total fleet and she was giving no apparent direction or plan to what would be her combat commander, she would be considered an incompetent commander not acting in any rational manner in concerns to issuing commands.

1. The plot was a modern corporate “set-piece” showcase that made up “cool scenes” and wrote a
story around them instead of creating a plot that could generate excitement through it’s narrative.
2. Rey is bad not because she’s a powerful competent women, she’s boring because she is a generic
paint by numbers “insert-here” protagonist meant to be as inoffensive as possible so no possible
merchandising demographic would not like her.
3. Finn had a good arc in The Force Awakens. Shame then that he apparently forgot it all between
movies and repeated it all this movie. That why he was so pointless, not cause he’s black.
4. Canto Bight is a thirty minute waste of time that does not effect the plot. It has no “anti-capitalist
message” it has a toothless “hurr greed bad” message.
5. Holdo is a bad character because she is a walking plot device that makes decisions only so others
have to take action. She was created backwards. Where they wanted Poe to learn a lesson about “not
being a hot-head” but didn’t want him to actually do something wrong because then the audience
wouldn’t like him (and buy his merchandise). therefore she makes contradictory and nonsensical
moves because she isn’t a character, but a plot-object. None of this has to do with her purple hair (it’s
space, some planets have weird hair) or being a woman.
6. Hyperspace ramming as elaborated in detail elsewhere invalidates the entire franchise.
7. Luke had all his character development from a whole trilogy wiped out. All so they could do a cliche
“fed-up with life kung-fu master” cliche who then dies from thinking too hard.

A list of awesome things about The Last Jedi part2:
>Holdo's sacrifice. The jump to hyperspace through Snoke's ship, the silence of the soundtrack as it happened. Stunning. Chilling. Beautiful.
>The throne room duel. Momentary allies in Rey and Kylo vs the guards. That was just plain awesome.
I'll close by saying that the movie was riveting, it directly challenge many of our preconceived notions of what a Star Wars movie is. It's the so-called fans who put this franchise into a neat little box labelled "Star Wars is ONLY allowed to be what I want it to be and nothing more." Johnson played by the rules, but utterly changed the game, destroying our expectations and good on him for giving this franchise a real booster shot in the arm, kicking all of us out of our tepid complacency, our narrow theories and our shortsightedness. He gave us honest human drama and the few flaws in the film are FAR outweighed by the skill with which he crafted his film.

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8. The First Order are illogical, apparently they built a fleet and accompanying super weapons as big
as the Galactic Empires without having a galaxy or empire to fund and build them. Somehow the
entire galaxy is fine with them rolling up and taking charge without so much as a shrug because they
blew up one system with a weapon they no longer have. The OT empire was well presented in how
they ruled and operated the galaxy even in A New Hope. The First Order has no characterization
beyond “remember the Empire?” Nothing the First Order does is even remotely related to the
Republican party, their pretty generic space facists. They never rant about immigration or healthcare
or really anything political other than the same "We hate Freedom" that the original Empire did, and
they have a diverse multi-racial and gender equal approach to evil, more so even than the original.
Unless you think being obvious pulp-Nazi stand-ins is an accurate depiction of the GOP they're pretty
toothless when it comes to current political commentary.
9. Snoke is stupid, lots of critics claim “we knew nothing about the Emperor” but the viewer had no
preconceived knowledge about the Star Wars universe in the original films. It stands to reason that
powerful characters existed, unknown to the viewer.
In the new trilogy, the universe is established, The evil was the Empire, Vader and the Emperor. For a
character of Snokes immense power to exist is contradictory. It requires an explanation. And for
characters such as Luke and Leia to refer to him by name, on multiple occasions, and for others such
as Rey to never question this, is disconcerting, unnatural and entirely immersion breaking.

