>we need a well trained operator to play the leading protagonist in a movie concept popularized by arnold schwarzenegger
>anorexic hook nosed kike
movie was average anyway
>we need a well trained operator to play the leading protagonist in a movie concept popularized by arnold schwarzenegger
>anorexic hook nosed kike
movie was average anyway
Other urls found in this thread:
why were americans programmed into typecasting so much?
It was alright, the predator hierarchy was pretty interesting but went nowhere and the samurai fight was autistic as fuck
Brody wasn't the reason that movie didn't work, it didn't work because most of the characters were forgettable cliches and the plot did nothing to make you care for any of them.
epic dude its us vs them! fuck reddit Sup Forums for life
*black women sits at the head of the board room table*
>Slim fit with maybe 10% bodyfat
Better get to work on that suicide, virgin.
t. lanklet
I thought they had a good mix of characters.
I dont think you know what real operators look like.
>real operators
>thinks the average delta looks like this because he visited /k/
Black ppl don’t use words like “your” or “you’re”
Instead they just use you or yo
>it actually felt more like Predator than any other movie in the series
Was acceptable.
Reminder that Brody actually killed a Predator with a axe when Arnold need a trap to win like a pussy.
The real sin of Predators wasn't the lack of bulk, but lack of big personalities. They casted a bunch of slack jawed faggots
I'm not saying everyone looked like Vinning, I'm saying that special forces are a mixed bag when it comes to appearance.
t. manlet
the funny thing is that real operators, with the exception of disposable navy seal roidmongs, tend to look like Brody
Watched this when it released and i don't remember a single thing about it
Obviously Brody doesn't really compete with a literal body-building legend, but how is this "anorexic"
Didn't he play an ex-israeli operator anyway? He looks the part.
I think the woman was the israeli operator and he was 'black ops'
Brody's got a great frame for bodybuilding: wide clavicles, narrow waist, and pretty good muscle insertions
there's nothing funny about that, autist
Thanks for the gold kind strangers *chugs soy milk*
Space faggot.
It was great, loved how they had a slim operator looking dude instead of trying to copy the uncopyable Ahnold. All three mainline Predator movies are great, and all three have different flavors of kick ass action guys. There's Uber Macho, It's My Last Day On The Job, and Is It Autism?
i thought it was eric haney in this pic
he was a merc, the woman was israeli black ops
no it was less than average, the only redeeming character was walt goggins. everything else ESPECIALLY LAURENCE FISHBOURNE’S performance was garbage.
I liked the movie and i liked the actor.
>Fuck off you fatty faggot.
>guy quotes predator 1 line
>woman quotes predator 1 line
>predator quotes predator 1 line
Why is quoting the classics such a big thing in the new sequels?
>>thinks the average delta looks like this because he visited /k/
The average delta does look like that.
I seriously have to wonder how fucking underage do you have to be to think that typing like that and spacing out your paragraphs with an empty space is indicative of Reddit, when it's been used on message groups and forums since pretty much the inception of public-access internet.
>It seems the predator... has now become the predated..
This dude has seen more dead people than I saw alive
look at this fucking redditor
Predators isn't that terrible. And Brody was fine.