Why aren’t there more Asian women in film?
Why aren’t there more Asian women in film?
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There's a ton of Asians in film. What are you talking about? Watch Chinese, Japanese, or Korean films and you'll see countless Asians.
Because they are raised properly and want to become successful in things other than being a giant fame whore which is what 90% of people in film and tv do it for
Stop posting this disgusting creature. Literally the worst Asian women can offer. The answer is because they’re not loud or bitchy enough to worry the almighty Jews, which isn’t bad
because in porn, they sound like squeak toys
>that scene in altered carbon with all the nude dichen clones
kino af
Someone post that snow fox or whatever that looks just like her.
>implying this bitch is some half-breed mutt
I for one would like to see more asians in films. I dont know if I can say the same for what OP posted.
I think we will start seeing more of them now that China is an important market
White women are too intimidated by Asians
it's a Tibetan fox
If only Asia had their own Entertainment Industry
If Chinese wanna see asians they watch their own Movies. Chinese wanna see people of other nations do stuff
They're all studying to become doctors and practicing the piano.
Every single one of these threads, someone answers that white women intentionally keep Asian women out of media because we apparently feel "threatened", but no one can provide a single example of white women protesting the inclusion of Asian women in media whereas I could easily prove the white male hatred of BMWF. If anything, we shill for diversity more than any other demographic. White men project how they feel about black men onto white women re: Asian women.
low population in western countries , of that very few go into the entertainment industry resulting in very few making it.
Fuck off hole
Because Asian females are peak of femininity and white women are intimidated by that.
>p-please don't shatter m-my delusion that white women still care about white men
Somebody must have that collage of Facebook and Twitter screencaps of white women absolutely tearing the shit out of that QT Asian Olympian
>she’s not even THAT pretty
Etc etc
i've never seen asians in drama classes or having actresses in their aspirations
usually its fucked up ones and hapas that get into it
you mean this?
Everyone knows it hole
Yeah, funny how no one ever posts the accompanying image of the male athlete. You all post the same four images (all of which are years old) in these threads. I wouldn't even know where to start re: demonstrating white male sexual jealousy towards black men because fresh content is provided every single day.
You know every white women I know my age is dating/has dated interracial, right? You aren't quite as in demand as you think you are, Kevin.
Meanwhile 4 out of the 5 top movies so far in 2018 worldwide all come from China
And some of biggest names in Hollywood - Keanu Reeves, Dave Bautista, Jason Mamoa, etc - are all hapa. Of course they are AMWF Hapas ...
Back to tumblr whale
This pretty much. You don't go to an American movie to see Chinese people. You go to an American movie to see whites and blacks.
I'll drag the egos of undersexed Caucasian males a few pegs down first.
t. Caucasian male
who is this beauteous creature?
Not only was it just posted, but it's also fake. Sources cited: I was in the thread where we faked it.
it isnt just actors also, look at the directors - Taiki Wahtiti, Cary Fukunaga, etc. Isnt it amazing how the AMWF children are so successful vs the opposite? It makes you wonder why ...
How threatened are white women over Mulan 2020?
Was this fake too?
I bet youre some kind of trans whatever
Deep last sentence.
Because of racist whitey
And I’m not being racist because I’m white and you can’t be racist against white people. And even if you could be racist against white people you can’t be racist against your own race lol
LMAO Why were those guys fixated on his penis?
Man her German father really fucked her with that jaw
Just start anywhere. And its not just white men, a disturbing number are mutts.
Yes. If this were real, you'd have news stories about it, and this kid would be fucking booted from university, guaranteed. Except there's no actual news on it because it's total bullshit.
Hopefully, you walk away from this thread a little smarter and next time you see an image confirming something you already believed to be true, instead of automatically assuming it's real, you realize it's something that can be easily faked and falsified, and maybe you should take Internet meme images a little less seriously and be a wee bit less gullible.
Can't believe I ever though asian women were pretty. Holy god they are such fucking mongrels.
China never got the message that January and February are dumping grounds for crap. That'll change soon.
Multiple anti-racist Asian-run website reported on it and the UCI Facebook admins intervened. Not sure what happened to the guy though.
>it's another asianmasculinity shits up a thread episode
Proof or it didn't happen.
>thread was ever good to begin with
How about you show me instances of white women protesting again Asian female representation in media since that's obviously the conclusion OP wanted us to come to.
You can't prove what you said because it didn't happen and you just made it up. Okay.
Again, next time, instead of just blindly believing whatever you find online, try to use your brain. Think.
Literally just google "UCI racist facebook", you mongoloid.
I did. Nothing of substance comes up. Anyone else can do this as well and verify, including you. In fact, I urge you to do so.
>Kovacs didn't fuck his yandere little sister and live happily ever after
>kills her instead
What a fucking disappointment Altered Carbon was.
holy shit how insecure and pathetic do you have to be
That's because in the book she's not his sister, he doesn't have a sister, she's just a fucking psychopath who used to be a water carrier for the yakuza back on Harlan's World, which was essentially someone who fed irradiated water to those who couldn't pay their debts to the yakuza.
you mean
>he didn't take off with a bunch of her clones to fuck / kill them whenever he pleases
huh... worth reading?
>You go to an American movie to see whites and blacks.
Now i go to blacked for that
>why aren't there more white people in korean cinema, its 2018 people!!!
Yeah, it's better than the show.
You should also be ready to be angered by them making Elizabeth Elliot into this monster, when she was blonde and white - which makes sense since Bancroft only went for women who looked like his wife.
Why are they looking at pictures of muscular men in the first place?
No homo but he looks great.
We need more ASSians
no wonder they keep her in the distorted vr place most of the time
Shits like their Christmas though
>Jose Casado
>Mustafa Jan
>lopez Diaz
ah yes those white men.
>facebook normies
What race is this?
What a fag
Her father is German, her mother is Nepalese.
La creatura Australiana.
>You know every white women I know my age is dating/has dated interracial, right?
Only trailer trash like you!!!FACT!!!
Why are you obsessed with this 6/10? Get yourself together my mans
r/asianmasculinity baby dicks are ruining this website.
>people post these kinds of things with their real name and photos
Their feet are too feminine for the casting directors. Hollywood basically wants a woman's phalanges to be as phallic and long as possible. Its weird, haha
>Stop posting this disgusting creature.
I'll admit she's not conventionally beautiful, but she's hella striking
Found the oven dodger
>ut no one can provide a single example of white women protesting the inclusion of Asian women in media whereas
What are focus groups?
She wasn't an olympian
Not an old woman, a troll, or a new. I'm a good looking white guy thay isn't a seen, and think she is average af. Sure, some Asian chicks posted here are cute, but I really do not know the appeal of her.
>hella striking
Nigger detected
Funny how she’s also Tibetan
homo neanderthalensis detected
>beautiful couples have beautiful offspring
>ugly couples have ugly offspring
really makes you think
Because Asians can make their own movies and don't even notice or give a shit until ZOG groomed mutts appeared.
>Two beautiful people have beautiful kids
>Two ugly as fuck people have ugly as fuck kids
Check out the big brains on user.
I can fap to this.
Pff, with that little torch the victim will rather starve than get hanged.