>“My analysis is that Trump would not be permitted to win. Why do I say that? Because he has had every establishment off his side. Trump does not have one establishment, maybe with the exception of the Evangelicals, if you can call them an establishment,” said Assange. “Banks, intelligence, arms companies, foreign money, etc. are all united behind Hillary Clinton. And the media as well. Media owners, and the journalists themselves.”

Other urls found in this thread: magic

There is no sliding this Dumpftards

Is this reverse psychology to convince people to vote for trump?

when was this really filmed as is our boy Assange even still alive?

Increasingly nervous man has shifted his criticism to Trump now has he.

You could say the same thing about Brexit.

>Increasingly nervous man has shifted his criticism to Trump now has he.

If you are cognitively impaired.

Nothing he said in that quote is a criticism of Trump.

No, it's just defeatism.

He's implying we should all stay home because voting is pointless.

Well, I don't feel defeated. Assange can go fuck himself.


that's what i was wondering -- my analysis was the same

when will these SJW libtards realize what we're really up against

I agree. Hard for me to believe Assange is so blind that he would see a Trump victory as nearly impossible. He has a historical following. His chances are good.

Assage is looking at it from the wrong perspective.
He thinks Trump can't win because the establishment is against him, but it's the people who are with Trump.
Trump is going to win in a landslide and there's nothing they can do to rig it. People are too red pilled to let them steal the election.

Trump is going to win whether old jewish faggots like it or not.
The people I follow, the people I talk to all believe he has already won. People like Stefan Molyneux, Styx, Bill Mitchell, Scott Adams etc.
Things are looking good from my perspective.

WSJ, NYT and Huffpo dropped Hilary. FBI backs Trump. Assange should get back to leaks and quit saying stupid shit.

Maybe the plan is to let Trump win, then destroy him while he is president. Hillary gets in one way or the other after that.

>Trump does not have one establishment, maybe with the exception of the Evangelicals, if you can call them an establishment,”

Christ if he thinks the Evangecucks are a 'pro-Trump establishment' he really is beginning to lose it.

Trump sold out to religious nuts Why would you want them to win and have influence? I don't want theocracy lite.

>Well I don't feel disheartened, I'll go vote on the 8th and make sure the Democrats don't bus a cartload of niggers to 6 polling locations in my county
The plan is working, see?

The people is with Trump. This will probably hurt for a while dear neighboor but america will be saved.

We need to see the full interview, they are already trying to send this to the spin zone

Brexit was the same. Every company wanted remain. Media and establishments too. Hell, on the day, the polls showed Remain 10 ahead. Do you remember what happened that fateful day?

>but it's the people who are with Trump

Does not mean anything. People don't even directly elect the president in the US. See the year 2000 Bush vs Gore election results, more people voted for Gore but Bush had more electoral votes and won the election.

I don't think Assange fully appreciates the deterrent that the 2nd amendment is. How can he? He's not American. They can't just blatantly rig the election and Trump's organic support seems to overwhelmingly more than hers.

Shit would hit the fan very fucking fast.

if he's not saying vote for trump, he's saying vote for hillary. dude it's like 3 days away this shit is real

Trump has the FBI

>People don't even directly elect the president in the US.
And if electors went against the popular vote conducted in their respective state, shit would hit the fan. Citizens would take to the streets, I imagine. Certainly not me though because I experienced a boating accident recently.

I hope all of you understand the goal was never to win.

Let me ask you this. How many more people are now red pilled in the U.S?

I'll also ask you this. How many disenfranchised alphabet letter agents will defect and try creating a re-conciliatory government with ex-military and Trump?

The goal of this election cycle was to break the paradigm. There's a very long road ahead but seemingly not enough time. Time.



That's literally the opposite of what he's saying. He's saying Trump is winning but the powers that be will rig it anyways. Which I don't agree with but that's what he's implying.

Assange is Australian, and he does not understand.

Trump has the American people. A bunch of stupid, God-fearing, gun-clutching dumbasses.

And that's the most powerful establishment there is.

>on the day, the polls showed Remain 10 ahead

[citation needed]

>I hope all of you understand the goal was never to win.
But we're going to anyways


Assange is a very indirect man in his manner of speech. I've been following him for years, listening to his speeches far more than the average pollack ever will.

He has a thing he does I call "Assangbabble", where he goes off on tangent after tangent and speaks in riddles. At first, it seems boring and unintelligible...but if you pay attention and analyze it's actually brilliance.

