Fucking cuck
I thought the Trumps were based but they are Kosher-sharks
Fucking cuck
I thought the Trumps were based but they are Kosher-sharks
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Try harder
Don Jr. is better.
Which Duke would fuck off
How does he not realise that he is toxic to whatever he touches
Of course they're kosher sharks
You have the choice between International jews and national jews, that's what this election is about
>With joos, you loose!
Barron is better
You literally cant beat the jew
Its too deeply rooted in.
Its better to just let it jew in the background and try to fix everything you can fix.
He's delusional, like the rest of the Alt-Right
Did you see Duke's behavior on tv? he ranted like a skype.
Yeh lost a few points there, but what was he suppose to say, really? You're never going to win in that exchange
If Trump loses, White nationalism is utterly destroyed. Grit your teeth and hang on for a few more days.
Duke is a faggot who works for the CIA.
I disagree. The Duke deserves whole magazine. And then a reload. Don`t these fucking little nazis realize they ruin everything they touch?
He's right though. David Duke is the posterboy of controlled opposition.
Why does David Duke look like a literal corpse?
Is he a big guy?
Eric Trump is a douche.
David Duke looks like a fucking ghoul
David Duke is a Skype in disguise. Needs a Bullet.
Trump would be doing better if Duke wasn't in the picture. He's reckless.
This is very accurate. I'm physically uncomfortable when I look at this guy. I don't mind listening to him but God damn, I can't stand to look at him.
David Duke loves islam.
Wtf I hate the Trumps even more now
Trophy hunting Jewish cunts all of them
Only Donald is OK
looks like a fish that bled out and had a wig stuck on
david duke is a fag always blabbing on and on about how Trump can count on him. He is probably getting paid by the Clinton Campaign. He deserves an rpg
David Duke is a fucking idiot though.
wtf I love Drumpf now
Fucking hate Duke.
>MUH J00s
Literally a white nigger
This. He sounds like a gay and does nothing but make normies associate Trump with racism. Any stormfags who follow him should be hung desu
>Sup Forums loves calling out the Jew
>hates the one person on Earth who's man enough to call out the Jew while showing his face
Stay cucked, faggots
but will he disavow?
David Duke deserves a lot worse than a bullet.
Well Duke is an attention whore retard at best, but a government agent most likely
go away David.
There isn't anybody here who fucking liked you.
It’s breathtaking. That is disqualifying right there and the most stunning thing this isn't buying him a single vote. Is he really so stupid that he thinks white supremacist aren't offended by him killing David Duke.
Is he really so ignorant of white supremacist voters that he thinks this is the way to their heart?
The only purpose David Duke serves is to smear Republicans by association. And yet he is always running, always in the public eye come election time, even though he knows he will never win. Qui bono? The Democrats.
Remember, the KKK was a Democrat org.
david duke is a white nigger.
Trumps = more based.
this david duke guy looks like a fuckin tranny
Duke's been a thorn in Donald's side forever, doesn't surprise me that his son would make a off-hand remark about him
He was fucking based at the debate yesterday. He's fucking Sup Forums personified.
t. Duke
Pinoy knows his Morning Jew well
I'm still waiting for Sup Forums to provide proof that Duke is controlled opposition or CIA.
4 u
This. I have Forseen the future, Barron Trump is the Savior of the white race.
Duke looks like a god damned alien
>Only Donald is OK
>Multitude of Jewish endorsements
>Wants to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem
>Wants to increase funding to Israel
>Majority of Israeli's support Donald
>Daughter is a Jew
>Constantly pandering to Jews far harder than Hillary
Anyways, why is this bad? ;-)
David Duke is a CIA operative implemented to make Trump look bad.
David Duke is obviously a CIA plant
If Eric even said one positive thing about Duke, you know the media would just pounce on him right?
With the election being so close, I don't think he would risk saying anything but bad things about him.
Trump is controlled opposition
>he's the president version of milo
And you cucks all bought it
you homoloving 15 year olds thank trump is cool and edgy but he is fucking milktoast.
you fags are Milo tier.
>be david duke
>a white leader who clearly wants to get rid of shitskins and keep America white has the possibility of winning and fixing everything
>continually talk about how much you support him and get into the spotlight as much as possible seemingly in the hopes that people associate him with you despite being aware that the media always calls you that KKK guy and so do normies
Duke is either a plant or an idiot, there is no other explanation for him constantly trying to harm Trump's chances of winning.
David Duke is cointel same with the higher ranks of the KkK. Anyone who was really a white nationalist and cared about their cause would know they need to keep away from Trump because their association would discredit him. In other words they would privately support him.
David Duke looks like ghoul.
>Praises David Duke
Just go to fucking Stormfront, you cuck. Go work as a supporting actor in that fucking movie Imperium, whose cartoon characterization of a white nationalist you embody perfectly.
