Why did we let the food companies get away with this? Most of Americans are fat and in horrible health. Not only is the food awful for your body it also effects your thinking and mood.
Who thought this shit was a good idea?
When we will wake up?
Why did we let the food companies get away with this? Most of Americans are fat and in horrible health...
No one is forcing you to eat that stuff.
I don't see anything wrong with that food.
What if stupid parents keep giving it to their kids?
Its not about him, you, or me. It's about the nation as a whole. Most people are too stupid to take the right decisions for themselves and their relatives.
Fuck me, I thought you had this gif.
that's not food
it's a weapon designed to keep you fat, lazy, and compliant
I can't pay $6 for a small bag of beef jerky to snack on instead of chips all the time.
Its everywhere. I dont eat the shit anymore. But I think the american food industry has ruined america more than anything else.
eat an apple or almonds
for the past 12 months, the only thing i consumed in that pic is lays and that was back in dec 31 2015.
I think Im gonna have another pack in the new years
it's not intended to be the bulk of your diet.
This is just bullshit, try eating less if you want to be less fat.
some sprite and some tater chips are good every once in a while
not everybody is a little baby fatass like you that eats it every day
apple is full of sugar, almonds are full of fat
The "nation"? Sounds spooky
"we" as a whole never will. People will always go with whats cheapest and easiest. Just stop worrying about the average joe cuck and work on bettering yourself and your immediate family.
no ones forcing that garbage onto you
not like sage, which can be forced at anytime
But a vast majority of Americans are and are addicting to the shit. Its a fucking problem. The Food Industry should be punished for this shit.
>Why did we let the food companies get away with this?
feeding lard to your brain tends to have thsi effect.
Stop blaming the food companies and take responsibility for your own choices.
ur right chips are better.
Lmao, shit genes bro
I eat that stuff pretty often and im still in good shape, besides healthy food ofc
You're right, its probably fine in moderation
>decide to take crack
>become a crackhead
eat shit
>Why do we let companies sell us products we want to buy?
We may never know, OP.
>Most people are too stupid to take the right decisions for themselves and their relatives.
This is the same reasoning likes have for putting you in debt slavery.
People have the right to make poor decisions and pay for them.
>Be Vegan
>Eat mostly chips, peanut butter, bread and drink coke/sprite
>Haven't been sick once since going Vegan(1year)
I think if you really need to eat animal products you should consider eating vegetables every day, if you drop animal products from your diet you'll get healthier even if you eat crap.
Never was fat, used to get sick all the time though
Solution: Put sterilization chemicals in unhealthy food so people dumb/lazy enough to eat it don't breed.
They have the right to some degree, but the nutrition and obesity issues have reached disastrous levels and something has to be done about it. Food companies need to be forced to make healthy stuff only from now on. Yes, there will be a black market, but it's still going to greatly reduce health problems in our countries.
There is nothing wrong with this stuff.
If you live in a country with proper food regulations and you are living healthy in other regards, staying fit, excersising daily etc.
Of course you should limit your consumption of it, too.
Thats the way it should be viewed. The Food Industry should face hard consequences just like the tobacco industry did. Americans rarely smoke nowadays
We all pay for them when they're a part of our society, especially if they have healthcare. Human beings are social animals with conplex social hierarchies. Freedom is detrimental to most people.
>off soda
>off fast food
>off sugary drinks/foods
>off salty foods
>have to cook everything myself from fresh shit or it kills me now
Being healthy in America is a weird irony.
Excess calories, no vitamins / true nutrients.
Here's your reply too, mf'er...
Maybe you should kill yourself then you wouldnt have to put up with those big meanie fat people ;^)
Notice how obesity came to the rise starting in the 70/80's? That's when high fructose corn syrup began replacing real sugars in foods. HFCS is extremely addicting and is terrible for the metabolic process and the body as a whole. Some blame it on the rise of adhd
How long do the immunity pics last?
i Blame those ugly fat cunts who are too lazy to fucking jog. I'm lucky though i got weird metabolism where i can't get over 60 kg. never get muscle but never get fat