Was re-watching pic related

Was re-watching pic related.
Got 3 seasons in and the realization hit me that this kid's hyperbolically bad childhood was actually better than mine.

He didn't have it that bad at all. Timmy was a punk.

What, did you get molested or something?

No, but my bipolar father constantly used his family as a scapegoat for any of his problems. He'd get so angry he'd start throwing shit and spit would fly out of his mouth. Imagine a 7 year old being screamed at by a 300 pound jackass. Happened at least three times a week for my entire childhood.
Any mistake caused it. And sometimes he'd just get angry away from home and come home to vent at us.
And my mother didn't help matters when she would talk about how she wished she was dead.
What a couple of fucking pieces of shit my parents were.

The show presents a reality where Timmy is 'miserable' and thus receives Fairy Godparents, but misery has to be relative because his life is really not that bad in the grand scheme of misery. Every kid in the 3rd world should have fairies if Timmy is the benchmark for misery.

Well they can't actually give Timmy BAD parents, that'd be too original.

Yep, that's worse than Timmy.

I know, and I'm not saying my childhood was the worst on earth. I agree that 3rd world kids probably had it worse.
But the constant psychological attacks...every week. It didn't matter what I did. It didn't matter if I got good grades or didn't ever get in trouble at school.

They can't give Timmy bad parents because an important part of the show is that his parents love him and care about him. Making vicky the villain at least gives timmy some separation from her because she's not family. But when you have to live with your tormentors, it's an impossible situation to alleviate.

Yeah, but did you ever get hit by a ball and fall into a puddle?

My ma liked throwing bottles at me when I got frustrated by her rants about how worthless I am and insulted her back

>when I was five my mother told me she was so fed up that she might just leave and never come back
>my father died when I was about 10 but I remember him getting angry frequently and easily

user I think that the FOP isn't supposed to involve the general shittiness of actual parents. And perhaps more importantly the show was made for children. Children don't tend to ruminate on how much their parents suck and why, adults tend to do that years after when they have the perspective to understand how shitty their parents (and siblings) were (and in some cases still are).

That describes my childhood except somehow my dad was both narcissistic and drunk and my mom abandoned me
You know seeing them age badly really brings joy into my life
Well that's not true but still, closest thing to happiness I ever experienced

I always figured that fairy godparents were assigned to the most miserable kid in a particular geographical area, so Timmy seemed to be the one kid in his town assigned them, judging from the It's a Wonderful Life parody episode where Chester, who is apparently the second most miserable kid in town after Timmy, is assigned Cosmo and Wanda in a universe where Timmy never existed. Also I think there's an episode where Tootie becomes slightly more miserable than Timmy for a day and Cosmo and Wanda get reassigned to her.

Which would mean that the majority of the kids in the third world are fucked since only the most miserable kid in a village full of actual suffering children will get fairies while on the other side of the world well off upper middle class kids are getting distributed fairies simply because they were lucky enough to be born in a town where most kids aren't too unhappy. It's actually a pretty fucked up system but I guess nobody said it would be perfect.

Because it's a show made for kids. You think it would be greenlit if Mr. Turner came home drunk, surprised sexed his wife and then got out his belt and beat Timmy for good measure?

Kill yourselves, faggots

I went to sleep every night crying and promising myself I would never forget and I would never forgive them, I still have memories of that, I kept my promise.

Are you kidding me? I could have never overcome such pain.

Yeah I'm glad my parents never physically abused me, but at least you get the point of what I was trying to say.
My dad used to play football (defensive-line) in college, so he's huge and it always terrified me when i was a small child when he'd go into a blind rage.

Well the thing is that timmy's problems stem mostly from vicky being an evil cunt to him. At least when vicky isn't there he can relax.

I'm sorry things were bad for you as well. I think my life would have actually turned out better if my dad had just left before I ever knew him.


Why didn't Tootie get fairies?

Probably because she would've revealed their existence too quickly. I don't really know and I don't think it's ever explained in the series.

Oh yeah, the birthday episode.

>Which would mean that the majority of the kids in the third world are fucked since only the most miserable kid in a village full of actual suffering children will get fairies
Then immediately lose them because they're now happier than every other kid in the area. Fairy World probably gave up on starving African villages years ago because of how much work it was to keep reassigning the fairies. Maybe they just have one fairy who floats around granting random kids' wishes in secret now.

has fan stuff ever delved into the African countries in the FOP world?

This is really terrible, but I'm laughing really hard at it.

>Imagine a 7 year old being screamed at by a 300 pound jackass. Happened at least three times a week for my entire childhood.

>show is basically about a kid's imagination
>trying to put a rigid rule structure to how the world works

The fantastical fairies having a super rigid rule structure is one of the core jokes of the show.

When I was a kid I didn't get why Timmy was miserable, being ignored by adults would've been heaven.

