Who is Chad voting for?

Who is your average "Chad Thundercock" voting for?

Are Chads liberal or conservative?

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Chads don't waste time voting

that dude isn't that hot

ruined biceps with ugly tats

giant jaw

small flat head

If millennial, Hillary.
The only millennials that support Trump are bitter virgins like 90% of this board, ie. not Chad.

Fuck you all of idaho supports trump.

Chads don't vote and if they do they vote republican because the only men who vote democrat are cucks who like taking it up the ass from Tyrone

That is just objecively not true. Every single frat supports trump, all non-black athletes do, etc.

Chad votes for whoever is more alpha, he isn't driven by policy, he's driven by testosterone.

This Chad is voting Trump. Don't know any other Chads who would ever be caught dead voting for Evil Cunt.





Chad's don't want a woman to lead the country.

pussy's only pussy and i get it when I need it
>I'm always with a dime in the winter
>And I be ridin rims if my tires any thinner
chads come in many different flavors m8.
and they alllll taste like a delicious trumpsicle

I could not imagine Chad voting for anybody but Donald. Chad loves Donald. Chad loves Donald a lot.

The only millenials who support hillary are the nerd virgins.

Votes aren't determined by alpha/beta mentality nor pure musculature.

Does Chad need to lie about his political views in order to get pussy?


omg that mexican ass is so spicy tho-mg.
i'm a white chad and my bitch is a sexy ass mexican with a fat fat fat ass and innie pussy
goddamnit i love that cat

this. too busy slaying.

Those kind of Chad in your pic is a dying breed. He's voting Trump. The Harry Styles wannabes are mostly voting Hillary.

Chads are all closet fags and cucks so theyre voting for Hillary

>millennial actually voting
>Chads voting
Good one

Don't lie faggot.
Tyrone doesnt like when you lie

t. nerd virgin

He actually grew up as a good looking entrepreneur. He even has a wiki page

Every hot male Chad Thundercock I have ever met in college was pro-Trump. I have never seen an attractive Hillary/Bernie supporter.
>Tfw I was redpilled by memes and hot straight white college bros.

"Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation."


the Chad voted and trump will win. MAGA pic related. check em

Chads vote Republican, they want the tendies train to stop for the robots


If Chad lives in CA he's not 100% straight and probably votes Hillary

If Chad lives in the midwest, Trump.

Only a chad would be so fucking idiotic to use electronic voting.
There's a good chance that your vote was switched from Trump to Hillary randomly by the algorithm.

overheard two trumpvoters behind me

not quite chad thunders, but pretty close. I'd go so far as to say the chinks know they have the in.

I am a Chad, not voting because not American.

this is why we can't have nice things fucking leaf

chads never think about robots

Kek confirms Leaves are truth bombs

All you need is a martial art and you can own any of these "chads"

>implying there was an alternative

wait and see buckaROO. DJT will be the next potus

A Chad for ants?

chads don't have time to dick around with papers and shit

Last election most Chads voted Obama because he catored to their love of sports by always talking about "meh NBA" and "meh NFL"

This election many will vote Trump.

He's hotter than all of us though

Maximum Chad here. I only found this place because I got tired of listening to the tired, old, stupid men on Stormfront and wanted to be racist with people in my age bracket. I hate anime, video games, Japanese shit, and most of you.

I've taken the Iron Pill... And what that means is: I want Trump as president, but I'm voting for Hillary. In the long run, the only hope for the white race is inflicting the maximum amount of suffering, in the shortest amount of time. Hillary will do this.

White men are FINALLY starting to get off their fat asses and are contemplating just what it will take to re-conquer this world. We need a lot more of this, and a lot more action.

Trump is a savior. He will make white men more comfortable for a short period of time, and comfort breeds complacency.

We need the black and brown hordes to flood our lands and give our people a reason to fight. We need white men to not only focus on the symptoms, but the (((cancer))) and learn to be ruthless, cunning, and merciless to men, women, and their children.

We need 10 million men willing to do what Breivik did. And we're nowhere close to that now. Suffering under Hillary will push us further down the path towards violent retribution, and the total destruction of our enemies.

>New Zealand
Oh sorry, didn't realize you were retarded.

Haha. No. A real Chad insults women constantly and calls out their stupid thinking. They love him for his aggressive, don't-give-a-fuck attitude and fight to suck his cock.

Pleasing women is for most of you beta faggots and cuckolded white knights.

100% this. Also see Reagan/Bush hats from frat bros a lot. Genetic winners are always conservative.

>Supporting the candidate that will continue to encourage the kangaroo courts on college campuses that can have a guy's life ruined by false rape charges.


stfu faggot. Chads don't write an essay on why they would vote Hilary. Get off my board before I kick your ass.

>We need the black and brown hordes to flood our lands and give our people a reason to fight.
White people are way too tolerant for that, regardless of political affiliation. They'll just let blacks/brown people to infiltrate neighborhoods and drive the white people away. You're delusional if you think it's going to spark an uprising.

>Maximum Chad here...hate anime, video games, Japanese shit, and most of you.