The October surprise livestream on Infowars was actually Assangbabble and while Alex Jones was throwing a cow Julian was actually laying out some dank shit. Go rewatch the wikileak 10th anniversary speech and actually pay attention to it this time. Everything he has done in the past 30 days was actually foreshadowed in it.

So the translation from assangbabble to english in the OP is basically this:

"Hillary supporters are a bunch of brainwashed fucking idiots, and unfortunately there are enough of them to make Trump lose"

Assange has always been redpilled and always on our side.

It's so sad. Assange is my hero.

I remember. This was glorious because it was so unexpected

>I hope all of you understand the goal was never to win.

pretty sure it was

Guys here's the deal. It doesn't matter how many votes are cast and for whom.

It only matters who is collecting and the counting the votes.

How are you still regurgitating this guys bullshit? Dude post another thread about "this leak is totally gonna bring down Hillary, Assange tweeted so!!!"

You're getting baited and you don't even realize it.

>The people is with Trump.
>when the leaf isn't a fag


Everyone keeps talking about how the people would take it to the streets but I doubt that would actually happen. Only the blacks in America seem to be capable of chimping out. White people would get away with some butthurt comments on Facebook.

its over for drumpf it shows how stupid americans are that they think their vote counts not knowing how the electoral college works.

He's saying the system is rigged. Trump isn't going to win because the establishment won't let it happen. He's also saying that the entire democratic process is an illusion.

>Something is going to the spin zone


Funny isn't it?

That's completely irrelevant and just shows that you don't understand US elections.
Popular vote doesn't matter. The electoral vote matters.

Bush probably rigged a state or two to win.
Hillary will not be able to rig shit. She's losing too hard to be able to come back.
It's going to be a Trump landslide.

You're also looking at it from the wrong perspective

I'm what you'd call "in the enemies camp" between social media and my libcuck parents who I take care of and visit.

"It's afraid" is the perfect read on the hard regressive left and babyboomer democrats

I'm in a "swing state" of Florida and the liberals are in full meltdown mode because florida is swinging south beach whores lipstick red this cycle between Trump addressing every issue the normal voting middle class cares about and obama pissing off the fucking Cubans by opening up relations with the murderers on the island.

Nothing but tired "he's racis REEEEE" fb memes and "I can't believe Trump is going to be our next president ;_;"

On paper I'm a Democrat too so I sow dissention at every turn on social media by shitposting about Clinton corruption and shilling4da protest vote with unconvertible libcucks.

We're going to make America great again and the polls say so. The "gap" is going to get closer and closer to make the eventual reaganslide more salvageable for all these partisan polls.

I've been to GA, SC, NC, and live in florida over the last 3 weeks. All solid SOLID red. All so called "swing" or muh democlap takeover states.

I know The Independent is a god awful source, but it's on Populus.


if trump gets a landslide victory though, how could they possibly not give it to him? the only thing they have against him as that he's radically different than the last president, which isn't really a bad thing for a president elect

With everything you've seen this cycle, do you sincerely believe (and I mean taking an honest deep dive inside of yourself) that these people wouldn't rig a general election that would now receive almost zero blowback from a gigantic portion of the complacent and cucked United States populace who absorbed the most intense propaganda campaign since fictional times (literally only seen in dystopian sci fi material) would do anything to upset TPTB?

The victory here isn't the most obvious one but an important one nonetheless. We now have a legitimate "formation" and face/leader in Trump.

Is there enough time to do what must be done without causing either side to do something rash is completely undecided by the sands of time.

Keep on praising because we're going to need lots of it.

Well I certainly hope so, but I'm not holding my breath for it.

Is this your first election? Jesus fucking Christ. No one would take the streets because the popular vote loses, retard.

Do you even know how your elections work?
It's perfectly normal and reasonable for the popular vote to lose. That's how it's designed.
For example: CA has 55 electoral votes and WY has 3. If you adjust for population CA should have 65 electoral votes. This makes it so that popular vote is irrelevant, it's states that are relevant.

never happen using algorithims timed with RNG's compiled voting results done electronically and at the machine itself can be flipped to fill the gap providing a teeny tiny margin to hillary which is all thats needed in a couple precincts in the whole country for a HRC win.

>businessman who rubs elbows with the rich and wealthy on a day to day basis
>has no connection with banks, intelligence, or arms

yeah not buying it

This is just a thinly laces insult at hillary Clinton and the establishment.

He's right though, it's unlikely they will let trump win. I'm still voting for him, better than doing nothing.

She may have the establishment, but Trump has the people.

