One of the best characters in the series. Most of the characters, against the backdrop of it look like a shitty matched extras on the actions of which it is painful to watch. Terrible characters that just annoying so much. And what will the series be about in the future? A whole great interesting story about teenagers in the apocalyptic future will be lost.
Yeah, they’ll have to gut the Whispers storyline without him. So glad I stopped watching after season six. I should have stopped after five or maybe even two.
Christopher Russell
>Garbage character in a garbage show Who cares?
Also, the reason they killed off Carl is because the fucking actor wanted out, you massive brainlet
Ryder Anderson
show runners have plot-milestones drawn out for at least another four seasons LOL
Sebastian Anderson
>One of the best characters in the series Then why did everyone besides girls hate him for the entire run of the show?
Kayden Fisher
Don't know. Just for shock? But how is it shock when it's just pointless with no build? Or when it's dissapointing when you know Carl is going to be big in next storyline?
Robert Wilson
His family bought a house in the area where the show is recorded before they knew he got killed off. They were mad as fuck.
Logan Thompson
People only hated him in season 1/2
Anyway OP it's because he turned 18 and had contract negotiations but Gimple and AMC are cheap as fuck and seem to like running this show into the ground
They're gonna lose Maggie too because they refuse to give her a raise. Then all the characters people actually like will fall like domino's
Daniel Gray
pffhahaha, really?
Ethan Jones
I stopped watching this show after Glenn died. I really don't care about it anymore. They can kill the entire bloody cast for all I care because I am too tired of it and I'm not going to start watching again. It should have ended years ago. The ratings are in the toilet and pop culture has moved on from Zombies.
They were never going to top the Governor arc and that's where it should have ended.
>it's a gradually replace the original cast with new characters without any of the characterization that made the original cast likeable show >he keeps watching it
Liam Torres
To temporarily increase ratings.
Josiah Clark
Shame the actor for Rick is stuck in this shit show. Guy's a great actor.
James Morgan
>Watch TWD >Good characters die, are replaced with sjw ones A few seasons later.... >The entire cast is either black, gay, crippled or a fat woman shaming the zombies for putting them through this.
Robert Evans
I remember there was a project to clean One Piece's Dressora arc from the fillers and leave only the canon and important scenes, is there anything similar for this show happening?
Luke Nelson
They need all the help they can get. They lost half their audience because of Season 7 and they've been slowly losing more and more ever since. The people who didn't jump ship after Season 7 are the people who get excited whenever they kill a plot armor character, so they still tune in once in a while when they kill a main character off, but the show is running on fumes. Much like zombies it must resort to cannibalism to survive, and should have been shot in the head a while ago.
Austin Edwards
I've only watched S6 onwards. It's weird how literally every pairing is an interracial one.
Luis Robinson
Too many white people in the show already.
Joseph Long
no actually he reached the age of an adult and AMC didn't want to pay him more because of that
Cooper Nguyen
It's already that way in the comics. The tv show is just catching up
Good thing Negan is against rape, or I wouldn't be able to watch.
Was cool when he smashed those innocents heads in tho.
Jeremiah Barnes
is kirkman a soi?
Hunter Diaz
Oh and when fat bitch died I was so happy. Like I replayed the scene and said "finally fat bitch died"
Yeah but atleast they kill off all the Jewish actors too. I call it the Schiendler's List of TV Shows.
Tyler Martinez
>They were never going to top the Governor arc The terminus arc was when the show peaked. It went downhill right after
Gavin Cruz
The whisperer war was shit in the comics I cant even begin to imagine how much worse will be here
Julian Mitchell
Yeah carl getting killed off does not bode well for negan,
Andrew Mitchell
Enid could take up the story. Keep Lydia and the show will be able to say it is progressive with more lesbians.
Julian Torres
It's almost insulting how little effort they put into this show that millions still watch. The only people who don't mail it in every week are Andrew Lincoln and the makeup artists for the zombies