So if trump is truly fighting the elites
why haven't they assassinated him yet?
So if trump is truly fighting the elites
why haven't they assassinated him yet?
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the blame would inevitably go to mrs. puppet
he's a clinton plant,
all going according to plan
The Podesta emails showed they wanted Trump to be the opponent.
Because the DNC purposely pushed so that Trump would be the nominee for a clean sweep....
But they're so stuffed up their own asshole, they didn't realize how much both (((they))), and the (((media))), are hated.
If they kill him now, everything Trumps said confirmed true, and they'd literally be dragged out of their mansions by angry mobs and hanged.
>Assange: Clinton & ISIS funded by same money, Trump won’t be allowed to win
Because the Election has been already decided. Trump will be back on TV, they are all actors. US elections are fucking joke the Beast Bills were right.
If Trump mysteriously died due to an accidental bullet delivered to the back of his brain, who the fuck do you think would catch shade for it? They can't just kill indiscriminately.
>So if trump is truly fighting the elites
He is an elite. Only gullible retards would think a billionaire "made it on his own" and wasn't an elite.
It's pathetic you guys have fallen for this ploy: a billionaire being the savior for the middle class and the working man.
It's absolutely absurd. "But he can't be bought" - no shit, he already HAS been bought.
what if every time they assassinate trump his kids fire up the time machine and save him?
The elites need to keep order, Trump has already called out the jewish elites out, if Trump got hit, there would be a holocaust v2
0.25 cents
Take off your tin foil hats you fucking retards, it wouldn't have been so ugly if he was a clinton plant, Trump wouldn't have risked his life long reputation on rape accusations for nothing.
These. It would simply be too obvious
We're in the timeline where they gave up
Why are (((they))) letting Hillary expose them is another good question.
If you believe that it's the "Jews" running things, congratulations, you're gullible enough to fall for the elite's classic divide and conquer tricks. The average Elite banker or politician has more in common with Alister Crowley than they do with Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof.
you have no idea how deep this goes
He told corporations that take their factories overseas to not pay Americans fair wages that he will tax rape them in retaliation. In Michael Moore's words, not presidental candidate Republican or Democrat has had the balls to do that, why? because those same corporations are in their pockets. He is also against open borders and illegal immigration which like Bernie said, the elites and corporations love because it provides them with cheap labor and dont have to pay Americans good wages. That is why we say he is for working class Americans.
I'm not convinced they won't try to kill him. It's still early on, remember. He hasn't won yet, they haven't pulled off their voter fraud schemes yet, and he hasn't attempted to carry out any of the number of groundshaking policies he wants to pursue that has them so rattled. So it's not do or die time for them yet.
If they exhaust every other avenue, I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised if they tried to whack him as a last resort.
There has already been two attempts, the guy rushing the stage and the guy that grabbed that cop's gun.
Third time might actually work. There's a reason he clearly wears a vest under his suit, and i wouldnt be surprised if the suit is armored itself.
Because they don't have the balls and because he is Kek incarnate
I really... don't know...
I seriously expected him to be assassinated a long time ago.
>We pay mentally ill people to start shit in trump rallies
t. O'Keefe leaks
Like... is it just because white people are nice or is Trump being protected by the KGB?
Doesn't that make sense, though? For the past few years people have been joking about Donald Trump potentially running. Hillary only didn't win before because a black President is more progressive (re: memey) than a white female one; the Democrats had two candidates who the average person really liked against basically nobodies in the Republican party. 10 months ago, analysts were saying candidates like Trump show up every election and die out quick, but Cruz was someone who stood up to Congress and was potentially someone who the fed-up masses would vote for. From the Democrats' perspective, Cruz maybe stood a chance, while Trump was only ever going to hurt the Republican party, 'cause who'd vote for Donald fucking Trump?
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of liberals actually helped Trump win the primary.
JFK got killed 3 years in
Whether the MSM likes to admit it or not, we are closer to the tipping point than most think, and a (((suicide))) of trump would anger the silent majority that supports trump/the WOKE people in the South willing to give their lives for what they think is right. Would Trump getting killed cause it? Maybe not, but it would set us on a path where HRC and (((they))) would pay for what they'd done. If Trump does get elected, I don't think we'll notice any radical change.
His hair protects against back of the head suicide shotgun blasts.
He's gathered the seven chaos emeralds
he's a billionaire. billionaires don't get assassinated. he likely has private security at least on par with the Secret Service, in addition to them
They'll kill him after he's elected
His security force IS the crowd
But JFK started as establishment and part of the plan.
He started going against them later.