You don't even belong here.
so you are saying trump should want more immigration and be open to nigger culture? David isnt the plant you kike, but i don't know about you.
who cares
we dont hate Dukes positions, we hate Duke for being a CIA plant sent to disrupt Trumps campaign
sure thing bud, have fun in your Wiemar America.
Jared Taylor is our guy. White Nationalist that probably supports Trump without being a fucking retard about it
>not bad
I think reddit is that way
we are White Nationlists through and through here, any other positions are help by newfags, kikes, or shitskins. The Holocaust never happened and Hitlers death was the death of Western Civilization
Trying to hurt trump, he also sounds like a queef and has obvious lizard eyes
>he also sounds like a queef and has obvious lizard eyes
how is Duke any different from a relatively unknown guy like Taylor?
i dont see Jared running for office and taking the luegenpresse by the horns. Duke has been our guy for 60 years in ever work he speaks.
>David isnt the plant
>being this much of fanboying homo
Problem is Duke sounds like a retarded autist, he is no debater or public speaker, and pretty much only ones that are glad when he speaks are low IQ skinheads.
Yesterday Sup Forums loved Duke.
Today Sup Forums hates Duke.
I wish Sup Forums would stop pretending to have actual views and just admit to going in contrarian circles with itself.
Jared is kind of lame desu
ever heard him talk about Jews?
trips of threes confirms
We dont hate Duke, we hate that he constantly pushes himself into Trumps campaign.
It only hurts Trump
We all share Dukes views pretty much
no! now is the time of the Neocon homosexual milo and the Israel backed trump!
you are just a stormfag for wanting to ACTUALLY save your people.
He says just about what everyone else has said.
Im pretty sure most white power people are mentally retarded or Dem Plants. I dont give a fuck if your a nog or fag if your voting for Trump this election you fine in my book. Im pretty sure the nogs are waking up this election and not going to vote so heavily for the Dems who have been keeping them enslaved for the past 200 years.
To be fair Duke is a halfwit who is actively hurting the Trump campaign and his own stated agenda.
Trump isn't Sup Forums
hes involved with Jews
but hes a door opener, there is NO way the "alt-right" or whatever would've been able to get its message out there over the last year and a half if it weren't for Trump.
We need him to win so we can continue pushing the overton window and expose the kikes
"Duke sounds like a retarded autist"
show me, i have read two of his books and followed his campaign, if you cant get the jew dick out of your butt then i am afraid there is no helping you. this man loves his people and i do too.
SJW vote secured!
You don't understand the term
Okay, but are his ideas wrong?
What you fail to understand is that in order for a movement to work, you cannot marginalize every group that doesn't fit your idea of perfection.
>Both of you crying about Trump liking and having close ties with Jews
And the problem is?
You're the fucking cuck, you and other FAGGOTS like yourself are cucking for the greatest ally.
Trump is controlled opposition and best friend to the greatest ally, shabbos goy
>you took it hook like and sinker
>Trump supports Israel
>And you should be mad because ????
Fuck off and google perversion.
David Duke has taught me actions speak louder than words
All sex is really perversion, is it not?
So where do you come off as high and mighty?
Nice memes
Perversion of an original cause.
If that's not the case with you then fair enough but I'd suggest
So basically a sperging edgelord?
>stormweenies actually believe Duke is anything but a democrat plant
The KKK is literally an enforcer group for the Dems. Stop being idiots.
Awwwwww does the stormfag feel bad that he won't be Eric Trumps new waifu?
holy fuck
duke looks like a ghoul with a wig
Sure, and what I meant is, unless child production is the purpose of all sex between consenting adults, then your high and mighty attitude on perversion has no room in discrediting the ideas of a figure.
dont get me wrong i agree, however you cant let trump be the "be all end all"
if he loses the election or wins we will still be in the same place.
this punching to the right and negging Duke is some cucky beta bullshit.
milo promoting homosexuality and branding it as "right wing" because it is anti islam, promoting its acceptance when just 30 years ago it was a non issue and nobody came out unless it was cucky SanFran
milo going on about how much he stands by israel and the "western nation" that it is all the while Israel is the greatest shit stirrer in the east and it funds the most destructive institutes that advocate the destruction of right wing values and Whites in their own homelands
are you this retarded? does a jewish homosexual have this much wool over your eyes?
Aaaaaw, poor little untermensch you. You are in no position to call others edgy.
Duke knows his brand is toxic and has relentlessly tried to associate with Trump.
That sort of intentional damage can't be innocent. The KKK exists today to ally with anyone who isn't a cucked degenerate.
the argument senpai, where is it?
Based American
>Holocaust never happened
So Hitler was just a dumbass who attacked Russia in winter? Hitler was pro women rights, pro animal rights, vegan, anti smoker, socialist, pro environment protection and he killed himself in the end. Epithome of a cuck.
it was pretty funny
Well he was a failed liberal arts student
don't be too butthurt about it man
David duke is one creepy looking fucker.
plus he does nothing but give WN a bad name.
bullet is too good for him. he deserves death by listening to celine dion albums.