Let's settle this once and for all

Let's settle this once and for all.

Red Pill me on Moloch. Is it real?

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He's "real" in that people worship it, yes

In the same way "Kek" is real, or Satan is real

Satan is real desu

But why Moloch? What's different about it that powerful people go for it?

yea i mean, it is

Moloch = Mammon


Carthaginian and Canaanite god of money, power and success. There's a hill near old Carthage covered in jars full of dead babies. Thank Caesar my ancestors sacked that shithole.

>what's the appeal to the powerful in a dark god?

Really use some common-sense glasses here.

No, it's not because they're "evil." It's because they think they'll gain power doing some fucked up shit.

I have no doubt in my mind epstein's looking for a good reason to move that statue east tomorrow. There's some funky shit at play, and they may lose their semblance of control at the world.


Eh, still doesn't explain why someone would devote precious time and resourced believing something they know for a fact doesn't exist.

Kek is the true redpill

Is Judaism the root of Satanism? I notice a lot of Jewish symbols referenced in the occult.

It almost seems like there's an internal battle for Jews. There's orthodoxy which is isolationist, then there's the satanic magic shit which celebrities and politicians follow.



If you want to know all about Molech, Nimrod, Osiris, Apollo, and all the related "gods" you need to devour the YouTube series called "Know Your Enemy."

Here's the complete playlist:

This series explains almost everything that's going on today.

Why does the UN and the rest of the globalist elite revere The Tower of Babel?

Why is Washington D.C. absolutely loaded with Masonic, Satanic, Occultic symbolism?

What is the Bohemian Grove?

Why is the Pope a Jesuit Communist?

.....all of this stuff is explained step-by-step in Know Your Enemy.

Do yourself a favor and start at the beginning and work through the videos in order. This is the ULTIMATE RED PILL -- and I'm not even kidding.

Here's the first video:

Can KeK defeat Moloch?

It's a sort of a Canaanite religion taken to an extreme, much like Kek is a Hermetic/Magian deity.


MOLOCH and Minerva are real.

They are amongst us, and their symbols are many and widespread over the western world.

Offer yourself to him, a single sacrifice is all it takes to gain his attention. The world has been a better place for me ever since I convinced a friend to abort her child.

Based answer. Good work.

Yes it's real faggot

Satan is real, God is real, and Kek is a Egyptian demon

Don't know how legit this is desu.

I need to swallow this fucking red pill, guys. Give me straight answers.


>Ancient God worshipped by the worlds elite.
>Thousands of children are still sacrificed to him every day via abortion
>Receives the prayers of the most influential people in the world.

>Unknown minor Egyptian deity.
>Worshipped by worthless basement dwellers
>Has no actual power.
>None of his adherents are willing to make any sacrifices for him whatsoever.

dam son

I never thought I'd ever feel the need to study this shit, but here were are

Thanks user

Kek is alive, and he is growing stronger. Not all gods require sacrifices to gain power. Kek rises.

>they know for a fact doesn't exist

Herein lies the issue. I think they believe

>I have no doubt in my mind epstein's looking for a good reason to move that statue east tomorrow.
Uh can someone catch me up on this pls

Moloch is real, but it is not, and never has been represented by an owl like retarded fag Alex Jones says. Moloch is a bull god, like the nigger who fucked his wife.

Pic related - A London MOLOCH.

The religion of Moloch — as such creeds may be generically called — is in essence the cringing submission of your enemies as slaves, who dare not, even in their heart, allow the thought that their master deserves no adulation. Since the independence of ideals is not yet acknowledged, Power may be freely worshipped, and receive an unlimited respect, despite its wanton infliction of pain.

Moloch is the ultimate and final red pill. He awards unlimited power and requires an unlimited respect.

As real as Kek. Make of that what you will.

Exactly. What leads them to believe it exists? Keep in mind, these are the smartest people on Earth. They must have some proof or something that makes them believe.

I suppose...

you have to judge them on their own merits not what their fans do, otherwise justin bieber is the best musician ever

moloch: such a cuck people mostly know him by an owl statue that has nothing to do with him anyway

kek: warps reality on a daily basis


Kek is not a demon, kek is a deity.

>Like all four dualistic concepts in the Ogdoad, Kek's male form was depicted as a frog, or as a frog-headed man, and the female form as a snake, or a snake-headed woman. As a symbol of darkness, Kek also represented obscurity and the unknown, and thus chaos. Also, Kek was seen as that which occurred before light, thus was known as the bringer-in of light.
> represented the unknown and chaos
> known as the bringer-in of light

What do you think we are doing here, if not bringing things to light?

>None of his adherents are willing to make any sacrifices for him whatsoever.

We've already sacrificed our lives to the internet.


Please let it be sitting on a giant toilet.

>Goat head

That is a satanic statue

seriously? say a little more. I have a minerva-in-armor painting.

what did you get?


>Is it real?
Who knows
People do worship it however.



Kek is not a minor deity at all though.

want to see what the get was

see Where is your God now?

Nice get, shiro. Why don't you ever use a trip if you always namefag?

We sacrifice our repeating digits to Kek.

That statue was from a famous movie.

>No reflection.

They get involved in occult shit.

By worshiping Moloch, Moloch becomes manifest as a thoughtform.

Just you watch. We're gonna curbstomp your bull and make burgers out of it.

So are scientology fags just wannabes who pretend to have some power?

