Cast her.
Cast her
white people everybody
im so horny
you niggers just don't understand the American dream, you'll never be happy
this is totally normal
my mommy was very abusive
so i need cuddle time where I wear adult diapers and surround myself with soft plushies
totally normal stuff
Yeah, this. ^
When I was younger my parents touched my peepee inappropriately a lot.
Now I need to touch my peepee several times a day to get through.
are you me
i still wet the bed as an adult and sleep masturbate in my piglet blankie
i have drawers full of pacifiers
pics or shut up
>18-year white people wear diapers because of childhood-trauma or some weird fetish
>18-year old black people wear diapers because they havenĀ“t been potty-trained yet
we're hitting millennial levels that shouldn't even be possible, which doesn't make sense because shes gen z
>white women
Kek. Stupid fucking cunt.
Incels were a mistake
>acceptable behavior in western society
No wonder why we're losing.
Losing what?
that bitch looks 30
your minds your country your everything really
What the FUCK is their problem?
vile whore
Elizabeth Debicki
Its a pure aryan thread play your lil nazi anthems germans were the niggers of europe then and now
The absolute madman
If she's that fucked up the sex would be fantastic
whats schizophrenia like?
Can't really blame the guy desu
This. I knew a girl that looked exactly like her, kind of goofy but cute face, giant tits. She fucked like a animal, she loved getting dominated.
I miss her.
Idris Elba
"self-care" feminist neo-liberal white women
Imaginary war against invisible boogeymen
>mfw this thread is better than all capeshit threads in this board
>human fireball
This is the typical capeshit fan.
She looks kinda like the fetal alcohol asian chick on that netflix show I just forgot the entire plot of in that left pic
she acts just like us but it's empowering instead of being pathetic
I wish I could be applauded for my piss bottles
top lad
bottles are too much of a bother, really
I use margarine containers. No spill when you piss and the lid is sealed as fuck so no odors.
i trought this was normal my mom never was there for me so i only watch mommy son pov
I wish.
>Adult Baby
This bullshit enrages me even more than asexuals.
what's wrong with being asexual?
I live a pretty comfy life free of men or women being able to make me do what they want because I'm horny
this desu
he went out with a bang
Have you been seuxally abused as a child ?! It's fucks everything up
>my mom had Borderline Personality Disorder and basically screamed profanity and threats at me and anyone else near her every minute that she was awake
>can't stop fapping to the Larkin Love and Xev Bellringer vids where they go "You're such a good boy, Mommy loves you so much"
she was perfect, too bad she lost the baby fat
Wtf man. Bottle cap has a way tighter seal than a fucking margarine container. You are doing it so wrong.
Same, my dad used to hit and scream at me until I would cry. Now I can't get off unless it's some way older dude doing the same thing to some poor, miserable girl. Oh well.