Finally watched this. What was so social justicey about this? What was everyone moaning about...

Finally watched this. What was so social justicey about this? What was everyone moaning about? Was pretty average but not bad.

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Dont mind the constant crying, it was not oscar worhty but pretty good for a SW movie.(much better than TFA)

Welcome to Sup Forums. Here, everything is black and white. A movie is either full SJW trash or a horrible movie with no redeeming qualities where every aspect is nitpicked to oblivion (this is 95% of movies/tv discussed here) or a perfect 10/10 movie to be maaturbated over for all time


That's the recent situation here, the crying tourist population fucked up the entire board.

You forgot that as soon as a movie is liked/hated for 6 months or less on Sup Forums or by normies, Sup Forums wil change it's mind.

Abandoning everything that was set up in the previous film.
Made Luke into a grumpy cuck

These and also the fact that it is a shit film

Luke was the only good character that was reflective of the previous characters.

I dunno about SJW, and it's a fantastic movie, but it seemed kind of disrespectful about the whole "let the past die, burn it if you have to", and the Leia flying back into the ship because " the force lol" only to have her do basically nothing for the whole movie (which is especially terrible given that she died IRL and now they have to write her out of the next one in some anticlimactic way). Also the pink haired lady could have completely made half the movie not happen by just taking 10 seconds to explain the plan instead of being a stubborn cunt. Also there's the forced romance with Finn and Rose and her subsequent really stupid death with no emotional impact. Also there's that part where it basically turns into an anime with Luke having "force projection" powers and then just randomly dying, simultaneously taking away any heroic consequences from him and giving him the most anticlimactic death scene possible.