That is exactly the perspective I am looking at.
I know what's happening in Florida.
Florida is going to be red. No doubt about it.
Liberals are extremely anxious and they're already ready for a loss.

but what if the favor is so much in trumps court that the exit polls would make that look like an obvious rigging?

Except when I say all those YouTube videos of U.S military machinery at their (Clinton and friends) hands and seeing that they could convince the sleeping folk of our nation to complacently follow along makes for a scary scenario.

Like Trump said "These people will and can do anything they want" and "If they've done all of this to me, think of what they can do to you!". All that shit is true.

Don't doubt for a second that they would label this whole "movement" of ours a "terrorist" group/operation and propoganda the whole American populace to believe and accept them using predator drones on KEK/PEPE's army.

They're absolutely willing and capable. That's pure unadulterated god like power if you think of it. Doesn't mean they're invincible but certainly a force not to be taken lightly.

I want to make it very clear that when I say "U.S" I mean the multinational syndicate that has this country and most of the world hostage with the biggest muscle that money can afford and then some.

It's neither. We already know Assange is anti-establishment as fuck, and he identifies with Trump to some extent for that reason. This commentary is simply a redpill, intended to draw focus to the globalist establishment who pull all the strings.

Check out old Trump videos. He's legit.

The only thing he's really guilty off is that later in life he wanted to get into politics without running for president, so he would buy Hillary Clinton and tell her to advocate for a wall and deportation.

They are going to cheat, and it will be up to our side to find our balls and do something about it.

They always fucking cheat, and we always let them get away with it.

I cant wait to watch documentaries about this shit in a few years

Well with what he's known for a long time I'm not surprised he has no hope.

1) UK has paper ballots counted by hand. US has electronic ballots which are centrally tabulated.
2) We still don't have Brexit

>but what if the favor is so much in trumps court that the exit polls would make that look like an obvious rigging?
There is no favor like I said it would be a small margin so small it would make it seem like HRC made it out of alive. It wouldnt be rampant since only key precincts are needed in specific states by a small percentage in the tenths of a percent to assure victory.

The popular vote is irrelevant user if you didnt know that is not how US elections work. On the state level it goes by precincts etc...

Everything Evil touches, it kind of screws up with hubris.

Remember that :)

You can ask for paper ballots dum dum

They're already cheating.
There have been dozens of arrests of people who voted 4 times, illegal immigrants who voted 2 times, reports of machines casting the wrong vote etc.

It's already happening and who knows how many people don't get caught.

I still think it's going to be a Trump landslide.

>No, it's just defeatism.

He's just a realist. He knows how politics work, and why someone like Trump cannot win. And even if he does win and he wants the presidency, he'll have to conform and comply with a whole lot of bullshit that will make most of his political campaign absolutely meaningless.

Welcome to the real world. You'll never win.

They're fed into a machine you complete tool. The first publicly verified method of manipulating the vote was via the scanning machines

BTW, fucking leaf

It'll literally be a retarded/genius autistic anime gayboi's vs fucking Aizen, Frieza, Sensui, Father, Cell, Madara etc.


It's been fun shitposting fags.

It will happen user.

Never lose faith.

Also, always ask for paper ballots.

wow this is just like my japanese cartoons holy crap!!! wow guys!!! lol!!!! WTF

>Clinton is the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen
>Trump won't be allowed to win because every piece of shit organization in the world is behind the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen.

This Hilfaggot is delighted by his big win.


You arrogant faggot how the fuck am i supposed to know how your shitty fake election cards in a normal country we use paper ballots because we are not fucking retarded like you americans
>nigger president

Nearly every paper ballot in the entire country of the USA is fed into a central tabulator like GEMS. Once in that database, it's very easy to manipulate results by adding a fraction to each vote for candidate A and subtracting it from candidate B. You cannot see the manipulation in the individual ballots. There can be no recount without printing the ballots and hand-counting them. This will never happen.

Soros wins. Checkmate

Trump will win.

Is everyone in Canada 12?

You tried to hard you broke some kind of try barrier

Can you prove any of this?

What rock have have you been hiding under the past week? magic

It's hard to look impartial when you are constantly dumping evidence that Hillary is a fucking disgusting, felonious, traitorous, duplicitous lump of rectal cancer.

Balancing it out with, "they'll never elect him, he's not rectal cancer," is as good a way as any.

What if Trump just permits himself to win? It would seem like the obvious choice.