10. Bad costume design, In the OT and PT everyone has a unique look and silhouette that is both
easy to pick out in a crowd and memorable. From the Rebels on the Tantive IV to the Tatooine/Jedi
robe look, to the Naboo guard outfits, to the Troopers in the Hoth Trenches. None of the costumes in
The Last Jedi do this. I couldn't tell you what most main characters wore much less the extras.
Everything is so generic and uninspired you could use it in another movie and no one would notice
they were reusing Star Wars costumes.
11. All the ships and vehicles are just the original trilogies with some extra lines painted on. Both the
prequels and Rogue One managed to have designs that were simultaneously unique looking but still
thematically similar to the original movies. everything save the salt-speeders is just a repainted
original with some flaps.
12. Finally It's funny hearing people complain about "fanboys" wanting TLJ to be a retread when TLJ
dedicates it's entire runtime to nullifying any changes to the story since ANH. It has been 35 years
in-universe and everything is now at exactly the same point it was during ANH, Empire has
uncontested rule of the galaxy, Scrappy rebels (They even change their name from Resistance to
Rebels in the third act!), Dark Lord ruling the aforementioned Empire, One half-trained Jedi to keep on
the Orders legacy (which has been otherwise wiped out), and so-on. The entire original trilogy might
as well not have happened now because the universe has been reset to a merchandise friendly
timeless limbo.

We weren't crying because muh SJW, but because it sucks and shit on the OT and the old characters.
A few did cry about women (like they always do) and the media made it their war horse for why you should consume Disney media and give them your money or you're a racist sexist pig and you will be lynched on social media sites.

There you go shills, refute any of this and we'll think about stop calling it a piece of shit

>watching SW movie with gf
>Chewie: GRRRRAW!!!
>my gf: what did he say?
>me: ...
>my ex-gf: no, really, what did he say?

If you think it was a good movie you are honestly a 90iq mongrel, the plot holes and lack of even the slightest amount of internal consistency are beyond incredible.

The jokes of this film were so bad that I couldn't take it seriously.

You are definitely on the wrong website friendo

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3. Finn was still clearly terrified of the FO and was trying to flee, yet still protective of Rey. In the end he confronts them head on, literally, and is willing to sacrifice himself to stop them.
5. Po didn't tell Holdo what he was doing until way too late. She doesn't have to explain her actions to a subordinate especially one doing shit behind her back.
7. Luke was just like Obiwan, a hermit in hiding. He was bitter because he created Kylo Ren in a moment of weakness, a human trait that he has displayed in the OT. He cut himself from the force and decides to teach Rey when he feels Leia's force.
8&9. The first order picked up right where the empire left off. You don't just stage a coup and expect the galaxy to be instantly at peace. The galaxy is still clearly in the grasp of the Sith. Snope is just a piece of the same puzzle.

>film goes on about killing the past and rebirth
>while continuing to milk the star wars franchise for all it's worth

Got to love corporate media

>holdo acted rationally. A superior officer has no need ro explain themselves to an underling.
So why go against the emperor in the first place? He was the highest in rank.

Well uhh your a sexist pig

>muh echo safespace ruined by mean librulz

1.This is 2018, not 1940. Keep with the times gramps this is how we make great mvoies now
2. She's the perfect character for the generation raised on FPS games. try to not live in the past so much you old coot
3. It's called a sequel. It's always the same arc and plot but Bigger and BETTER. t's fine when it's a white guy but suddenly it's not for Finn? Racist!
4. It's not a "scene", it's an important and relevant political act. We're building a better world
5. tl;dr You're just a sexist pig
6. pearl arbour didn't invalidate our existence
7. You need to take away character development to make the character develop again. If not he's static and you CANNOT have a static character when writing fiction

>Finn was still clearly terrified of the FO and was trying to flee, yet still protective of Rey. In the end he confronts them head on, literally, and is willing to sacrifice himself to stop them.
There is no development though, he just forget about it and tries to kamikaze himself. That's inconsistency
>Luke was just like Obiwan, a hermit in hiding. He was bitter because he created Kylo Ren in a moment of weakness, a human trait that he has displayed in the OT. He cut himself from the force and decides to teach Rey when he feels Leia's force.
Luke makes no sense. Obi Wan was hiding because he was taking care of Luke and because the Empire was looking for him. Luke was just there for no reason, the rebellion was looking for him, he could have tried to redeem himself by bringing Kylo back to the light side but nope. When he finalle confronts him it's just some Tony Stark cringe shit. Awful, I mean 0/10 I don't believe you liked this shit tier awful

>If I apply any of the SW lore to this film it continues to get worse.
Well, they re-introduced fan favourites midichlorians in the novelization (they are the ones who pull Leia back to the ship), so I guess it's all fine now.

Stop lying you fucking faggot