Women should not be allowed to vote
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Yes they should. People have the freedom to have influence on the government that takes their money.
Women don't pay taxes though, their husbands do.
Sup Forums is probably the only website where topics like this make you pause to think if it's bait or a completely serious post.
I'll give OP the benefit of the doubt and assume the former.
GTFO CTR shills!
I guess single moms dont exist
Women don`t die for their nation. They should not be able to vote.
Sorry a non-person gave birth to a person thats how it works
They "pay taxes" on their child support that was originally from the man.
So people who are born with heart issues and can't join military can't vote?
White men above 25 who own property or have a decent apartment in the city. Thats who should vote.
>all women are married
>all women don't work
Not in this liberal abomination of a society
Have you ever in your live met a woman that was interested in for example the relationship between Russia and the United States?
All land owners and only land owners should have the equal right to vote.
Lol that makes no fucking sense
>So people who are born with heart issues and can't join military can't vote?
If shit hits the fan if you`re a man and you can stand you`re going to the front line.
In a utopian world where this would be even possible, I would like every person's life choices to be evaluated in order to gain the privilege of voting.
>Women have freedom
>liberal abomination
Lol you all never fail to suprise me with higher and higher levels of autism
Considering that they get all types of free things.
>Yea, nah they really dont count.
Yes I have...what the fuck...
Ur anecdote is inaccurate
>In a utopian world where this would be even possible
Basically the west before WWI.
Western nations go downhill once Shlomo convinces them into suffrage. Look throughout history and you will see that suffrage always begets a welfare state about 30 years later, which then in turn begets feminism, begets no fault divorce, begets super SJW feminism, begets MGTOW bullshit, begets white genocide.
And it isn't even a choice of sacrificing women's happiness to preserve society because women have been measured to be less happy and more depressed further and further since feminism and the destruction of the nuclear family.
You're probably a virgin who is mad because he doesn't understand women and don't know how to talk to them
So basically you believe in taxiation without representation? You believe people who live WITH someone, no matter the circumstance, should not have the freedom to vote because...they...dont own a small patch of dirt??
Does Sup Forums ever use their brains?
The average woman doesn`t give a shit about foreign policy. Just the way it is.
And most guys do?
It has been the west's worst mistake. It won't be repeated after the reset.
Ad hominem attack.
So people born blind or deaf or become disabled cant vote? Please tell me you aren't that retarded. Please restore my faith in humanity.
Women are much less of a threat than minorities. Just saying
Nah, minorities shouldn't vote.
Tax-payers only should be allowed to vote. The welfare nigger would die off and all those who are smart enough to compete end up living, improving the minority IQ (who cares) among things, and ensuring only those who actually are affected and deserve to have a say actually matter. Also, women don't have as many gifted as men do, so they'll have less votes. Win win, smart people make all the decisions, idiots put in their place.
If you like Democracy that includes the masses who don't pay shit, you're a genuine fag.
To an extent. Men need to know at least the bare minimum because historically it`s been a life saver to know a thing or two about how the world works. This was never asked of women until they got the vote.
Most Americans cant point out Afghanistan on a map. Men, women, most of both have no clue of whats going on. Again, u have anecdotes, which are inaccurate.
There are non-whites out there that know a thing or two.
Are you a knuckle dragger? You have to be diagnosed as autistic to think taking away a women's right to vote is justified.
There are also women out there that know a thing or two, as proven by my map.
republicans and democrats are two sides of the same coin if you dont know that by now then fuck
He`s talking best case scenario.
Anyone who doesn't believe in a person's right to vote because of an abritrary label like "minority" is too retarded to be trusted to vote themselves.
I'm a national socialist. Republicans are shitty and I would vote for Hitler but the current Democratic party is anti white while the republican party is neutral on race.
The only people that should be allowed to vote are highly educated individuals
No he believes in taking away a women's right to vote because he doesn't like it. That's like 8 year old level thinking.
