How long until Hershlag, 'moves to Australia'?
Why is this allowed to star in movies?
imagine that face without makeup
I hated this bitch since LEON, never got what people saw in her, luckily father time has finaly turned her into a complete troll, so i dont have to listen to beat males fawn over her anymore
this is what happens with all women though, it's just a matter of how much time you have to wait.
I just need her boney Jewess feet smushing my face or kicking my nuts
When did she turn 50?
itt: virgin angst
Good lord what's happening to her neck?
No you don't
>when you see it
What am I seeing? Besides that Bale feels disgusted?
Is her pinky toe missing a nail?
Proof Cate was best Knight of Cups waifu.
based fucking terry
My world has been destroyed. I need a new khazar foot goddess...
Oh no no no no no
No it isn't
>What are cosmetics and plastic surgery
It might be a prosthetic. I wonder what sort of roastie lifestyle causes you to lose body parts. Usually they just get beefed out vulvas and are prone to prolapse when they sneeze.
>prosthetic pinky toes
man feeet
Nah, succulent mommy toes.
>prosthetic nails
why is this hard to comprehend?
>>prosthetic nails
what you're doing right now is sexual terrorism, OP
Celebrities not looking their best thread?