They're Back
They're Back
Who are they?
They all look so old
kino reality tv btw
Orange is the new trash.
Snooki has divine feets
is there anything more pathetic than 30 somethings?
will they GTL?
Who the fuck are they?
they were edmund Dantes
las creaturas..
20 somethings
10 somethings
>ywn eat Jwoww's ass
nah 30 somethings acting like 20 somethings
Mediterranean people are beau-
perhaps the best show to watch on drugs, glad it's back
Angelina is best girl
And 20 somethings act like teenagers
aren't they in their 40s now?
As a manlet, I've always had the hots for the tall one. What fireworks that would give.
Pauly d is 37
>it's a "Robbie throws a bed" episode
>All the guys aging gracefully.
>women going full bog.
Why is this?
>it's a "Vinny mentions his traditional Italian family" episode
>All the guys aging gracefully.
this is gonna be litty
Men don't age, they get more seasoned.
new jersey 56ers
El atrocidados
Pauly D is clearly the best one.
Seasoning their plastic surgeons wallets maybe because the situation and paulie look like microwaved ken dolls.
they are, they were all in their late 20s or early 30 when the show was first on and that was 8 years ago
i'd like j-wow to choke me and then stroke my hair
Pauly D > Mike > Vinny > Sam
Maybe its just the contrast to the bogwomen then.
So millennial soyboys
i see you are a man of culture
Fuck off Paul Joseph Cuckson.
am I supposed to know who these gypsies are? is it an american thing?
Ouch, I must've struck a nerve.
they should have brought back the Staten Island Dump to replace Sammi
Pauly > Vinny > Ronnie > Mike
Pauly's a bro, funniest one by far. Vinnie's a bro but kind of whiney, Ronnie is a literal retard with a heart of gold, Mike is a whiner, backstabber, boarderline sociopath and apex douche. He's pretty clever and funny though as far as these idiots go.
Unironically. But I'm a Sammifag
Angelina is a qt
The show was at its peak when Mike and Pauly's bromance was the focus (seasons 1-2).