>The only people that should be allowed to vote are highly educated individuals
By what definition?
Biologically, they're not as good as men at seperating their emotions from their arguments.
Realistically though.. Most people are too stupid to second guess them ever getting the right to vote, so I can see why you feel that way. It'll never happen or be taken seriously.
>People have the freedom to have influence on the government that takes their money.
Guess Puerto Ricans aren't people
It`s not because I don`t like it; it`s because they can`t be trusted to weigh and value the options.
>I know jack shit about politics and economics but I have a japanese literature degree, so it's all good
This truth is self-evident. It'll bring down the republic. But we'll worry about it later.
Of course, only people who literally drool while they talk are nazis.
Women are a minority, hence women shouldn't vote.
Whatever Goldberg.
Oh let's be honest, whites are (on average) are more intelligent than blacks and Latinos, therefore more qualified to vote.
America certainly wasn`t designed to have large voting black and Latino populations changing elections.
You think so huh? Women contribute much less and make less money because they don't have the autistic Y chromosome as often as men (high IQ)
I agree it is difficult if not impossible to define and if implemented could be manipulated to prefer certain voters but if there was a way to determine the most educated would you agree they would be the best people to decide on which party should run a country?
I know you aren't a highly educated individual because you use a word like "highly" and "educated" and give no further explanation into how you define them. Also, you dont even think into the unjust consequnces of this. Such as the poor having no representation and possibly creating a textbook Oligarchy. You give no thought into the absolutely robbery of freedom a policy like this would cause. You just spit out what you "feel" and put no effort into contemplating the effects of this policy.
"Minority" is an abritrary label. "White people" are a minority on the global scale, so should they not be able to vote on the international level??
Use. Your. Brain. For once. Jesus christ.
Of course, just label me as something instead of refuting what ive said. How intelligent of you.
Tax payers only. Bring back the Jim Crow literacy test if need be. If whites pass more than minorities, it's not racism, it's because they're retarded. Women'd have a harder time than men since we have more higher IQ spergs, so it'd work perfectly
Why are you dodging?? You said "minority" now you are saying blacks and latinos? Nice try.
nonwhites should not be allowed to vote
Okay faggot. I meant blacks and Latinos. Jeez
>Of course, only people who literally drool while they talk are nazis.
What am I supposed to refute?
>So basically you believe in taxiation without representation?
Yes. People do not deserve to choose their leaders.
Again, how does contribution of money (im just gonna accept what you've presented even though im 150% sure its completely retarded) justify robbing people of freedom? Are you this dense?
It`s clearly wrong. It`s just an attack on National Socialists.
People don't deserve to be free.
I don't think you can just take away the voting rights from any demographic, regardless of your particular intent. It alienates a portion of the population and gives the marxists grounds to complain about classism and elitism, not to mention the fact that it skews representation when it comes to people choosing what they want for their country.
These freedoms shouldn't be conditional. Giving people the right to choose and demanding that they make the "right" choice at every turn isn't giving anyone any rights at all. The only people who want to restrict voting are people with unpopular agendas.
Nation states, not globally user. I think having an ethnic majority that determines the course of its country is just fine. People don't get along very well when there's diversity than if not. Like Japan being 98+% pure and being a great country.
The argument about women may sound autistic, but just consider for a second, the IQ distribution curve for men versus women, and also how the female mind is biologically designed for emotion, not rationale. Men tend to have less receptors in the empathy portions as testosterone and intelligence increases. We have strength in our autism, so we probably know better, as we are designed to rationalize better.
Hmm, fewer women pay taxes than men....
Maybe we could make it so only taxpayers could vote?
Nobody believes this shit Hans.
stupid people voting robs everyone in the country of their freedom, wealth, and safety
universal suffrage is extremely recent yet people like you act as if its some universal truth
I know. It hurts your brain since you have to use it.
So only blacks and latinos cant vote? Even though blacks and latinos isnt one fucking monolith. Like...no one is this fucking autistic. Did you pass the 2nd grade?
