refuses to talk about Marc Rich pardon
Maddow presents selective info in attacking FBI
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In tonight's attack on the credibility of the FBI, she refused to mention (or doesn't know about) a huge central issue in this case: the Marc Rich pardon.
He was indicted by Giuliani in the 80s. He prolonged apartheid in South Africa by making billions breaking the oil embargo. He traded with Iran during the hostage crisis. And so on. If you can think of a shady individual to do business with he did it with that person.
He was on the FBI's 10 Most Wanted List. Bill Clinton pardoned him in his last day in office.
Marc Rich's family, friends, and business partners have responded by sending money to the Clintons. Campaign funding. The foundation. Speaking engagements. Etc.
Maddow went after and its donor to mock the Clinton Cash book but didn't rebut a single thing inside the book. I assume part of that is the Marc Rich pardon and all the money that came along from it.
By refusing to talk about this abhorrent pardon, she is selectively ignoring the reason why the FBI and Giuliani are less than thrilled with having another corrupt Clinton in the White House.
Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big
>A New York Times editorial called it “a shocking abuse of presidential power.” The usually Clinton-friendly New Republic noted it “is often mentioned as Exhibit A of Clintonian sliminess.”
>Congressman Barney Frank added, “It was a real betrayal by Bill Clinton of all who had been strongly supportive of him to do something this unjustified. It was contemptuous.”
>Marc Rich was wanted for a list of charges going back decades. He had traded illegally with America’s enemies including Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran, where he bought about $200 million worth of oil while revolutionaries allied with Khomeini held 53 American hostages in 1979.
>Rich made a large part of his wealth, approximately $2 billion between 1979 and 1994, selling oil to the apartheid regime in South Africa when it faced a UN embargo. He did deals with Khadafy’s Libya, Milosevic’s Yugoslavia, Kim Il Sung’s North Korea, Communist dictatorships in Cuba and the Soviet Union itself. Little surprise that he was on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted List.
>Facing prosecution by Rudy Giuliani in 1983, Rich fled to Switzerland and lived in exile.
Read the article for all the money that flowed to the Clintons in exchange for the pardon.
>Rich was indicted in 1983 for allegedly violating U.S. price controls on a daisy-chain of oil deals with Iran, then failing to pay U.S. taxes on the sales. Rich fled to Switzerland hours before his indictment. He spent the next 17 years evading the Federal Bureau of Investigation and U.S. marshals.
>Bill Clinton, on his last day in office in 2001, infamously pardoned Rich and personally benefited, along with Hillary, from hundreds of thousands of Rich-related contributions.
>Let's focus on something else: Marc Rich's unsavory business methods. They included bribery, backroom deal-making and nose-thumbing at the rule of law. His failure to abide by the rules, no matter which country he was living in or trading with, made him fabulously wealthy.
>Rich figured out how to steer around the majors in the 1970s by inventing the spot oil market. It involved trading tankers of oil for immediate delivery at today's price, versus delivery weeks in the future, with all the risk that entailed. Rich made huge profits with spot-market trades.
>Marc Rich & Co. was founded in Switzerland in 1974 with fellow former mail clerk, Pincus Green. It is this company that is known as Glencore Xstrata Plc today. Rich trained a global cadre of commodities traders who now control Glencore, including Chief Executive Officer Ivan Glasenberg. Glencore's market value is now $56 billion.
>He also had a penchant for dealing with the world's biggest despots. He didn't rely on contracts; "my word is my bond," he liked to say. He traded oil with Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in post-revolutionary Iran and with Fidel Castro in Cuba. His partners included the strongmen rulers of Libya, Chile and Romania.
>South Africa's apartheid government was one of his best customers.
>Imagine how much earlier that regime might have fallen, and Nelson Mandela might have become president, if Rich hadn't been willing to break the oil embargo?
>Rich figured he was a country unto himself. He used the term "apolitical," but really he was extra-legal -- he complied with no laws, violated sanctions and paid bribes. Swiss journalist Daniel Ammann, in his 2009 biography, "The King of Oil," wrote that Rich admitted to bribing officials in Nigeria and assisting Israel's Mossad. When Americans were being held hostage in Iran in 1979, and a U.S. embargo was in force, Rich supplied Iran with oil.
>His company quickly became one of, if not the, world's biggest commodities traders. But it never published sales figures or earnings. Its website was a single page with a logo and address in Switzerland.
>Rich lost between $10 million and $15 million to jailed swindler Bernard Madoff.
>He spent the next 17 years evading the Federal Bureau of Investigation and U.S. marshals.
>Bill Clinton, on his last day in office in 2001, infamously pardoned Rich and personally benefited, along with Hillary, from hundreds of thousands of Rich-related contributions.
