This is a thread for people who want to help Trump win. Only post in here if you
are serious and actually want to fucking make sure he wins. All countries
welcome, since nuclear war affects most of the world.
Lazy sidelines spectator faggots stay out. This is for real working men who don't
want to see the USA go to shit. The purpose of this thread is to link up people
who are actually COMMITTED to getting more Trump votes or taking away Clinton
Now on to business. We have 4 primary states that we need to be focusing on. They
are Colorado, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Florida.
There are a few avenues of operations which we can employ to affect the outcome
of these states. The main one is truth. Just spreading all the lies and deceit
and corruption exposed by wikileaks for instance. We have memes and links for
that, anons will contribute in this thread.
You don't need to spend a lot of time doing this. Obviously we all have lives and
can't shitpost 24/7. That is the purpose of gathering numbers of us. The more of
us, the less work to do. We all want the same thing, so pitch in and help.
++++ We can comment in certain local media news websites as well as national
ones but really the emphasis should be on state local
++++ We can spread info to LOCAL and specific facebook, yelp, twitter feeds
(local restaurant reviews, state twitter hashtags, etc)
++++ Anons on the ground in those states can print out and post propaganda and
memes. Subversive or overt memetic warfare
++++ We can troll clinton workers by calling and faxing them at their democrat
offices to waste their time, preventing them from getting volunteers for
Things you will need to join the cause:
1) gmail/twitter/facebook accounts (free and easy to sign up and make, dont need
to use your real one. if you need help ask anons here)
2) motivation to save the world
Concerned America