Fucking children understand that blacks and latinos are individuals who vary extremely. You wanna ban the black man who's a fame neuroscientist from voting because he was born black? How fucking retarded are you?
Nothing justified taking away a person's freedom just because you're autistic and think "blacks" and "latinos" are like one fucking monolith.
Then you're retarded.
>if german people could vote, 75% of them would vote for hillary
Because idiots shouldn't make decisions. If tax-payers are smarter, then logically, 2+2=4, they get the vote.
By the way, that IQ distribution is entirely factual, and its showing you how although men and women may have the same IQ as a whole, men have less average guys and more retards + geniuses than women. It can be used to explain why we dominate stem and science and women don't.
This. A hopeless venture. So much for civilization beyond a barbaric slave culture.
I think you're retarded and you shouldn't be able to vote.
See how your logic works??
no, children understand they don't want to be around some violent nigger or a drug dealer
then you bleeding heart subhumans like you come along and tell them they're evil for that desire, and forcibly cart in thousands more subhumans to "integrate" them
>iowa blue in white people
>90% white
>it's going red this election
one person one vote is retarded.
one family one vote.
bachelors should not have the vote.
only heterosexual couples with at least one child should be able to vote.
within this, obviously the man decides the family's vote because anything else is topsy turvy world.
until he has a wifey and kids, no vote.
You know nothing of neuroscience. Autism isn't even fucking defined clearly for neuroscientists dont know exactly what is yet. The only thing we have so far is that autists cant understand the intentions of others that well and find it hard to contain emotions. Thanks for proving you dont know what the fuck you're talking about faggot.
I think if your only intention for having a government is for specific institutions and security of the people, even in the most lenient of governments, taxes on the citizens makes sense.
Holy fuck dude. You're really getting fucking piss. Calm down. There's no reason to get all work up over a stupid internet debate. And I just don't want low IQ groups voting in elections. Sorry that pisses you off for some reason.
yeah i fucking hate when anons try to act like they know science and really have no idea. really really fucking obnoxious. anons that stupid shouldn't be making arguments - they should be meming. nothing wrong with that.
Non machines should not be allowed to vote. Did you even watch Invader zim?
Remember, tribalism is the one and only truth in this world. Individualism is nothing but a recent, fleeting fantasy, promoted by those who seek to conquer tribes weak enough to buy into it
I believe you're an idiot. Now you can't vote.
Literally a 8 year old can understand the flaw in your logic. You HAVE to be, JUST HAVE TO BE a complete retard to not see the flaw in your logic.
Thats it you're not voting. You cant vote. I said so and im more intelligent than you.
These numbers mean nothing to me.
"low IQ groups"
I mean, if we take as given that we are going to be living in a diverse society with browns, it doesn't make sense to withhold the vote from specific ethnic groups. if IQ is the issue, just make people pass an IQ test. I know plenty of whites with < 120 IQ, and plenty of browns with > 120 IQ. A couple of blacks with > 120 IQ.
No credible scientific evidence ever produced supports the notion that black people are sub-human. You don't understand science. Stick to your safe space retard.
please post sources to gifs. that literally means nothing without context. it makes anons seem like idiots who just find cool MEMES and INFOGRAPHICS and GIFS that seem to support their worldview. trash tier.
Autism is being used to describe mathematically gifted or intellectually gifted individuals. I'm not using it here literally. Men act more like spergs as they're usually weirder yet smarter as a whole.
I stick by my point. More men fall into the intellectually gifted than men do (they act more antisocial; nomliteral autism). If we make it so only taxpayers vote, it'll probably majority White, Asian, and Jewish males running the country. This is good, since we're smarter.
We have more idiots and geniuses than women. That's why I used autism nonliteral. People use it like this all the time. Lurk more before you post. I am not the "faggot".
lol, I am. I'm learning Russian. Have to prepare for our future overlords. Regardless how this election goes, we'll be dealing with Russia.