Jackie Brown is the best Tarantino film

>Jackie Brown is the best Tarantino film

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>Paul Thomas Anderson is so much better than Paul W.S Anderson

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Somehow I never made the connection between soy sauce and soy.

good concept but the soy quotes are too esoteric and blatantly Sup Forums
gotta tone it down

The best Tarantino flim is Kill Bill Vol. 1 and that's only because the opening is high test.

>my favorite directors are tarantino and wes anderson

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soy sauce is brown and makes your food salty and it's been known for a long time in conventional cooking

"soy" as a word added to other products you wouldn't immediately connect indicates an attempt to make the product appear to be healthier and friendlier to the environment, thus inoffensive people flock to it as proof of their high standing morals

Tarantino has no good film. They are mediocre to decent, enjoyable flicks to watch with friends and drink vodka, thats all.

>implying soyboys like Tarintino

They find his violence repulsive and his dark comedy in the face of that violence worse.

Ah, so the soy doesn't make them soy, but they use soy BECAUSE they're soy.

>Jackie Brown is the best Tarantino film
Well it used to be.

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Stop stealing Sup Forums memes

Can we all unironically agree that it's Django? It's almost perfect

i like soyboy wojack
something about him is soothing like a warm spring wind

>Jackie Brown is the worst Tarantino movie

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nope, they love him. go to reddit and see for yourself

Well the worst is Death Proof, but JB is the second worst.

for the record I liked both

it is though

One ain't enough!

Soyboys don't like Snyder

Official rankings:

1 (best): Pulp Fiction
2: Reservoir Dogs
3: Jackie Brown
4: Inglorious Basterds
5: Kill Bill (1&2 = one film according to tarantino)
6: Hateful 8
7: Django
7: Death proof

how is he ever going to top this kino?

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I like Watchmen and Man of Steel

t. soyboy

I fucking love goggins

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I love her too

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this. The list starts to get shitty after Kill Bill

resevior dogs
pulp fiction
inglorious bastards
hatefull 8
jackie brown
kill bill
>death proof
kill bill wasn't that good, too cartoony, it was thematically confused, did he wanna do pulp fiction or a fucking bruce lee movie? from dusk till dawn at least embraced the whole shlock thing. seriously. he did the western thing better too. first two acts of hateful 8 were comfy and kino as fuck.

I love Walter Goggles too

low rating for jackie brown you there buddy. yeh if someone rates kill billl highly they are altpleb

i just liked basterds, django, and h8 more idk