Anyone save it?
David Brock's Partner Weirdo Pizza Party Video is GONE
Other urls found in this thread:
What was it?
it was taken down because a bunch of retards went into the comments accusing the poster of being in a pedophile ring
If anyone has it please post it!
what the fuck was it
It was a video at David Brocker's former partner's pizza joint (literally). It was really bizarre and uncomfortable. It's another point of evidence in the Clinton pedo ring.
what happened on the video
its a violation of the youtube TOS to post material against the democratic party because its considered racist and bigoted. Hope they got banned for not supporting HRC 2016!!!
What the fucking hell.... is this?
what the fuck is this
That's just standard homosexual behavior.
>That's just standard homosexual behavior.
You know I used to be pro-gay rights but I'm starting to realize that they are almost all disgusting degenerates
Thanks! Holy fuck this is weird o.O
Someone webm it before it gets pulled from vimeo too
The next attack should be
Why would the obect to being called pedos isnt it just another alternative lifestyle? Age is just a social construct...
What the fuck? Stuff just isn't adding up with these people. Too degenerate for my blood anyway.
Get ready for #notallpedos
well i guess the show's over folks
HEY I KNOW! Someone could just re-upload the video right?
Someone describe what happens so i dont have to experience the nightmare fuel first hand
if this is standard homosexual behavior then i think i need to rethink some things
can someone pls give me a tldr of the video i cant watch a homo talk for 13 minutes straight
Standard Fuck Party
Can someone post the original link so I can confirm?
Why would the most powerful people in the world use code words literally taken from Sup Forums to communicate with each other about performing what society deems to be THE most heinous act in the world?
Isn't it a girl wearing a mask with a voice distorting part?
FYI there's a download button at the bottom right incase it gets taken down
I think it's actually a woman. When she got closer to the camera, I could distinctly hear a woman's voice speaking the same words at the same time. She was using a voice changer.
A lot of incoherant rambling, uncontrolable laughter, wanting to punch someone in the throat, rubbing their face (wearing a skimask) on someone's fur coat(?) cause it feels like their cat and something about a video of a lion. Maybe a few other strange comments but that is all I can remember.
Especially one so desperate to cover their feminine lisp that they need to use a deep voice filter that completely distorts every third word.
this weiner guy seems like enough of an idiot to browse Sup Forums
this video is incredibly fucked up, it feels like im watching the max headroom broadcast
im seriously fucking spooked
It's fucking weird alright, but how is this pedo?
Its all perfectly normal goy.
You aren't a bigot, are you?
what the actual fuck am I watching? Holy shit this is fucking creepy.
post yfw loli haet pizza is a meme they started
What the fuck is this man. The speaker sounds like a tranny
>using a filter
>still obviously a woman's voice
If its the same pizza place Sup Forums has been talking about, they have a secret rooms and special meetings.
the weirdest part is their reactions
I want off this fucking ride, this is too much, fuck the redpill, ignorance is bliss
wat da fugg
It doesn't work, it says failed, no file.
ok what's the connection with david brock in this video?
Gay lifestyle man. Nothing degenerate about it.
i dont get it, whats so bad about the video? i made it ike 4 minutes in. i probably missed early shit about this pizza joint but pls what is weird about this besides homos?
dat hivemind
i thought it was a gay dude using a filter to sound more like a woman desu.
This is not the original video, it is just the one that people still have access to.
>Anyone save it?
wait is david brock a fag?
and this video is just bunch of faggots acting the way faggots act, so yeah it's weird as fuck, but probably not a vast elite pedo ring.
Holy shit....
Is that David Brock in drag?
It's unlikely but not unthinkable, elites like to ironically LARP as proles from time to time, pic related.
Anyway, regardless of whether this is true or not it's our duty to troll shitlibs and the media with it, we got McMuffin to have to deny he was gay live on air recently just from spamming #EvanMcMullinIsGay tweets (
Hey, it's that old bug with the thumbnails.
Watching videos like this, watching them talk all I get is this fucked feeling in my gut like
>All of these people are dead inside.
Sends a shiver up my spine. I can't even explain it.
>ok what's the connection with david brock in this video?
Comet Ping Pong owned by James Alefantis, once listed 49th "most influential" person in DC by GQ:
James Alefantis cought in love triangle with chief of Media Matters, David Brock; Allegations of blackmail and a payout amounting to $850,000
idgi, is it like a bad drag comedy routine or something?
Ya stupid asses lol
>Is that David Brock in drag?
It's Amanda Kleinman. Birthday part is for Sasha Long
>Sasha Lord
VideoDownloadHelper extension senpai, works on pretty much everything (you might need to reload the page before it picks it up)
Then they'd disable comments nigger.
They want to hide the video about EMPOWERMENT AND TRUST being the cornerstone their pedophile front business
whats the original video? sorry for asking so many questions im just rly behind on this
Guys, I don't think this a kid's birthday party.
I think it's a bunch of adults ironically having a party at a kids pizza joint, then some autist does some weird act dedicated to the birthday chick.
>this is what happens when you force men to repress their sexuality their whole life
christ. no wonder muslims and gays are also the most degenerate
it's not even the same pic
I still see the X
what the fuck am I watching?
