What are you hoping for from the Netflix Sabrina reboot?
What are you hoping for from the Netflix Sabrina reboot?
kiki getting dp'ed
Frequent threads full of webms even though I'll never watch the show.
masturbation scene
Sabrina getting her cat blacked
jesus christ netflix is such a dumping ground
it really is the new 'straight to dvd'
foot kino
Sabrina teleports on planet Anus, where all people obsessed with sucking anus
Harvey is officially white. How relieved are you Sup Forums?
What are you hoping for? I always see you ask but never get your desires.
im hoping it crashes n burns
Because it's a bait and switch and that they'll change the formula
id have to actually care about this shitty reboot to be relieved, sorry to disappoint
>there are still people that think it's a reboot of the mjh show
Some seriously dark shit
>there are retards that think people fucking care about this load of shit
id rather watch dogshit dry n crumble, it'd no doubt be more entertaining than this garbage
>when you said you'd give me head this isn't quite what I had in mind.
He looks like a faggot how are they going to sell him as a football jock?
Lesbian footworship scene with guest star Jordyn Jones.
Dropped. I hate Ross Lynch more than life itself, and I don't want him getting near Kiernan.
that all good but he doesn't look like a chad at all
In the comic Edward Spellman possesses Harvey's dead body and seduces Sabrina so I'm hoping for some wincest.
>he hasn't seen My Friend Dahmer
Left or right?
is it good?
No, I haven't, because I hate Ross Lynch more than life itself, but if there's one role he can play it's an emotionless serial killer because he has no emotion. There are certain black people I'd prefer instead of him getting near Kiki.
She's used to that....
>Have a crush on Melissa Joan Hart when I was a child
>Realize that she looks like my sister
And that's how I ended up with an even bigger crush on Melissa Joan Hart.
How is he related to her?
Her father
You had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.
Since she's 18 now, I'm hoping for nude scenes. please
Not happening. It's a show for tween girls like Riverdale.
Friendly reminder that your ears, nose and chin never ever stop growing.
yes, and Ross is a great actor. I really do recommend it.
He doesn't play an emotionless serial killer, he plays a miserably unhappy high school student. Watch the movie you autistic fuck.
So.. panty scenes?
mmmmmm i hope so thong panties
Riverdale is pretty lewd. Lewdness will probably satisfy my urges.
>yfw he get's killed in the season finale end- bait
>chalk on the floor where her stage mark is
why did you zoom in there?
I was hoping for more of pic related to be honest.
Tati Gabrielle, who will play Prudence, a student at the Academy of Unseen Arts and the de facto leader of a trio of witches known as the Weird Sisters.
>Harvey gets killed by witches when he witnessed their ritual
>Gets resurrected but with Sabrina's dad's soul
Biologically they're not related though
feet n' spells
it's a photo from the set you idiot
he didn't really write that much text user
you got butthurt and hastily pulled out that dusty meme image from your trusty folder
Foot pusy
can you explain what this is please?
He's still fucking his precious little girl, that's good enough for my dick.
I wonder.....
Foot. Pusy.
When my ex dumped me I binge watched all of the MJH series. Had the dopest lucid dream where I was in a foursome with the 3 witches. Good times.
haha what if she shoved him up the aunts pusy and he suffocated and died in there lmao jokes
bobs and vagene
Will she be using black magic?
for salem to switch from a puppet and an acutal cat like in the old series no cgi
Feet shots
plenty of leg shots
Some dark ass shit. I wont get it though.
More cute and adorable webms of kiki
i almost cried
what was the point of this film? all i got was hail satan,very lackluster
guys i need more kiki posting
Blackcoats daughter was pretty good. Don't hurt Kiki's feelings.
>Blackcoats daughter was pretty good.
It wasn't bad, it was just boring.
enough of this
based, post rares
damn, now i gotta light one
big toe too thick and the other toes too curled
She was so sexy in this show. I wanted to make her my teen bride.
Wet mouth close ups and sexy feets
>slightly awkward
>happily married to teen waifu
>name is literally Hyman.
Has there been a bigger /ourguy/ in tv history?
The sweaty guy
True. Feud needs more webms. Not just of Kiki but other scenes as well. Tucci's rant about Crawford and Hedda Hopper being Sup Forums the character spring to mind.
Loli Kiki is best Kiki.
her face is a little weird, but she's perfect otherwise.
I think she's beautiful.
for movies, yeah. But for shows it's not. It's just Netflix is fucking retarded and brands EVERYTHING as a Netflix Original Series. If they get the international rights to something, it's a Netflix Original Series in the US. The label meant something back when they started producing their own content but now nobody falls for it. They're spending 8 billion or something this year on like hundreds of original movies and shows and it's just like why not spend that money making a decent amount of high quality content rather than an absurd amount of shit with one or 2 gems if you look for them?
Wasn't their first movie Beasts of No Nation? With Idris Elba and directed by Cary Fukunaga. That was great. They'll never make another movie like that again. When they started making original movies I remember Netflix acting like they were making the high quality medium budget movies that studios have stopped making. Now they've outright said they aren't making movies like that anymore. I guess Annapurna and A24 are the only studios who don't primarily make blockbuster garbage. Maybe Amazon too but Amazon is weird because they never feel relevent despite having decent stuff. They're the opposite of Netflix which shoves a billion things to watch in your face, Amazon for some reason puts the most random movies on the homescreen and makes it impossible to find stuff unless you know what you want to watch. All the Indiana Jones movies are on Amazon Prime and I've literally only seen Kingdom of the Crystal Skull on the main page.
Who's idea was that awful dress? She normally looks so good.
I think it's kind of a cute outfit.
She's got a great stylist desu.