*ruins your movie*

*ruins your movie*

Attached: 2014DannyMcBride_Getty477064575290514.jpg (900x600, 385K)

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Best thing about Alien Covenant, OP is a retard


He's the only one of those DuDE WEED faggots I can actually stand.

McBride is absolutely based in everything he's in you shitspewing little faggot.

That’s not how to spell improve user

he never ruins movies but i'm often surprised by how ineffectual he is in smaller roles. like it could have been anyone in the scene.

deletE this op

He is trying real hard to move away from
>Be Kenny Powers
It won't be long before he's forgotten for play that one meme role and will invariably go back to doing it for the rest of his life. I kind of feel sorry for him

Kek, this one-note kike is fucking trash, he plays the same shitty character in everything he's in.

Love McBride but plays same character in everything

Vice principals was literally objectively kino

I like his guttural sounding voice.

Attached: boss_wolf.jpg (1095x617, 113K)

He single handedly made This is the End watchable

This was the only funny scene in that movie

>makes your shitty movie watchable

Wrong. He played a space redneck that wore a COWBOY hat in the depths of space. Shits so retarded and try hard, who wrote this trash? Nothin against him personally but his character sounds like it was written by a 12 year old


You're absolutely right

He needs to play more crackhead spics like in Observe & Report
>I don't just tattoos any motherfucker on my fucking chest. That's my seed. My legacy!

The bit where he tries to shoot everyone else but it turns out all the bullets were blanks made me chuckle. I also liked Craig Robertson in it.

He makes shit movies watchable. Your Highness is garbage but I liked him in that. Really good at making tv shows too.

Attached: Pringles.jpg (420x339, 98K)

Will there ever be Danny McBride and Craig Robertson kino?

pleb detected

Attached: wtwegfsdvgbsdg.jpg (500x375, 76K)

pretty underrated kino desu

This. I'll take McBride over Rogan or Franco any day