So is pedophilia
Long-standing Sup Forums bug, happens occasionally when 2 image posts are made at the same millisecond (the timestamps get confused.) Pic is my favourite occurrence of it.
geez this is depressing
Yeah, that's all I gathered, too. Its fucking disgusting and degenerate and weird, but its basically standard issue LE EDGY faggot/tranny/progressive lefty idiot bullshit. Don't get me wrong, its fucking weird and I want no part of it and would like them all burned at the stake, but I don't see anything incriminating. Am I missing some shit? I really don't get the pedo angle here at all.
and they wonder how we can spot the shills, CTRs, and JIDF
well it's logical to assume they're using code words, given their use of certain phrases
can someone explain how this creepy ?
I don't get it
I suppose so. They seem like just disgusting faggot filth just being their disgusting selves, but with an angle of weird elitist culty shit, too. But I'm not claiming to now about common code words and such either. Fucking gross and weird at the very least anyways. Definitely feels like some kinda Eyes Wide Shut shit or something, if nothing else, which is creepy as fuck on its own.
Does anyone have proof that Eli is still alive?The last video on his channel was posted 4 years ago. 404s.
using a voice modulator, wearing a full ski mask, and what looks like a wig
not sure if it's actually anything, it's just bizarre
feels like an episode of Delocated.
"She" is a photographer by the name of E. Brady Robinson.
Btw, here's a reupload to YouTube:
WTF is the video about, what are they there for?
>"She" is a photographer by the name of E. Brady Robinson.
No, that's the photographer. The subject is
Amanda Kleinman
She deleted that video from her youtube account yesterday.
She just deleted her entire youtube uploads and favorites an hour ago.
>what are they there for?
Sasha Lord's birthday party involving a "special pizza" called "the hotty"
I don't get what the big deal is. I'm just bored watching it, made it halfway through. Gay dude giving a tour of his fuck-palace. Boring.
>Sasha Lord's
who the fuck is that?
Her video was posted in some of the early Cheesebay / Pizza Pac / Comet Ping Pong threads and she might know something about Eli, who is a suspected victim of sex trafficking.
>who the fuck is that?
Music booker at Comet Ping Pong. Creepy joint owned by the gay ex-boyfriend of David Brock (CEO of Correct The Record). The place is infested with creepy people, has hidden doors, is a "family-friendly" place by day and a music venue dive for local bands at night.
>Some of the diseases I have, like I said they dont know what they are
Fucking gas them all
Pedosta .vcf "card" list
Email id incl:
> "focus on the cards"
7712 Rich Harrington.vcf 2.79 KiB 96d73e770a76f77ee4e2e5cd84e1d59a text/x-vcard
10308 Gary Doer.vcf 1.55 KiB 4712eebe7f33ff2ac73474e4755d28f4 text/directory
12755 Roy Erickson.vcf 173.00 B 133788e3a30c1af01370e0d53e3a4275 text/directory
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12972 mechaveste.vcf 374.00 B 4edf71a54305a8fd2cbc6eb839e73d35 text/x-vcard
15116 Bill De Blasio.vcf 230.00 B fd340392d9a8da5d38609a42287d8098 text/directory
14766 Diamond Cab.vcf 103.00 B 9e314bf96224e385148330c3a3c64ded text/x-vcard
16930 Jonathan Zimmer.vcf 3.33 KiB e36a07ae17c6deef6ebd6138a85bdd84 text/x-vcard
18627 Christopher Lucey.vcf 23.38 KiB ea75fcef90f54dbadfb95d63266ad3a9 text/x-vcard
18304 Amy Taylor.vcf 5.78 KiB d4185e3a4f47dad6e12925469faf24d8 text/directory
26209 mechaveste.vcf 374.00 B 4edf71a54305a8fd2cbc6eb839e73d35 text/directory
32350 Stan Neve.vcf 784.00 B 943ae5f853a2f54391f2b8c750dbef8c text/directory
32307 Dr. Alexander Karp2.VCF 259.00 B d041ee4c1c368e3eededbd3dc0a8720b text/x-vcard
34999 Ellen Tauscher.vcf 667.00 B 278f3f8fadc06f69f742a80abd0c59c1 text/directory
36211 George Barrett.vcf 513.00 B bfbf34bd1bbb461e2b7eb3008fe87394 text/directory
36060 Glenn patti Paulecarres.vcf 413.00 B 6f35049dda70540b1bf4090e30066b9c text/directory
39360 Jonathan Zimmer.vcf 3.33 KiB e36a07ae17c6deef6ebd6138a85bdd84 text/x-vcard
43143 Ira Shapiro.vcf 3.19 KiB 2c3aaf62ecb8d1e08268915e365638d1 text/x-vcard
42539 Gary Jones.vcf 236.00 B cf239a92d4c7e32fe902f4b7785cc1c2 text/directory
44568 Sean Doyle - New Hampshire Democratic Party .vcf 3.04 KiB 50d75736d3c2526e864b50d29e5b1df5 text/x-vcard
43909 Amy Taylor.vcf 5.78 KiB d4185e3a4f47dad6e12925469faf24d8 text/director
is this legit?
"thumbs up" the hottie? THEY THUMB FUCKED A CHILD??
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