Trump is walking through literal elite fire to the seat of the emperor
He still may not win. But they for certain have a CIA sleeper in his team real close to him and ready to make it look like an accident when the time is right
Trump is anointed by Kek himself. He's untouchable
Praise be to Kek and his avatar!
My theory is:
> Hillary wins the presidency.
> SHE gets assassinated by the same people who helped take her there.
> Martyr status achieved
> Every republican is irredeemably marked as a potential terrorist
> People go crazy because the injustice is too much to bear
I cannot predict further
The Jews still have a reason to keep him around.
My Lord, why hath thou forsaken your most loyal priest? Will a happening doom your avatar?
If this happens I will try to legally immigrate to Finland and become a productive member of society.
When has a Finnfag ever been right?
they still think they can game the system enough, pic related, it's one of hillary's owners
>Finland always wrong
>Sup Forums always right
Guess that means about 50% of the time
they'll try to turn him just like they turned Obama, remember how they wanted to give him "security" briefings and liberals cried about how he turned them down?
Most of the times, you only really need to be right once.
Being constantly right is a sign of narcissism.
Start learning Finnish already.
yep, i remember the first 2 weeks after Donald Trump's announcement speech. There wasnt really a lot of waves.
Then suddenly all the liberal papers started trashing him on his "mexican rapist" line which obviously was completely misrepresented.
Maybe it wasnt planned that far ahead but it seemed weird, could just be liberal trolling aka easy target finding.
Because trump, alt right, GG, and this entire board is one big psyop.
50$ says assange and Snowden are cia assets
They're disproportionately Jewish for a number of reasons, but a big one is that this new order of being was firmly set down in 1945 by Eisenhower's OSS and they used the Holocaust exaggerations to divert the public from what the other hand was doing
So naturally a ton of Jews got in on the scam, but Eisenhower was half-jewish at most. The issue is the globalists, and should they end up being 75% jewish, so be it. Don't get distracted to attacking little old Jew-on-the-street, it's how you lose the public's support.
>We're in the timeline where they gave up
Their time is up, they did their job while there but are dying a horrible death, a lesson for the future in such things. Unpredictable in the past, now all fixed, currently could be projected.
It's hard to just kill him as it would be the moment you start civil war, especially now, with the whole FBI thing. Most likely they'll JFK him when he's in office but it will be harder than the last time they succeeded. Most likely will be done abroad.
certainly not hillary
They already have.
It's called character assassination.
Its not character assassination IF HE IS OPEN ABOUT BEING A PIECE OF SHIT.. Hes obviously an Idiot and said everything that they say he did. Come on now. Lets be serious
They don't need to. Janet Yellen and the Fed have a tsumani of shit waiting behind the dam known as fed rate hikes, whoever the next president is will get this shit wave released on them. Nobody wins.
Trump tried and had a noble goal but it was too little too late. He could have great policies but the economic ruin on the horizon will make any president look like Hoover or Carter.
No they didnt you fucking philistine, they were prepping oppo against him, cruz and carson the 3 most likely candidates. L2read cunt no wonder your country has gone to shit
>drumpf fighting the elites
They will wait to see if their rigging of the election is successful, makes literally no sense to kill him 4 days before election day. He would become a martyr for a civil war, if the madman actually pulls it off expect them to go all out though
It's almost like the elites are a bunch of backstabbing cunts with cliques that have eternal internal strife.
Too obvious. Still obvious but tolerable is every media outlet acting as a single organism against Trump.
I don't get the whole
It's like you guys are calling him racist and a bigot and then being racist bigots by making fun of his ancestral family name, which is German, which is actually Drumpf.
It's fucking retarded like everything else the left and democucks have been pushing with their agendas
Why'd they let JFK make it beyond his inauguration before assassinating him?
Because they're trying to use him as a living, breathing strawman, to undermine the credibility of conservative and anti-globalist movements.
And it's going to backfire. Gloriously.
He will have to be a martyr for that to happen. Fed interest rates have delayed rate hikes, race relations are at an all time low, a terror threat that strikes at the US exists, all of these things will be emboldened under a Trump presidency and he will need a loyal voting base that like him to survive the social consequences. Not "well, he's better than Hillary". And right now a large majority of the GOP is only supporting him because he isn't Hillary Clinton.
His loyal fan base isn't enough to float him through the shitstorm the same way the Obama people did.
The same as with JFK, (((they'll)) bide their time until he'll truly try to fuck them over.
This is what I'm thinking. At this point wherever he goes on top of secret service there are legions of people ready to kick some ass if someone tried anything fishy.