LOL try barrier that's pretty good man tip of the fedora 2 u LOL I'm going to tell my gf about this and she usually laughs at my jokes if u don't mind me taking it from u

What about the establishment of the American People? Thats the only one that matters.

Ok now show me how soros owns these machine

That's the only one which is entirely irrelevant and easily appeased.

Are you really this deluded?

>using RT as source
Wew lads and you complain about shills. RT does more shilling for Putin than any western news site is shilling for Hillary. Every anti-american lunatic even gets a "news-show" to yell unsourced bullshit. I'm not saying that Russia are the bad guys, I'm saying that they are as un-American as it gets. You fags claim to be right wingers yet you endorse someone who would rather cuddle up with Russia than your own country. Pathetic.

Honestly seems like the closest he's come to an actual endorsement thus far. I can see where he's coming from here, and I previously thought that way myself, but I think the shift in the polls and the tone of the media has been controlled because the magnitude of Trump support is beyond whatever fudge factor they can get away with. It seems that even CNN is sliding away from Clinton recently.

There's also the part where Diebold employees discuss "weighted races."

>Weighted voting systems are voting systems based on the idea that not all voters should have the same amount of influence over the outcome of an election.

Here's an exert from one of the e-mails pulled out:

>The reason it works like this is for esoteric statistical reasons. 12.23 might actually be 12.234, and 12.24 might be 12.237. When you sum a list of floating point numbers, the sum has one less decimal place of significance than the elements. Or just trust me -- I didn't like stats in school any more than you did.

The number of decimal places should all be configurable, but weighted races are really just a one-shot thing for Sacramento right now. When we get more weighted customers, this will be enhanced."

That's them actually talking about how many decimal points they need to hide their Fraction Magic, and admitting that only specific customers will have the "weighted" option enabled.

Google Drive with about a thousand e-mails between employees who worked on the Diebold Electronic Voting Machines here:

>ID oy

I know the U.S is giant, but would counting it by hand work? Or will it be irrelevant if magic can still be applied manually?

I feel bad for you lads.
Never give up though.

I've been saying this since the start.
It's blatantly obvious since Trump became the republican nominee, that he will not be allowed to win.

No, user was saying that Assange's goal was never necessarily for Trump to win. It would have been nice and go along with his establishment feeling, but user was saying Assange always knew that would be a long shot, but he was focused on trying to red-pill more and more people in the US and the world about how fucked up the US establishment was... He knew he wasn't going to waltz in and have an easy job doing it, but now people will keep interested in his leaks even if it is, as he says, rigged for Hillary.

ALERT: Wikileaks has confirmed: Sup Forums and The_Donald are definitely onto something in their threads about a pedo ring in the government.

Everyone report into the pedo investigation, /cfg/ and wikileaks threads and get digging so we can find the smoking gun - We can't let these sick fucks steal the election.

Retard, mindless contrarian idiots on par with the angsty faggotry that is "le legion xD" compromised this election, and this is coming from somebody who has already early voted Trump.

Shit like this
>Harvard law school graduate and constitutional lawyer
>Military veteran
>Unabashed conservative and gun enthusiast
>Past president of FIRE, legal group who fights on usually conservative students behalfs against discrimination by liberal authorities in academics
>Get's harassed, death threats, child photoshopped to being in a gas chamber, wifes blog covered in gore and executions

Literally any other Republican candidate had a guaranteed election win against Hillary, even before the extent of her corruption was revealed by wikileaks, with that literally any lame-duck candidate would have blown her the fuck out of water as she is universally disliked and shown to be corrupt.

But mindless contrarian faggots had to shill overtime for the man who says what ever he wants like a maverick xDDDD, can't conduct himself in even the most mildly of respectable fashions and polarized a nation so bad that despite the political climate the past 4 years being HEAVILY in favor of Republicans, literally threw away a victory.

You're on par with the GOP establishment in 2012 who threw away the election by running some irrelevant Mormon who couldn't abide by a stance if it killed him.

Rand, Walker, even CHRISTIE should have been on the fucking ticket instead of this buffoon.

Also, if anyone has the source code for the machines, or knows where to follow up on to possibly find it, please post it. Rumors are, the parts that apply the actual vote rigging process are very obvious. The coders who worked on this weren't exactly the cream of the crop.

Incorrect. Trump has the FBI.

Thanks cool guy


Smartmatic sells an entire polling station setup:
It's a plug-and-play voting system for any city hall elections official who is too stupid to figure out how to do it.
The chairman of Smartmatic is Mark Malloch.
Mark Malloch is on the board of Open Society Foundation.
YOU are a lazy moron