Why do Jews like Hillary Clinton despite Donald Trump having married his kids to Jews?
Why do Jews like Hillary Clinton despite Donald Trump having married his kids to Jews?
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Why do you talk about Jews as if they're one person? I know lots of Jews voting for Trump. Most Jews in the US are liberal, but that's not really the case in the rest of the world.
because the great hatred of our day is the hatred jews have for whites
They are a tribalist group, like blacks or spics or asians. They promote agendas which are to benefit jewry
> t h i s
Jews aren't a single entity and when you are talking about
>muh joos
you are really talking about the financial elite (bank/hedge fund CEOs/owners.) which I admit are mostly(but not all) jews.
This. Jews will almost always do what they think is "good for the Jews," whether or not they pragmatically agree with their fellow Tribesmen on the surface. They are an intensely cohesive group who mask their intention with deceit per their religion and genetic influence as a result of their religion. They will always attempt to infiltrate and dominate all sides of an argument or point of contention in their host societies so that they can always direct the outcome, no matter the final decision.
"Always choose what is good for the Jews."
They are societal-acid for any nation that takes them in and allows them to flourish without constraint. It is the reason why they have been expelled from virtually everywhere they have resided for over 2000 years. Think about that; 2000 years. T W O T H O U S A N D Y E A R S. It is within their genetic makeup to be their own demise.
>Haim Saban likes Hillary.
>Assuming I give a fuck about a kike who's contribution to humanity was the mighty morphin power rangers.
If it's "in their own genetic make-up", then its also in all the genes of Christians you dumbass (although I doubt you know much about genetics). And you talk about Jews as a tribe, but then people like you also want to "support the white race" and hate those who you think try to dilute whiteness. The way you stormfront losers talk about whites seems just as tribalistic as what you accuse Jews of being.
>No one understands how he has gotten this far, but he's done it
Why do liberals think this smug "I don't understand my opponent" line makes them look something other than retarded? It's very clear why Trump is popular and it represents animosity towards these people that think they know better than everyone else.
>then its also in all the genes of Christians you dumbass (although I doubt you know much about genetics)
No, it isn't, because Christians have been a largely diverse group of different ethnic groups throughout the world but Jews have been extremely ethnocentric and therefore their genetic proclivities have been concentrated within their group.
>And you talk about Jews as a tribe, but then people like you also want to "support the white race" and hate those who you think try to dilute whiteness.
Yes. I do (and many others like me) want to preserve my heritage and cultural tradition much in the same way that Jews do so. The main problem I see is the Jewish subversion of that process and their intent on undermining it via social and racial promotion of blending with everyone else with blatant disregard for the desires of the communities they are attempting to socially affect.
>The way you stormfront losers talk about whites seems just as tribalistic as what you accuse Jews of being.
I don't visit Stormfront. But I do agree that Whites should band together to preserve their heritage and existence in the same way that Jews do. I am not criticizing Jews for doing that, I am criticizing them for their unprecedented behavior of preventing that from happening for groups other than their own.
Haim Saban is a massive zionist
Here is a good video on what I am referring to.
Jesus Christ was a Jew, and Christians come from Jews out of Rome who converted to Christianity. Every Christian descended from those Romanic Christians (the Christians you refer to as the white race) have origins in Judaism, so yes the genes you talk about have been passed to whites.
And being white is not a heritage. Individual cultures have heritages. White is a description of a multitude of heritages and cultures from western europe, America, etc. You also group all Jews together as if they have some sort of hive mind, which is a ridiculous logical fallacy. Anyway, your entire premise is built on logical fallacies so I'll just leave you to live in your fantasy that all these people are out to get you.
So because Haim Saban is a zionist, all Jews agree with everything Haim Saban says? Ok, well Hillary Clinton is white, so all white people must agree with what Hillary Clinton says, right?
Sheldon Adelson is also what you would call a zionist, and he's supporting Donald Trump (just donated $25 million to him). Michael Savage is a Jew and what you would consider a Zionist, but is a huge Trump supporter on his radio show with millions of listeners. So this must mean that, oh wow, not all Jews agree with each other! Who knew?
White people aren't a tribe who've retained their identity for thousands of years.
Also ethnicities have biologically and socially given character traits.
They should both die too though.
Ever hear about the German American who is pro-Germany and gave millions so that the US supports Germany?
Neither have I.
There's no arguing with illogical morons like you. Just keep having a victim complex and don't forget to wear that tin foil hat. I'm not going to argue anymore.
Jews like both.
I remember when Sup Forums was juden-frei. They're all zionists playing both sides so they never lose.
You don't owe them a damn thing and yet you see them as someone worth supporting. Their allegiance is to a foreign nation and they value their blood ties more than anything, but you will deride any white who does the same.
So you need to die too kike.
>Christians come from Jews out of Rome who converted to Christianity
Only via cultural expansion and very little via genetic expansion. You are absolutely deluded if you believe that all of Europe is descended from Whites who were Christianized during the 1st or 2nd centuries.
>And being white is not a heritage
But being European is and even ever more so in this day and age.
>You also group all Jews together as if they have some sort of hive mind, which is a ridiculous logical fallacy. Anyway, your entire premise is built on logical fallacies so I'll just leave you to live in your fantasy that all these people are out to get you.
The majority of Jews throughout the world have genetically sequestered themselves and therefore are bound to the same rules as we give other genetically sequestered animals in the world (humans included). Behavior and action are largely based upon genetic descent; Horses that develop without masters are free to do what they please but those that have masters are bound to follow imposed rules, lest they are removed from society. Jews are not immune to this. Couple that with the fact that they have not integrated (for the majority for multiple millennia) to their host populations and it becomes obvious that they, as a general observance, have a different outlook on the societies in which they reside.
Don't worry, the Jews won't die off, but people like you will. You're in the minority, and you blame your failures on some outside group instead of yourself. Jews win more noble prizes than any other religious group, make more money than any other religious group, and are more successful than any other religious group. There's nothing you can do about any of that. You're part of a dying breed, while Jews are doing better now than ever before. But yeah don't forget the welfare check friend. If it makes you feel better you can curse the Jews as you struggle with your own mediocrity.
All I heard was the sound of a self-fellating Jew who lives in a European world speaking English while dickriding European innovations.
>rich Jews
Like whom? Bankers like Blankfein? Producers like Weinstein? Casino owners like Adelson? Literal parasites who produce nothing and merely ride on the backs of the whites too burdened and blinded to see it.
>Why do you talk about Jews as if they're one person?
Because holocausting them feels bad otherwise.