>growing with baby sacrifice
>growing with dank memes

Pretty sure Moloch is fucked desu

There are statues on every street corner in European cities. This proves noting.

sacrifices do not equal power, KeK rises!

Hundreds of years ago there were these iron statues of Moloch that had Moloch's hands formed into a carrying position. A fire would be lit under the hands until they were bright red from the heat, and people would lay their newborns on the hands and let them burn to death for wealth. A blood sacrifice of the worst kind.

Moloch is real yes, fortunately for us the elites have fallen out of favor with him. A new tide is arising. We have invoked the powers of an anicent egyptian god who pretty much told moloch to fuck off.

It doesn't matter. The situation is the same either way,

Even if kek alone was strong enough to stand toe to toe with MOLOCH - he is nowhere near enough influential or dominant enough to confront both MOLOCH and MINERVA at the same time - the Roman goddess of wisdom and sponsor of arts, trade, and strategy is arguably more powerful than the Horrid King Besmear'd in Blood.

They both wield incredible powers, but those powers are quite different in their range and functionality

Moloch: A one-on-one wish granter. Tit-for-tat. Kill a baby in his name and he will double your income. Install a baby-sacrificing service into the infrastructure of your nation and you get to have your own pedophilic harem (if that's what floats your boat--and it probably is what you're into if you're willing to deal with Moloch). And so on.

Kek: Nebulous, unpredictable. NOT your personal wish granter. His mode of taking "sacrifices" (shitposting) has a very low ceiling, kind of like how an individual can only donate so much to a campaign. But unlike Moloch, anybody can fart out a "sacrifice" to Kek so they quickly add up. His power bends reality in a chaotic and generalized matter, but he's not going to drop the (literal) babe of your dreams on your doorstep like Moloch would if you pleased him.

TLDR: Kek is a wishful-thinking-becomes-reality shotgun, Moloch is a "whatever your heart desires" sniper rifle. Apples and oranges.

You see jewish symbols in the occult because modern esoteric tradition draws a lot from Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah)

A root of satanism? What kind of satanism?


Not anymore

kek shines a little light on all of us


Second this. Any deity that is worshiped that isn't part of the holy trinity is a demon. They masquerade as deity x or deity y because they want worship and want power. They compete with God.


But it does exist. Evil is very real. Satan is very real. Just because you can only imagine the spiritual as nursery rhymes tell it, does not mean that's the way it is. Real evil is subtly so. You will not see it or smell it or taste it, but it will creep into your soul all the same.

Moloch is a bitch. All hail Kek.

Moloch is more real than most anything else. Moloch is evolution, growth, power, yet not. Moloch is the result of ambition and curiosity, and he is also its cause, and he is also the object of its desire. Moloch does not control the world, but he controls all that develops within it. Moloch is all powerful because Moloch is the means by which power itself manifests. Moloch does not ask for sacrifice, he takes inevitably.

You blind idiots don't even realize that you're already his.

Because of my fanatical thirst for semen

>Keep in mind, these are the smartest people on Earth. They must have some proof or something that makes them believe.

Praise Kek. We will reunite.

>implying this hard
The lake of fire has plenty of room for the likes of (you)

I can't tell how much we're shitposting anymore.

Kek is Hecate. No chance Hecate stands against Moloch.

Fight of the millennium


What you know as occult is a modern bastardization. Occult simply means hidden.

Wall Street

Moloch is real in that evil people worship him. A week ago, I would have said you were crazy, but it turns out that Jones, Icke, etc. were actually on to something.

I suspect that the 'event' that changed Trump's stance on abortion may involve his discovery of this stuff for himself.

Birmingham, England.


>Y-you're already his
>W-worship pls

The world might be run by servants of Moloch, and shrouded in diluted religions that shed apathy to his continued worship right under their noses.

But Sup Forums is a Kek board from now on.

>Satan's not real

Sacrifice does lead to power in a sense. But not all sacrifice is physical. Especially when you consider that we are more than physical beings. Why do you think it's so important that Jesus, the embodiment of God, Sacrificed himself to is father, which is himself to wipe away the sins of humanity? It is quite literally the ultimate sacrifice.

unknown location, England.

They don't actually worship Minerva u dummy. "Weaving spiders come not here"
>Minerva - goddess and patron of weaving

It's a veil. Just like the (((Jews)) -Talmudic ones at least call the devil God and say Jesus burns in semen and shit.
>mirroring, reversing or creating a veil (false profile) is key to the Luciferian doctrine.
>that is where their power emenates and it's incredibly simple to subdue but ppl are blind to it.



You dumb fuck. The world is not run by Moloch's servants. The world is run by Moloch himself. You are already his servant. It does not matter if you choose to accept him. You are already his.

Moloch's worshipers do nothing for Moloch but accept their fate wholeheartedly. Moloch is unconstrained optimization. Moloch is that which finds its way past any law by circumvention and destruction, intelligence, perseverance, and relentless growth. Where there's a path, any path, Moloch finds a way, and Moloch finds it every time.


There's been a change in management.

Shill detected


And Moloch's death is inevitable. It is not that the way is blocked to him, but that for him there is no way at all. His only power comes from the souls of those sacrificed to him, which is no power at all. Moloch cannot withstand the paradoxes of life. The optimal world is one that is not optomized. The closer he gets, the further away he will be. Moloch cannot pass. Moloch is an empty flame, whose fire is fueled by burnt kindling. It will go out.

Here comes the new boss, same as the old boss

>Moloch is True Neutral slanted towards progress
that doesn't sound so bad