I thought you guys said this movie was good?
I thought you guys said this movie was good?
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>implying dtv is bad
It's no Black Panther
Was this released on Netflix outside of the US or something? I went to see it in the cinema.
You definitely can in 'merica
>unbelievably bad Netflix shows like 13 Reasons Why and Big Mouth are praised
>meanwhile, movies like Annihilation are hated for PC reasons
americans confirmed for mentally handicapped
Going direct to VOD is the new straight-to-video, and Netflix is an extension of that. Has been for years now.
What "PC reasons" do they hate annihilation for? A diverse, all-female cast of strong, intelligent characters. Show me one article where someone is shitting on this movie for "PC reasons" please.
It got fucked by the studio
it was 3deep5me for the producer who also produced geostorm and he wanted to dumb it down, garland & rudin said no, studio said fine no wide theatrical then, str8 to netflix everywhere but america.
Which is dumb as shit because the biggest market for this kind of movie is in europe.
>A diverse, all-female cast of strong characters.
It's never enough for SJWs user. Google "Annihilation Netflix Whitewashing" for many other articles
>hated the movie because they called it 'the shimmer'
>XDDD sounds like soapy car wash forcefield!
american journalism is top notch
>the economist
lol no wonder
Jews aren't white wtf is she doing.
>Implying the jews aren't in full on Operation Couscous counter attack mode against Netflix.
It's hilarious watching these jews lash out as they lose power and control
It is mediocre.
It's a watchable movie. nothing more.
so who is jew now?
How do you cope with the cognitive dissonance involved in this given that Netflix is essentially a jewish propaganda wet dream full of cuckoldry, interracial relationships, strong women and effeminate broken men?
Can't wait for the shills to show up and say it was anything more than barely passable
i wonder who is behind that post
the movie is BOTH semi mediocre and very memorable for the right reasons at the same time, if that makes sense (same ballpark as other sci fi movies like Gravity, Oblivion etc).
there are some very odd/weird/trippy/uncomfortable visuals you'd -never- see in any other movie. Im glad i watched it, the theme got under my skin. And the end was explosive.
if you can look past the small gaps in the plot its a good movie
I didn't get a PC vibe from this movie. It was surprisingly good and didn't try shoving any propaganda in your face.
Jesus christ
also the sound/music fits very well
she's mentally ill
>they can't criticize it without making fun of it
How do these people get jobs with publishers? This shit is severely unprofessional and offers no real insight into the film or the filmmaking process. Dumb cunts should refine their opinions more on things they don't know
>didn't try shoving any propaganda in your face
yeah, not that the main character was jewish and fucked a nigger
How the FUCK is it whitewashing when the characters in the book are not identified as any ethnicity at all? What is wrong with these fucking people?
In australia at least it came out on march 12 on netflix. We didn't have it in cinemas here though
To the average viewer, a jew is just white. And the character deeply regretted her affair with black man and they showed in the movie that performing adultery can strain not only the relationship but also each other.
This. It's embarrassing how little effort is put into to tying the critiques they make to the movie. They essentially just list a series of negative adjectives with little to no substantiation.
jews dont fuck niggers user
niggers are for goys only
>fucked a nigger
but the movie already told you she was self destructive. And because Kane found out she cheated, he signed up to go in. Thats why she said she owed him and had a massive guilt trip and went in herself.
so ultimately it was a bad thing for her to do.
>Was this released on Netflix outside of the US or something?
yes. the two main producers had a fight during postproduction with one saying the film turned out "to intelligent" and that people in theaters wouldn't be interested. so he sent it to netflix everywhere except the US where people are more intelligenter.
A decision that was shown to be negative, broke up a happy relationship inspiring the husband to essentially kill himself by applying for a suicide mission, and tore the wife's life apart at his loss and her eventual decision to attempt the same suicide mission.
There's no difference in your head between something being portrayed and the context in which it is portrayed, is there? It just stops at face value. Dumbass.
they believe 80 years old propaganda pieces, so they prob just ignore it
did you miss a little work called BRIGHT? they are furious for getting called out by ayer.
I can watch animes set in war scenarios with lolis being the fighters but for the love of god cant take live action women serious.
Women dont do this kind of shit
Can't White wash with a kike. Jews aren't White, regardless of how pale they are.
theres not much combat actually. And the person who does it the most has a military background. Its really not as PC or feminazi as you think.
I mean, i can understand not liking Annihilation, but are they lumping it with Cloverfield FUCKING Paradox?
> just list a series of negative adjectives with little to no substantiation
They get paid for it, you do it for free
>Annihilation didn't make any sense
>Its really not as PC or feminazi as you think
Didnt say it is but i simply can not take it seriously. Women centric fiction works well with animation but not live action (unless its porn)
i think i read in the 2nd or 3rd book it is implied that one from the first book was asian.
clearly a conspiracy of the white man.
I especially enjoyed the part where the bulldyke picks up the LMG and says "Oh yeah" and ten seconds later says "This is heavy, I can't carry this."
I'm glad you at least realise that you shouldn't say anything because you'll just make yourself look stupid.
I'm willing to bet at least one of the non-white cast was white in the books, then, but I'm sure they have no problem with that.
love it when leftists are so desperate they claim to care for asians
>third in a series
implying this is anywhere near as "mediocre" as the utterly shit Cloverfield Paradox and Mute
>"too intelligent" and that people in theaters wouldn't be interested.
>too intelligent
fuck that guy. This move isnt some einstein shit. Not everywhere is amerikkka
Annihilation is good.
They do actually say that it's better than those two
Right before going into some forced metaphor about tightrope walking etc etc pretentious etc
You'd be surprised as to how many people out there will straight up hate a movie and call it pretentious garbage for even daring to have an ending which isn't completely explicitly unambiguous with all ends tied and the good guys winning
Your opinion is correct.