Wow, I guess Sup Forums got stumped again? I guess everyone here ARE a bunch of assholes.
Sup Forums BTFO
nice sources
I wish I was a cute anime girl
>giving (you)'s to baitposters.
Get it together man
I do not get this meme. There's males and females. Where do these "others" come from? How do they reproduce?
You can be it's almost 2017
There is only two genders. Male and Female. No more, no less. If you honestly think there are more than two I hope you're a fag so you won't pass your inferior genes onto your offspring.
>picture related
yes, but cataloguing the superstitions of bone-through-the-nose-barbarians is like one third of their jobs, so this isnt really sending the message you think its sending.
being this much of a racist, xenophobic, trans-phobic, misogynistic, sexist, hate monger.
When will you people quit being shitlords
lmaoing at this world man
One of your friends actually posted that on facebook?
I thought that was just bait imagery for anonymous message boards.
great explanation
>being an asshole means not mistaking genetic defects and social constructs with biological facts
Basically no
user, did you even read the picture? All of those people unanimously agree that more than two genders exist. You might want to check your reading comprehension.
Intersex people will continue to exist no matter how polturds feel about it
Being serious, sadly yes. I have a lot of degenerate friends on kikebook, but they do provide me with plenty of YLYL and You Rage you lose material.
make literally life and death decisions regarding medical conditions, diagnoses and dosage based on whether their patient is either a male or female
degenerate western psychologists would agree with this, actually
what kind of "scientists"? the ones who study genetics and can predict someone's gender based on their cells?
made up western faggotry
can name 3 obscure societies who never kept written records nor managed to advance beyond the stone age, then make assumptions about how those people viewed life based on nothing
I get the whole tranny thing, like its gender 0 to gender 1 or 1 to 0 sort of change, not becoming gender 2, and same for the whole hermaphrodite thing but it's just a combination of both verses a whole new thing, but the whole asexual demiqueer thing is getting ridiculous.
Reminder to sage if you respond to the thread.
Pls dont sage me I worked really hard on this shitpost
Well yes, there are more than two genders, some people have XXY genes, XYY, or XY but with a faulty Y which makes them female. Hermaphrodites are a thing, but they are literally an error of nature, like down syndrome. Are they human and deserve to be treated with respect? Absolutely. But they are definitely not the norm, only a sad exception. There are two normal, average, genders, male and female.