You should tweet that to Butch.

I feel ya.

Even in universe the show brings up that Chester has it worse than him several times.

It is shown that Chester is happier in his shit life because his father actually loves him instead of the constant emotional neglect Timmy experiences.

its a fucking cartoon, of course its going to be better than boring old real life.

jesus christ you retards are dumb.

Yeah because the whole psychopathic babysitter just screams "better than real life".

nice blog you fag

Two sentences is a blog post?
What retarded ass blogs are you reading?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Fairly Oddparents. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Da Rules most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Timmy's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Tuatha Dé Danann literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Fairly Oddparents truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Timmy's existencial catchphrase "What could possibly go wrong," which itself is a cryptic reference to Accolade's Russian epic Bubsy I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Butch Hartman's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Cosmo and Wanda tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>Then immediately lose them because they're now happier than every other kid in the area

Well I would kind of assume that the kinds of kids in those places that are miserable enough to get fairies over all the others would be the ones that are being consistently raped or mutilated or dying from disease. The kind that would have long term problems that the fairies couldn’t just fix.

Winning fairy godparents in lottery would be actually more realistic.

Huh he sounds like my mother

They only give fairies to functionally retarded kids like Timmy that can't go a day without making some stupid wish they have to scramble to clean up. It's their only form of entertainment.

nice facebook meme, homo

At least you had a childhood. I was forced to raise younger sibilings because Mom rather stay up partying with her friends all night.

While there being Rules was a good idea, some of the specific Rules they have introduced were terrible ideas in my opinion


I think it's less the way his parents treated him and more the way vicky did.
It still should have been worse though.

Bart was a piece of shit though.

anons, you suddenly get fairy odd parents
what do? (all rules apply)

>misery is a competition
>time to make a thread and blog-post

Can't they just ask the fairies to get rid of those traumatizing memories?

Lose them, because you have to be 18 to post here and adults can't have fairies.

>I always figured that fairy godparents were assigned to the most miserable kid in a particular geographical area
Remy proves otherwise, though.

Not if we act like kids! Pretty easy for us.

Vicky was meant to represent the domestic abuse that Timmy was subject to.

I'm not going to tell any stories because the thread is already full of fucking blogposts, but Timmy has a complete family, both employed sober parents neither of whom lays a hand on him, friends, his own room, lots of toys, is never hungry or has to eat bland "food" to stay so, has money for books and clothes, and the worst his "evil" babysitter makes him do is chores — that thing all kids who aren't spoiled rotten do already. So he has it better than 90% of children in the world, and then he has the fairies on top of that. So yes, unless you're middle class or better in a developed country, him being "unhappy" is a fucking joke for you.

>Sup Forums - Broken Childhoods & Bad Parenting

Unfittingness aside, how are you guys doing now? How exactly did your early problems fuck you up later in life? How did you guys escape from those problems?

They are kind of aware of that, since the counter example to Timmy's situation was Chester. Chester is apparently happier than him and he's got way less than Timmy though.


>So yes, unless you're middle class or better in a developed country, him being "unhappy" is a fucking joke for you.
I'm not saying you're wrong about Timmy's situation. But social class isn't everything, grandpa. Stop being such a whiny faggot about it. You clearly don't know shit.

Oh, damn it. Made me chuckle, user

>How exactly did your early problems fuck you up later in life?
I'm probably schizoid (but not schizophrenic). Every time I talk to people I feel like I'm using a facade, like I'm always acting. I'll be friends with someone for months and then one day just cut all communications and never see them again. Same thing happens with online communities; I'll just disappear after a couple months and never come back.

>How did you guys escape from those problems?
Video games

I know that not having to worry about whether your family can afford rent and food goes a long fucking way for a kid's happiness.

Well it depends on the situation, but I was talking about cases where the abuse is continuing to occur. If a kid wished to forget about being raped and then was raped again later that night, it’d kinda be even worse.

Remy had already had a fairy when he moved to Dimmsdale, right? I had assumed he’d been assigned his fairy in his previous home but allowed to keep him after the move.

This thread failed to realize one thing: The Fairy Godparents are not real. They're Timmy's imaginary friends.

That's why there's no logic like this . There're no fairy world and no other kid ever gets them. It's all in Timmy's head cause his real life sucks.

Actually, it’s all in Timmy’s dad’s head. See, his dad is in a mental hospital having an autistic coma dream about the son he never had. Also the characters are all dead and are ghosts.

This can also be real, but it's less probable.

You're both wrong.
Clearly the entire show is just Doidle's (Vicky's dog) dreams. He even dreamed that he was a human once (that episode where Timmy switched places with him).

Some people aren't supposed to have children. They do though, just because they feel like it.

Your mom is to blame for being a typical roastie whore and breeding with Chad even though he has mental issues and is unfit to raise a child.
