Election Prediction

Guys, the only way we can win is if Trump wins BOTH NC and NH, which he's currently tied in with the polls. If he wins both, then it will go to the House of Representatives (which, thank god, is Republican-controlled.)

If he doesn't win both, which is equally likely, we'll have a dem president and soon a dem congress, meaning amnesty for Illegals, plus the 13 million new dem voters for next election. Guys, if Trump doesn't win these two states, the Republican party is gone forever.

Pennsylvania is a toss up according to RCP.

There is still a chance he could win Colorado, Michigan, or Pennsylvania though

PA and CO alone would be enough to win and not even worry about NH

Also Colorado.

Whats up with Nevada? Media is jerking off over a high turnout for Hillary. Will it really go red?

Don't worry, Virginia is going red.

Clintons up 4.7 in VA. It's not going red.

Trump is up 2.

FL and NC are tied. If Trump pulls those out, and gets NH (where he is down 0.8%) and every other state breaks along current polling, Trump wins by 2 votes.

Most likely outcome is him winning Maine's 2nd district for 1EV.
NC was red in 2012 and dem early vote numbers are behind 2012 numbers...
Trump really needs IA,NV,NH and FL

Wrong. Clinton is actually pretty far above Trump there. Surprising considering she opposes weed more than he does.

I appreciate the optimism, but I really don't realistically see him winning both Ohio and Florida. I have a good feeling about Ohio but for some reason I just don't see Florida pulling through for him (or NH).

RCP has her up only 2.6% In any case, he doesnt need CO.

RCP has him up 3.3 in Ohio. FL is tied.

Last 5 polls in pen have Clinton up an average of 3.5. That's a loss for Donald.

Which is fine. He doesn't need it.

But RCP calls it a toss up.

It really depends on Florida then. If he can snag Florida and gain in NH and NC, then he has a shot.

FL and NC are tied, and he's only down 0.8

Unless Rick Wilsons story is as big as he claims, Trump has a real shot at this.

>only down 0.8

Earlier today polls had him up in Florida by 2 and now they're tied. I think as long as he plays it safe he can win there.

Who has the shopped picture of Jeb winning the electoral collage with his body superimposed and he's stretching his arms out celebrating the fact?

Here is the RCP Avg.
Pennsylvania has Clinton up only 1.7 and moved it into Toss Up.

Oops, you're forgetting Maine. It will probably red, or at least partially.


Sorry, MI is going red this year.


North Carolina here. About to move the fuck out back to Alaska in a few months, I highly doubt trump is going to flip this shithole of a state, there's tons of racist backwardass blacks who hate the shit out of all whitey and are openly racist without consequence, everyone voting early is going clinton from the turnout I've seen so far. I work in a pretty ghetto part of town though, so take what I say with a grain of salt. The polls for killary have taken a literal nosedive but doubt highly Trump will take NC. Woe for us, brothers.

Thanks senpai

this is the most based path to victory - winning Electoral college despite losing popular vote

flipping a major blue state (PA/MI/etc) wouldn't BTFO liberals as hard as this

Maine 2nd.

N Carolina looks like it'll vote Trump
But you do know that Nevada is leaning democrat right?
And new Hampshire will most likely be blue as well

It doesn't matter anyway because that won't put him over. He still needs to flip a 10+ state to get the victory

I said the same thing yesterday with this same jpeg.

The updated stats only proved me right