But Rachel Maddow has NO IDEA why the FBI might not be keen on having the corrupt Clintons back in power.
other than they're deplorables who read
>Paying the Clintons a million and a half was chump change for Rich, who made $2 billion selling oil to our enemies. The Clintons did not have a problem accepting money that was made by Rich selling oil to Libya, North Korea, South Africa, and Cuba. The Clintons did not have any problem accepting millions from Saudi Arabia, which treats women as second-class citizens.
>The pardon request for Marc Rich did not go through normal channels at the Justice Department but was sent directly to the White House by Rich's attorney Jack Quinn, former Clinton White House counsel. The Clinton machine at work.
>Hillary and her lapdogs in the MSM are upset that the FBI posted this in response to a FOIA request. Hillary does not question the facts of the pardon; she is upset that it was made public.
>It reminds us about the sordid corruption of the Clintons, which is clearly exemplified by selling a pardon to a fugitive who sold oil to our enemies and did business with Iran when it was illegal to do so. Dealing with the likes of Rich did not bother the Clintons, provided there was money to make.
>Hillary does not mention that Comey was the U.S. attorney who declined to prosecute over the pardon. Comey let the Clintons off the hook in 2005 and again on July 5, 2016, but Hillary thanked Comey by unleashing the Clinton Smear Machine, led by crazies Harry Reid and James Carville, to attack Comey because he reopened the email investigation.
>The Rich pardon also focuses attention on the probability that Obama will pardon Hillary if Hillary loses the election.
>Hillary is upset because the Marc Rich pardon and the reopening of the email investigation focus the election on her corruption. She is losing support every day, and her only response is to attack the messenger, Comey.
>The Rich pardon is so bad that even the New York Times editorialized on January 24, 2001:
>>Bill Clinton's last-minute pardon of Marc Rich, the shadowy commodities trader who fled to Switzerland in 1983 to avoid American justice, was a shocking abuse of presidential power and a reminder of why George W. Bush's vow to restore integrity to the Oval Office resonates with millions of Americans who otherwise disagree with the new president's politics.
>>Unchecked by any other branch of government, the president's authority under the Constitution to pardon anyone charged with federal crimes is meant to be exercised with great restraint to correct an injustice or to further some societal good. Bestowing undeserved beneficence on a fugitive accused of evading $48 million in taxes and illegally trading with Iran in oil during the hostage crisis is hardly what the Constitution's framers had in mind.
>The Rich pardon is the poster for Clinton corruption.
>Hillary and her attack dogs should read the New York Times editorial instead of attacking Comey.
I just find it funny that if Trump was being investigated they would be screeching for hours on end that he should drop out.
what with it and liberal commentators having to make faces to prove a point
i would not be suprised if that guy has eaten some pizza
this fucking guy maddow pisses me off.
I think... if this pedophilia ring is real than they're doing this on purpose - not because of some indoctrination.
The dykiest of dykes
This is legit all they got
not relevant
I'm gay and I made this topic.
I happen to think Trump's 180 degree betrayal of his (former) gay supporters, which started when he picked Pence and has continued from there, completely sucks.
But, that doesn't mean I'm going to give a pass to the Clintons, Maddow, or anyone else for being untruthful.
I think he's a tranny
well trump is being sued for child rape
>George W. Bush's vow to restore integrity to the Oval Office
Holy fuck that's hysterical in retrospect. I was in the third grade when Dubya was elected, so I had no idea that that was one of his promises
everyone knows she's a propaganda mouthpiece. all of the corporate media is. you got three nines just to fucking complain about someone everyone knows as a shill? kys
The old "everybody knows" canard.
Take your confirmation bias and narcissism and fester elsewhere.
If this topic were so worthless you still chose to come into it and post in it. I guess that's a referendum on your worth.
maddow is so dumb
her jew parents must have pulled a lot of strings to get her into syracuse
>implying no one knows who Madcow is
I keep forgetting 2016 is the year of nupol. Sorry, I'm not used to hanging out around so many bluepilled normalfags.
You're the one posting in this topic.
>D Y K E
not likely
what basket weaving major?
> wants to got to Syracuse
> Syracuse
You must have had a challenge getting into community college to think something like that.
Public Policy
DPhil in Politics from University of Oxford
apparently has never heard of the Marc Rich pardon
I said that to get a rise out of commies and ctr types.
lol polysci !! LOLLLL
no greater bs degree
is she related to a tv guy or soros?
how did her boring 0 talent lebo ugly jew ass get on tv?
You're the one posting this topic.
Evidence of cognitive impairment continues to be demonstrated.
maddow = brainless