
Why did Egg McMuffin collapse in Utah? Three polls released on November 3 give Trump leads of 6, 11 and 12 there, and in two of those three polls, he's fallen to a distant third place, behind Hillary Clinton, is trailing Trump by like 20-something points.

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the american people no longer want a true conservative like Ted Cruz.

Meme candidate gets memed
He's a a single Mormon in his forties, ffs



I think Mormons realized it's fucking retarded to protest vote against the one person in the race that might somewhat even closely approximate their worldview.

He was a literal nobody who ran as the "HAHA BOTH CANIDATES ARE BAD" campaign. He was going to lose always

The beast rises from his slumber to smite hillary

They started a whisper campaign saying he's gay.

>Yes, it's that easy to wreck a little-known candidate.

The Mormons finally got over it.
Also this, I dated a Mormon girl for two weeks in high school and her parents were recommending wedding planners, a single 40 year old Mormon with a good salary is just fucking strange.

Mormons were throwing a tantrum and trying to make a statement but everyone knew they would end up voting trump

Same reason 3rd parties will poll as high as 10-15% but the most they ever get is like 1-2% nationally

just look at this board and the power of anonymity and what you will say to people here vs real life.

Once you are alone in the booth nobody has to see how you voted

Apparently the Trump people did some f'd up strategy and that cuck ended up being shat on hard

Pollsters are entering their grading period so they promptly un-rigged the polls.

The closer that Americans get to the election, the more that third party support drops off. Americans realize that it's a binary election, rather than having the luxury of a third choice.

Therefore, they opt to the lesser of two evils (very much Trump in the eyes of Utahns) rather than vote for the candidate they'd truly prefer, because he's entirely unviable. People chicken out, and don't want to waste their vote.

What happened?

At this point you should just always assume memes are to blame when something interesting happens. It's 2016.


My aunt voted 3rd party here in california, her husband (a forest ranger) voted Trump, theyve apparently not stopped arguing kek.

people realized hes gay

>sexually prey on black children in ebola-land

He preyed on my sides

Very interesting. That's like a Chinese with no relatives or a Mexican with no children.

> collapse

He can't collapse because he never had anything to begin with

He never had a fucking chance. Those Mormons talk a big game, but they know that causing Hillary to get elected because their limpdick candidates keep getting BTFO is retarded. Plus if that happened I would make it my mission in life to ensure as many of those millions of refugees as Hillary wants to get in get stuffed inside their heretical hellhole.

McMuffin was never that high in the polls— they just said so to help him get more voters but it didn't work.

>true conservative like Ted Cruz.
>true like Ted Cruz.
>true Cruz.
true zodiac killer.

its almost like they unfucked some of the polls when they realized trump would win

>single Mormon in his forties
Definitely a closeted homo

Holy shit, I can't stop laughing at that. The best part is, it probably actually works on the Mormons.

the watermark on a gif... i just vomited in my mouth.

Maybe those closet homosexual calls were real.

Maybe because he is just a plant put in place to help Trump lose the race.

Mormons don't vote for 2-mommy, gay, alien, lying faggots.

He actually believes no one will get 270 and he'll be chosen by Congress.

No Jeb on the other hand.

Trump coming out strong against roe v wade at the 3rd debate.

He admitted he was running to aid Hillary by taking votes from Trump

Well no shit. You know how asshurt Romney and his cabal of fudgepackers got when Trump was announced the Republican nominee? And still they couldn't beat him.

it was the homo rumors, we all know its true, the mormons just aren't as quick on the draw when it comes to one of their own. It all made sense once it was pointed out though.

Let's be honest: 42-year-old never married Mormon who's a wealthy, Ivy-educated politician isn't married? Would that surprise anybody if it actually were true? He doesn't come across as particularly effeminate, but he also doesn't come across as super masculine.

I wouldn't doubt it for a second if somebody told me that.

I like to think it's because I kept spamming mormons on normiebook with this pic and mentioning the fact that Evan literally has two dyke moms and loves poopdick marriage.

did you guys take your brainforce today

Because, come on, it's 2016 right now.

Because the Mormons were happy to vote for him when it looked like Hillary was definitely going to win. Now that it's obvious that their votes, and state, actually fucking matters they're taking things a little more seriously.

He never had a chance in the first place.

t. Utahfag

Also, two moms? I just learned about that, but he's already got the homosexual gene. It's probably more likely than not, if anybody's being entirely honest. Not even remotely kidding, either.

>He's a a single Mormon in his forties, ffs

1000% fag

Yeah, there are plenty of straight acting fags.

Video related


>Who the fuck cares about Utah anyway?

Same thing that happens to all 3rd party candidates as the election nears the end. People realize the race is close and shift their vote to a candidate who has a chance of winning.

Has to be a fruit. Few Mormons are single at 25, let alone 45.


The Mormons started realizing they're getting the Plantation treatment by the GOP.

And they're fucking pissed.

>single in his 40s

He's like an openly pork eating Muslim. The Latter Day folks know something's up.


Wow, never heard the full phone call. Mormons are for open borders and helping non-whites though.


All the Mormons saying they were voting for McMuffin were just throwing a hissy fit. They thought Trump had no actual chance so they threw their weight behind there "protest vote" so they could hold the moral high ground. But now that it looks like Trump will actually win they realize that they can't throw the election to Clinton.

It is a mix of two factors.

Utah is the never Trump stronghold and like all cucks they eventually bend the knee.

The second is Mormons are automatons who are chink tier in hive mind. They have little free thought so when the wind blows any which way they run with it.

Never forget these are some of the most brainwashed people in the country and Mormons may appear to be a great Republican ally they are almost more cultish then Jews.

help us make the world red:
operation maximum red

I'll take the Amish over any group.

McMuffin and Aleppo Man only got a short term boost after Donald was thrown under the bus for the Pussy Grabbing tape. And even then I sincerly doubt their support was anything more than closeted Trump voters hiding their votes.

Now that Access Hollywood is just old news Trump supporters are no longer scared to say they'll vote for Trump.

In the polls right before election day I expect Jill Stein to get a little boost because liberals are disappointed with Clinton getting investigated by the FBI.

my fucking county still blue even in MAGA dreamland


Well to be fair the Amish practically live in a bubble. Their exposure to the outside world is very limited so I kind of give them a pass on their cult hivemind because they aren't tested and challenged constantly.

>LA county

Where did you get this state map?

This has to be in the context of if only white people voted or something.

Not if your a fake mormon, that happens to be a CIA operative, Goldman Sachs employee.

Protest votes are a fickle thing, because in the back of their mind everyone knows that if you aren't checking D or R on election day you've essentially flushed your vote down the toilet.

McMuffin has a 0% chance to win the election, barring an act of god disqualifying both the major party candidates AND their running mates, so why vote for him?

Maybe everyone noticed he's an obvious spook

>40 year old mormon
>never married

That means FAGGOT in utah

Utahfag here, BR bro is right.

The media tried to shill the fuck out of TRUMP IS DONE IN REDDEST STATE but it backfired



those guys seem pretty cool