Holy shit how will Sup Forums ever recover?
Frank destroys rednecks of Sup Forums
Holy shit how will Sup Forums ever recover?
Frank destroys rednecks of Sup Forums
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>implying pol cares about some shitty youtuber whos only fanbase is autistic/ edgy kids
You forgot to put Sup Forums BTFO BY JAP HALF-BREED in the subject.
FilthyFrank has always been known by Sup Forums to be an SJW cuck, along with his mates Maxmoefoe, iDubbbz, and H3H3.
Only reddit migrants have said otherwise.
>A bisexual half gook who works in a Japanese version of 7-Eleven.
>BTFO anything
Pick one.
worthless half jap.
>charging kek cannon
Right, but they never directly discredit us because they understand a significant portion of their viewership is people who identify with us.
This is bigoted and insensitive against rednecks.
so glad I unsubbed to this faggot years ago.
If the voice was tweaked a bit more with an audio program, betcha it could sound like Ted or Jeb.
A worthless fucking mongrel. No wonder japs look down on half breeds.
>I don't understand irony or layers of irony
Are you literally autistic?
>a significant portion of their viewership is people who identify with us
That is fucking bullshit. Only wannabe edgy 9gag teens watch them. No one one Sup Forums would stoop to that level.
He looks like the kind of guy who would store his own turds in the freezer throughout the winter, and then eat them on warm summer's days to cool off.
Not sure if I would consider them SJWs
I mean half of Frank's videos outright mock the disabled, overweight, Japanese, etc.
I dunno about the others but idubbbz doesn't come off as an obnoxious libcuck
It's in le edgy ironic way.
They don't seriously believe it they are just trying to seem cool on the internet.
All his fanbase will have a black or asian best friend, listen to ghetto beats, wear swag clothes, etc.
Sup Forums finds what I listed degenerate, and is serious about our views.
We do not condone the disgrace that is FilthyFrank and friends.
t. Max
Why do hapa males look like they have ds?
How you described his fanbase is completely true. So many kids at my college watch him and they're all like what you said.
Trust me, FilthyFrank is as bad as iDubbbz.
H3H3 is great for truly destroying sjw's, such as showing hugh mungus to the world. But he pretends to be on the fence which pisses me off as he's just trying to not lose viewers for being too "alt-right".
Maxmoefoe is a bernout cuck, but I have the most hope for him as he's slowly being redpilled by his fans on twitter who keep criticising Max for hating on Trump.
Remember when the Jackass movies turned out to be subtle gay porn. This is like that. Nothing to see here.
Same with mine. Frank and the gang are a plague to society.
fuck off, when we kill all the pedos like richie rich and hillary clinton we will kill frank the cuck as well
>eats his own cooked vomit
I'm sure he has something of value to impart on us
Ian seems pretty rational normally, and definitely seems to be the more redpilled of the gang. Maybe except for Chad?
Exactly what i was thinking
>implying pol cares about some shitty youtuber whos only fanbase is autistic/ edgy kids
Seems about right.
iDubbbz is definately not redpilled, he does the typical "I'm ironically edgy" humour that plagues youtube. People I know who watch him are numales who be edgy ironically.
reported for pre-teen picture
Not talking about his content, more talking about his personality and attitude
If one of them had to be redpilled it would be him, the pill tends to make you cynical and apathetic
>posted from Sup Forums
Seems about right
It's funny, he made this video slamming Trump using sarcasm, but his fanbase will end up liking it unironically and will support Trump
so wtf?
I'm a national socialist and I think papa franku is hilarious. You guys need to lighten up. Frank is one of us.
>the pill tends to make you cynical and apathetic
No it doesn't.
That's evidence of overdosing on blue pills.
The redpill is appreciating the beauty of this world and the will to fight for it.
What the fuck are you on about
The red pill is realising how shitty and fucked the world is. The literal opposite of "ignorance is bliss"
>opinions I disagree with are shitposting.
He openly makes fun of retards, fat people, trannies, tumblr, mocks black culture. He is probably a Trump supporter himself.
I never said ignorance is bliss is redpilled, it's not. Also being a depressed low energy loser is bluepilled as well.
Being redpilled is fighting for what you believe, fighting against the globalist establishment in order to protect the beautiful world and civilisation we live in.
What do you think Sup Forums is gonna do when Hillary wins?
iDubbbz doesn't do it ironically but so far as I can tell the Frank guy is a huge fag IRL and bills all his stuff as satire.
Search for videos of his actual self, he's a fucking gay cunt
Yes, this mongrel suffering from strokes sure showed us wrong about our positions, like how racemixing creates subpar abominations.
Frank is a half jap liberal aussie e-celeb who eats human waste for money
hmm, i see
Thank you
>The literal opposite of "ignorance is bliss"
Hate is good
Birds of a feather flock together