Shitposting or not, your kind aren't welcome here, dipshit.

What do you call a 5'8" manlet who doesn't lift but also slays pussy all the time?

>chubby chaser

Went to a Trump rally and all the millennials besides me were blonde Chads and Stacies or nu male kids that their dragged there by their old redneck parents.

A real chad is real with him self and can red pill and woman

Awesome pic. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

Chads are as smart as we are good looking, strong, and confident.

The notion that Chad's are all stupid jocks is what you would call a "meme".

White Chads are almost always 4.0 students and end up as CEOs.

Nigger-Chads either go pro, or end up in prison for selling drugs. The above comment does not apply to non-white Chads.

beat me to it


We are chad now

>Reddit spacing.
Back to Storm Front faggot.


Trump of course

If anything the "pussy grabbing" comments just convinced them that Trump is a bro like them

my brother is in a frat and every guy that lives in his house love Trump


You're just a nerd that wishes he was Chad. Sad.

The weak should fear the strong. If white men won't fight for their families, then they SHOULD be obliterated.

In that case, a ruthless Chad-controlled Corporatocracy and class system will have to be implemented and the remaining non-Chad whites can live in squalor with the rest of the filth. Like that movie Elysium.

Option two is where we are most likely headed. 99% of white men are useless, stupid, complacent, and pathetic betas, whose little usefulness is about to be replaced with robots; it's not like you haven't been warned 100 times. I'm here now telling you what needs to be done, and yet here you argue for the sake of arguing, rather than acknowledging your betters and getting to work on improving yourselves in preparation for war.

I feel almost no sympathy for white men. Your weakness brought us here. If there were more Chads we wouldn't have to tolerate you at all.

Good thing you're fucking autistic and live down under.

You're absolutely wrong.

Chad either doesn't vote at all or votes for Trump.

You'll notice that the PUA community overwhelmingly supports Trump.

I didn't ask your fucking permission faggot. I'll go where I please, when I please. It is YOU who will bend the knee to me and my kind. Not the other way around.

>People still believe in the chad meme

It was made up to scam money out of you idiots

>You'll notice that the PUA community overwhelmingly supports Trump.

So he gets the Chads and the beta rapist vote too.

I go where I please. I don't take orders from fat sacks of shit who can't muster the courage to get off their asses and become men.

Real Chad's figured out in their teens that your vote doesn't matter so they focus on sports their entire lives, both watching and playing

OK now you're just embarrassing yourself.

Also getting drunk and smashing college freshmen pussy years after they dropped out of college

Nonsense. The idea that Chads are only jocks, just shows how stupid most of you are.

We are strong, competent, attractive, well educated, and highly intelligent.

Most of us end up running large successful companies where we boss around beta faggots like you.

It's funny, I have moments of sympathy where I give weak men advice on how to improve and they never listen. They're too busy watching porn, playing online video games, and reading comic books.

The thing I'm most excited about is automating most of your jobs. That and polygamy. Women shouldn't have to suffer sex with beta males. I should have 100 wives and you should have zero.

i remember this study last year that came to the conclusion that on average, people that are fit are more likely to be conservative.

I remember it got a bunch of backlash by lefites on facebook with them saying shit like "Hahaha brains before brawn I gues hahaha"

Anyone have a link to the study?

>college freshman pussy

>years after they left college

Make up your mind.


There was also a study that more feminine women are conservative too, but I'm too lazy to look for two things.

Dude they are all for trump or they could be like my Chad Thundercock lookin brother who told me he's voting for fucking Gary

>i'm a white chad and my bitch is a sexy ass mexican with a fat fat fat ass and innie pussy

Enough with your effeminate stories. Time for bed, Timmy.

That would be because more feminine women go along with what their husband says, and males are mostly conservative

thx senpai


Chads are conservative good ol boys

I'm chad and i vote trump.

If you smash the pussy good enough your political views will become hers. (Grabbing the pussy is also acceptable.)

Just go outside FFS, redpill people, be fucking subtle about it, you guys aren't good at that, you have to go slowly with it and they'll eventually come to your side.

It's possible to become a chad and still be redpilled you know..

>Haha bro who gives a shit if a woman is running the country? I don't give a fuck. Trump is racist man, shit's not cool.

Every chad I've heard

whoa bro. are you ex-military or something?


He's pretty hot desu no homo but I would totally bend him over and own his boipucci

>All of this unwarranted hatred towards "Chad"

Most of them were pretty cool as long as you weren't some judgmental little fuck who had an inferiority complex

yeah that's cause they want to get girls but they want trump

not so fast
pic related, me

Irl Chad here


Except in Australia we have to vote and i normally vote Labor. Not because they are good but because they are the least worse.

Jeff pls

Chad here: 6'1, +8/10 looks, IQ of 138, 320k left bucks per year, and completely unable to have sex without Cialis 20mg.

Please don't risk your son going through my pain. Don't cut your kids, mine left me with an insensate penis. My virgin girlfriend of 4 years left me because of this.

Also, 101% Trump

definitely not a chad if you can't get hard. You are a limp dick beta leaf